Don't Call Me Frosty (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader x Tony Stark)

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You'd had enough. You loved Tony. He was your best friend, but dear god, if you had to hear it one more time, you were gonna crack. Despite your powers, you had a fiery temper and Tony was pushing it to its limit. Even Bucky could see it. "Doll, I know it's annoying, but you can't let it get to you. He's been calling me those nicknames since I got here. It's how he shows love." You glared at your boyfriend before stepping off the elevator and into the kitchen. You automatically groaned.

"Really?!" you cried, exasperatedly. The moment you set foot in the kitchen, "Let it Go" started playing. You balled your fists at your sides and took a deep breath. "Love, huh?" you asked Bucky, shooting a look at Tony who just stood there with a cheesy grin on his face. "Tony, you're asking for it," you said through clenched teeth before turning and leaving the room again. "Tony, one of these days she's going to snap," Bucky warned, getting himself some water. Tony simply rolled his eyes and left the room.

All throughout the day, every time you walked into a room, "Let it Go" started playing on the loudspeakers. Normally, you could take a joke, but this was getting ridiculous. Finally, toward the end of the day, you stalked in the living area. The rest of the team shot Tony a look, making him stop the music that started playing. "Tony...I swear if you don't stop this, I am going to smack you senseless."

Everyone else in the room could tell you were completely done, but Tony decided to keep going. You turned to walk away and Tony said, "Come on, Frosty. Lighten up." You stopped in your tracks and slowly turned around to face your best friend. "Don'!" you cried. Tony didn't listen and started singing "Let it Go" again. You glared before using your powers on Tony. You aimed for his arm and he flew into the nearest wall. The ice instantly caused him to stick.

The entire room went quiet as Tony looked between you and his arm, his mouth open in surprise. "I guess you didn't appreciate my jokes?" he asked sheepishly. You glared at him. "Gee, what was your first clue?" Bucky got up and came to stand next to you as he saw your hands turning white again. "Y/N, Doll. Calm down," he whispered. You looked into his blue eyes and sighed. You turned your gaze back to Tony whose eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, Tony." You removed the ice from his arm. "No problem. I went too far this time." He stretched his arms out, indicating he wanted a hug. You stepped forward to hug him, but Bucky pulled you back to him and held you close. He playfully leered at Tony and you giggled. "Easy, Terminator," Tony joked, making Bucky laugh. You rolled your eyes and gently tapped Bucky's arm. After he let you go, you hugged Tony. "I'll ease up on the ice jokes." You smiled and thanked him. You pulled away and Tony continued, "At least with you. Terminator and Capsicle are fair game." 

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