Pretty Clueless for a Cop (Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader)

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Natasha wasn't one to let her feelings cloud her judgment. Ever. It's part of what made her a good cop, but there was something about you that made it difficult for her to keep her cool. It didn't take long for the redhead to realize that it was because she had feelings for you. However, she knew she didn't have a chance with you. Not when you were with someone else. Natasha hated that someone. She really did.

The thing about your significant other was that they didn't appreciate you. They spent the entire time badmouthing you behind your back. It was clear to Natasha that this relationship wasn't good for you. But, being the person she was, she stayed out of it. At least until she couldn't anymore.

The entire precinct decided to hit the bar after a hard case. That wasn't unusual at all. Natasha wasn't usually one for the party scene, but Chief Fury had insisted that night. "We earned it, no one more than you, Romanoff. It's thanks to you we closed the case. Go on and celebrate with the rest of the team." Natasha reluctantly agreed when you approached her too. "Are you coming tonight, Romanoff? I'd love to see you there." Natasha smiled. "I guess." You gave a little cheer before running off to stand with your boyfriend.

"Oh my god, why didn't I see it before?" Natasha glared at Tony. "Got something to say, Stark?" Tony raised his hands in surrender. "Nope. Now get out of here and go get ready." With a sigh, Natasha got up from her desk. She made a quick trip home to get ready. She wore one of her favorite dresses, thinking that maybe she'd be able to at least find some sort of fun. Plus, she liked dressing up since she didn't get to do it often.

The bar was already crowded when Natasha arrived. Her eyes scanned the room, immediately landing on you. You were smiling in your booth, your boyfriend's arm around your shoulder. You greeted Natasha with a bright grin. "Hey, Romanoff. Glad you could make it." Natasha discreetly scanned you and smiled to herself. You looked gorgeous, as always. "Yeah. Guess I needed a break." You reached out and took her hand. "I'm glad. It wouldn't be the same without you."

"I need another drink," your boyfriend said. You smiled. "I'll get it. I'm closer to the bar anyway." You slid out of the booth and headed toward the bar. "Man, you are one lucky guy," Tony told your boyfriend, "Y/L/N is great. She's sexy and smart and one hell of a cop." Your boyfriend shrugged a little. "I've been luckier. Sure Y/N is beautiful, but not the best girlfriend. I haven't finished training her yet."

The table went silent at his comment. Natasha balled her fists. Was he serious? "Really? Training her? She's not a damn dog to bark at your command. She's a human being. And you don't deserve her." Everyone was quiet. Natasha usually stayed out of this kind of thing. She kept her opinions to herself so to hear her jump to your defense was surprising. "Why don't you mind your own business, Romanoff? Y/N is my girlfriend, not yours and it's my job to make sure she acts the way she should."

"The way she should? You're kidding me, right? God, what does she see in you? She definitely deserves better!" An eerie silence descended over the table. Natasha looked up and saw you standing at the edge of the table. You were fuming. How much had you heard? You slammed the beer down on the table, nearly shattering the bottle. You looked ready to hit someone and no one was sure who it would be.

Tony gave Natasha a little nudge. She glanced at him. The cop next to him, Steve kept looking between you two women. Natasha looked at you again. She'd never seen you so angry before. It was time to take action before you all got kicked out of the bar. Natasha got up from her seat and pulled you out of the bar by the arm. You fought against her, but she had hidden strength that kept you away from your boyfriend.

Natasha could feel you relax as you left the bar. And suddenly she felt horrible. She didn't mean to cause issues between you and your boyfriend. Natasha wasn't one to break up any relationship, no matter how much she hated it. She stopped moving and let you go. Turning to you, Natasha sighed. "I'm sorry, Y/N." You looked at her with wide eyes.

"I should have kept my mouth shut. It's your relationship and none of my business." You let out a light laugh. Natasha continued to try and apologize until you stopped her. By pressing your lips to hers in a gentle kiss. Natasha froze, her usual confident air disappearing slightly. You pulled away as she stared at you with wide eyes. "I've been waiting months for something like this to happen."

"You have?" You nodded. "Of course I have. I knew where this was heading. I also knew it would be you who'd put him in his place if he needed it." Natasha blinked in surprise. Why were you the only one who could catch her off guard like that. "Why me?" You smiled and shook your head. "You're pretty clueless there, Nat. Why do you think I spent so much time with you? Other than wanting to be close to you? I knew I could count on you for anything. You are the most loyal friend a girl could ask for and honestly, I think you'd make an amazing girlfriend...when all this is cleared up."

Natasha just stared at you until you reached over and took her hand in yours. "What do you say we go somewhere and grab a drink? Just the two of us." She let her red-painted lips spread into a smile. "That sounds great." You let her lead you over to her car since she hadn't been drinking yet. The two of you spent the rest of the evening enjoying each other's company.     

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