Adapting (Bucky Barnes x reader)

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You nervously sat outside the lab where T'Challa's scientists were bringing Bucky Barnes out of cryo. You had been assigned to Wakanda by Steve Rogers. You were one of the only people he trusted to keep an eye on his best friend. So, when T'Challa informed you that his scientists had finally had a breakthrough and could pull Bucky out of cryo, you ran to the lab as fast as you could. Through the glass, you saw Bucky slowly thawing out. The scientists had everything ready to get Bucky as warm as he needed to be to wake up and then, the fun would begin.

You waited outside until the head scientist glanced at you through the window and nodded happily. The procedure appeared to have worked, but Bucky was still a little dazed and confused. That was where you came in. "Bucky?" He glanced up at you, his eyes glazed over. You cast a sideways glance at the scientists. "He will be a bit disoriented, but he had no reaction to the trigger words and he did respond to his name. He merely needs help adapting to our time without the constant fear of being turned into a human weapon."

Nodding, you turned your attention back to Bucky. "Bucky, my name is Y/F/N. Agent Y/F/N. I'm here to help you." You offered your hand, which he stared at for a moment before slowly reaching his own flesh hand out to shake yours. You explained that Steve asked you to look after him and he relaxed a bit. "Do you remember anything, Bucky?" He nodded. "I remember everything I did as the Winter Soldier. I remember Steve, but some memories are still vague." You breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that he was actually speaking to you.

After talking with the scientists, it was agreed that you and Bucky should spend time together with you helping him adapt as best you could. After a while, you decided that helping Bucky remember his past first would be better so you made a suggestion. "Bucky, T'Challa said you had notebooks with you. Perhaps we could go through them together and help you with your memory. Maybe knowing more about who you are will help you adapt easier."

Bucky's eyes widened nervously. He'd never shown anyone what was in those notebooks. He didn't want anyone judging him for what he'd written in there. But he knew you were onto something. Somewhere inside his brain, the old Bucky was screaming to get out and maybe you could help him. Reluctantly, he nodded and went to grab his notebooks while you waited. He returned a minute later, his books close to his chest.

"We don't have to do this, Bucky." He shook his head. "I want to, Y/N. It's just...they're personal." You gave him a smile. "I know they are and I won't read them if you don't want me to. If I do read them, nothing will leave this space. It will stay between the two of us." Bucky pulled the notebooks away from him, handing you one. He saw you waiting for permission and he told you to go ahead.

You opened the notebook and blinked. Some pages were very clearly written and concise while others were a jumbled mess of thoughts. Bucky was looking at you expectantly and you began reading the first page. As you read, Bucky was reminded of more things about his past. By the end of that first day, you were confident your idea was going to work.

*time skip*

Over the next several months, you worked with Bucky. Not only did you help him remember details about his past, you were able to teach him about more modern technology and fill him in on the history that he missed. You reported to Steve regularly as you and Bucky grew closer. Before you knew it, Steve had returned to Wakanda to check on Bucky's progress himself.

"Hey there, Cap," you greeted with a smile. "Hey, Y/N. Where's Buck?" You gestured to the living room where Bucky and T'Challa were having a discussion. Steve walked past you and into the room. "Bucky?" The brunette super soldier glanced up at the man that had been his best friend. "Hey, punk." The grin that appeared on Steve's face was blinding. "Hey, jerk." You chuckled to yourself as T'Challa got up. "Perhaps we will give you some time to catch up." You nodded in agreement as Bucky's blue eyes met your (e/c) ones and widened in fear. "You'll be fine," you mouthed to him before leaving with T'Challa.

A couple hours later, you heard the tell tale sound of footsteps running toward you. You turned to see Bucky coming up to you. Before you could open your mouth, you found yourself in his arms and he was hugging. Bucky Barnes was hugging you?! He rarely touched you at all, worried he'd hurt you but here he was with his arms wrapped around you.

As suddenly as you were in his arms, Bucky let you go. "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that?" you asked with a laugh. His smile was so bright you couldn't help but return it. "You helped me remember. I was able to talk to my best friend for the first time in so long and it's all because of you." You sighed and shook your head. "It wasn't just me." He agreed. "True, but you were the main person helping me to adapt. If not for you, I'd probably still be sitting in the lab staring at the wall." He hugged you close again and this time, you hugged back right away.


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