Trainee, Hacker, Soulmate (Clint Barton x fem!reader)

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(obviously a Soulmate AU)

Your breath was coming out in pants as you worked with Clint. You weren't meant for this part of the job, honestly. You were a computer genius, a programmer and hacker, not an Avenger. At least that's what you thought until Director Fury decided otherwise. Now, not only were you a hacker that worked mainly with Tony Stark, but a trainee learning how to fight alongside Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

"You good?" Clint asked and you nodded. He gave you a reassuring smile before coming at you again. You barely had time to register what was happening before you were tackled to the ground once more. "Oof." Clint hovered over you with a smirk on his face. "Never let your opponent see how tired you are." You couldn't get the words out to let him know that you understood. Not that it mattered. After his sentence, Clint's eyes had wandered to your now exposed clavicle.

The tattoo there was the same one you'd had since you'd turned sixteen. It was your soul mark. An arrow. Now, all you had to do was find the match. That was proving problematic. You'd met other people with arrow tattoos, but none of them had been your soulmate. After a while, you began to think that maybe you were looking for a different kind of tattoo. Maybe not matching one, but a complementary one instead. Or maybe one that matched your personality while yours matched your soulmate's. You didn't know, but you held onto hope that one day, you'd find out.

"I think we're good for today. Good job, Y/N. You'll have to train with Natasha or Wanda for a few days. Fury assigned me a mission so I'll be gone." You frowned. Of all the Avengers, you preferred training with Clint. He was the most patient with you, but he still gave you the tough love you needed every now and again. Not to mention the fact that you were extremely attracted to the man. Yet, outside of training and missions you hacked for him, the man really didn't take much notice of you. "Alright. Thanks, Agent Barton." You got up and headed for the showers.

*teeny little time skip*

Clint was gone a lot longer than anyone expected. His mission was supposed to be a quick, in-and-out kind of thing. He was gone for nearly a week before he returned to the Tower, injured. Clint tried to make it to his room without waking everyone up, but he had no luck. Someone was already awake. You.

"Agent Barton? Are you alright?" You asked, glancing up from your book. Clint should have known it would be you that was awake. You often stayed up reading late into the night. He had really been hoping you'd be asleep. After all, since the last time he trained with you, he hadn't spoken to you and he was glad for it. It wasn't everyday that you met your soulmate.

When your shoulder was exposed to him, Clint saw the tattoo on your skin. It may not have been an exact match to his, but he knew it was you. You had an arrow while he had a binary code. It made sense that you would be his soulmate. A programmer would know all about binary. Not to mention the fact that, the day Clint had seen your mark, his own tattoo had suddenly turned (f/c). He hadn't thought much of it then, but now it was all coming together. You hadn't said anything though. Maybe you hadn't realized or maybe you weren't happy about it. Either way, Clint wasn't sure he wanted to find out.

"Agent Barton, you're bleeding!" you cried softly. Clint glanced down at his shoulder and realized that you were right. "So I am. Oh well, I can take of it." You rolled your eyes. "Don't be silly. You can't possibly reach it at that angle. Let me help you." Clint reluctantly nodded. You flashed him a smile as you got up from your spot in the couch and lead him to the lab where you knew for a fact Bruce kept some medical supplies.

Once inside, you grab the med kit and turned to Clint. "You'll, uh, have to take your shirt off." Clint sighed, but attempted to remove his shirt. You saw him struggling. "Here, let me help." You slowly removed his shirt as Clint tried not to focus on the goosebumps your fingers left in their wake. After the garment was gone, you immediately went to work. How you didn't notice the soul mark right away was beyond Clint, but he knew it was only a matter of time.

You stitched Clint up then scanned your work. You didn't want your stitches popping at every little movement. Then, as if you couldn't help yourself, you gaze flicked over Clint's bare chest. Your eyes stopped on the soul mark. "Binary?" Clint shrugged. "I guess. I don't know much about computers." That was a lie and you knew it. "Yours has color," you muttered before looking up at him again. "So you've met your soulmate already?"

Clint simply stared at you for a minute. Did he dare say it? He wasn't sure if he should, but you were clearly waiting for an answer. "Yeah." He reached out with his good arm and gently pushed the collar of your shirt away from your clavicle. "And you have too." Your brows furrowed. You glanced down, but couldn't really see a difference. Then, you grabbed your phone and activated the camera. Sure enough, your tattoo was now in color. A beautiful purple color.

"That wasn't like that this morning..." Clint chuckled. "Probably because this is the first time you've seen my soul mark. Mine didn't change until I saw yours when we were training." You looked at him again. "Are you saying that you're my soulmate?" A nod. You blinked in what was probably shock. "I felt the same. I understand it's a lot to take in. It's not like we have the safest job in the world," he started to say. He was beginning to ramble because you hadn't said anything. And despite the fact that you thought he was adorable when he rambled, you knew he didn't like to. So you did the only thing you could think of.

Clint froze when your lips met his. If there was ever any doubt that you were his soulmate, that was gone now. Kissing you felt right. It felt like he was exactly where he belonged. You pulled away suddenly, a look a pure horror on your face. "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have done that without asking! It's just you were so adorable and I couldn't-" Clint put his finger over your lips to calm you as he laughed.

"Don't apologize. You can kiss me any time you want to." You smiled behind his finger. "Really?" Clint nodded and took his finger away. He wrapped his uninjured arm around you and drew you closer. "Yeah, really." The room was thick with tension before Clint's lips met yours again.     

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