The Nova Project (Avengers x fem!alien reader) Alien AU-ish

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You stared out over the land that was supposed to be yours. Supposed to be, but never would be if you didn't find that damned artifact. It was the most precious thing to your people as only the person who owned it could take the crown, no matter who the previous king or queen chose to succeed them. In this case, the artifact had belonged to your mother. Your mother had ruled for nearly a century before she died. Now, it was your turn, but you'd recently discovered that the artifact had been stolen from her by someone who did not know its true value.

You had one clue as to where it was. A place called Earth. You bit your lip in worry. You'd only left your home planet a few times before and never without someone close to you. But this was important and sensitive. That meant you needed to go alone. You told only one person where you were going and that you weren't sure when you'd be back. "Take care of everyone while I'm gone. They need a calm ruler in my absence," you told your advisor. She nodded and stepped back to let you work your magic.

Taking a deep breath, you held a hand out in front of you, conjuring up a portal. Before you even stepped through, you could tell Earth was nothing like your planet. Part of you worried that you wouldn't be able to do this, but another part knew you had no choice. So, steeling your nerves, you stepped through the portal. As soon as you were through, the portal disappeared and you were left alone. That didn't last long.

You were soon surrounded by a group of people carrying what you assumed were weapons by the way they were brandishing them at you. They were saying something in a language you didn't know. You willed your mind to understand them, a power you were grateful to have learned from your mother. "Get down on the ground." You didn't want to listen, but you had no weapons to defend yourself. The magic you carried inside you was strictly to protect your own mind or create portals. You had no option but to obey the ones with the advantage. Once you were on the ground, one of the people roughly grabbed your shoulder and practically dragged you into the nearby building. You had no idea what was in store for you, but you were about to find out.

*time skip. The Avengers Tower*

"Are you sure about this?" Steve asked Bucky. The former assassin nodded solemnly. "After HYDRA was so successful with me, they began to experiment with others. That's why we have Enhanced," he said as he gestured to Wanda and Pietro, "And a few years ago, they began something they called 'The Nova Project.' Whoever this Nova is, they aren't like the rest of us. HYDRA has been working on them for years for nothing. There's something about Nova's mind that they can't get to. Nova has been there long enough that, if we can find them, they should be able to help us."

The team exchanged a glance. This was the first good news they'd had in a while. If they could find whoever this Nova person was, they could get valuable information about HYDRA and finally bring them down once and for all. "Where can we find Nova? Do you know?" Natasha asked. Bucky frowned. "Not for certain, but last I heard, HYDRA was keeping The Nova Project somewhere," he said, pointing to a spot on the map. "Then that's where we start. Everybody, suit up."

Meanwhile, you were trapped in the same cell you'd been in from the beginning. Ever since those monsters had taken you in. You didn't expect the people of Earth to be so rude. Never once did they ask your name. In fact, the never said anything to you other than barking orders. And the experiments? They were awful. You weren't exactly sure what their experiments were supposed to do to you, but you could tell the leaders of the place were getting frustrated. That made you happy. They had no idea about the magic that was protecting your mind from them.

Unfortunately, all their experiments were also physically draining you. It made it impossible for you to conjure a portal back home. That and the fact that you hadn't been able to find your mother's artifact. You knew you needed to find a way out and fast. But you were too weak. While the mental aspects of the experiments weren't working, the physical ones were. You were beaten and bruised and given no time to heal. Luckily, you wouldn't have to wait much longer for a rescue.

Your rescue came in the form of a man dressed in red and gold. He was accompanied by two others, a woman with red hair and a second man dressed in red, white, and blue. You shrank back a little. So far, your experience with earthlings hadn't been very pleasant. "You don't need to be afraid. We're here to help. Are you...Nova?" Your ears perked up a bit. "T-That's what they called me. My real name is Y/N. Princess, uh, Queen Y/N." The three exchanged a glance. "Well, Queenie, let's get you out of here." You followed them somewhat reluctantly. At least it was better than being locked away.

The three rescuers took you to their base and gave you a room to heal in. Once you were able to rest, it didn't take you long to heal. One of the perks of your people was quick healing. After a few days, you were able to rejoin your rescuers. You learned that they were only a few of a larger group called the Avengers. You knew instantly who they were. Tales of their deeds had traveled even to your home planet.

"Perhaps you could help me. I am looking for an artifact. One very important to my people. It was taken from my planet and brought here, to Earth. An ancient sword that signifies the ruler of my planet. Without it, my people will never fully accept me as queen. I cannot let it fall into the wrong hands or my people are doomed." You described the sword.

"I haven't seen anything like it, but I might know someone who has. I think we can help you, if you can stick around a little longer." You smiled softly. You couldn't believe how different these people were from the ones who had captured you. "Only for a little while. My people are undoubtedly wondering what has happened to me. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness."

The one who you now knew as Tony returned the smile. "Anytime. Now...where did I put that thing that Quill gave me?" While he searched, you spent time with the other Avengers, getting to know them. As you learned about them, you realized that there really was more outside of your small planet. That there were people worth meeting and learning about and evils that needed to be fought against. You knew that, when you returned home, you would put every effort into helping the other planets fight those evils. Your first step? Helping theAvengers take down HYDRA and letting them know that the Nova Project had not only failed, but had awoken something inside you that was ten times worse than anything they could have imagined. 

(a/n: The requester wanted there to be a 2nd part, but that is not going to happen in this case. I still have waaaaaaay too many requests on the list and this one was difficult to write. It just didn't come as easily as I'd hoped. I hope you like it, anyway.)    

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