Art Lover (Steve Rogers x fem!reader)

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Steve's ears perked up at the words "art exhibit". Anyone who knew Steve knew that he was an artist and that he loved to look at the work of other artists. Tony had just invited the whole team to an art gala by a local artist who just happened to be a friend of his. "She's pretty nervous about it, so I told her I'd be there, for moral support. I also told her that I'd invite all of you," Tony was saying, but Steve had already made up his mind. He was definitely going to go.

A week later, Steve climbed into the limo with the rest of the team, dressed in nice slacks and his blue button up that Natasha had insisted he wear. Since it was the gala of a local artist, there was no need to wear an expensive tux, for which Steve was grateful. He gave a shy wave to the paparazzi standing outside before quickly making his way inside. "Sorry about that. Apparently someone let slip we were coming," Tony explained, but Steve wasn't paying attention.

One of the paintings immediately caught his eye. It was breathtaking. Steve could feel every outpouring of emotion the artist had put into the piece. As he moved on, each and every piece was the same way. They were all different, all spectacular, and they all had a piece of the artist in them. It was amazing to Steve.

"Ah, there she is! The woman of the hour!" Tony exclaimed, holding his arms out dramatically. Steve looked away from the piece he was studying to follow Tony's gaze. He had to keep his eyes in his head when he saw the woman approaching.

"Hey, Tony," you greeted with a smile. You gave him a quick hug before turning your attention to the rest of the team. "Nice to see you, Sweetpea. Guys this is Y/N. She is responsible for everything you see here tonight. Y/N, this is the team." You grinned. "Thank you all for coming. I know you're all really busy. Oh, and Tony? Thanks for bringing the press with you." Tony laughed. "Sorry."

Steve hadn't said a word. His eyes kept flicking between you and the pieces of art. Tony noticed and a sly smile grew on his face. "Hey, Y/N. Cap here is an artist too. Maybe the two of you could sit down and talk...artsy stuff sometime." You playfully rolled your eyes. You knew what he was doing. He'd been trying to set you up on a date for months now. Still, you looked at Steve and almost instantly agreed. "That sounds wonderful. What's your preferred outlet? Sculpting? Painting?"

Steve couldn't stop his lips from spreading out into a smile. "I draw." Tony discreetly ushered the rest of the Avengers away so you and Steve could talk. And talk you did. The two of you talked for what seemed like hours with the occasional interruption from people coming over to tell you how much they liked your work. Steve was easy to talk to and you soon discovered that art was not the only interest you shared.

"Are you serious? You actually tried to take on those guys with a trash can lid?" Steve shrugged sheepishly and you giggled. "That's okay. I tried to defend my friend with my lunch box once. Unfortunately for me, it was empty so all it did was make the bully turn at glare at me." Steve let out a boisterous laugh, making several people turn to look at him.

You glanced at the clock and your jaw dropped open. Then, you looked around and realized the crowd was thinning. It was getting really late. "Guess I'm not the best hostess." Steve smiled at you. "It's obvious they enjoyed your work though and the exposure from the press will get even more attention. They'll be whisking you off to Paris before you know it, Doll," he said, a hint of melancholy in his voice. You placed a hand on his arm, do your best not to feel the muscle there. "I'm not going anywhere. I like New York."

For the first time all evening, there was silence between you. "Wait a minute. Did you call me 'doll'?" Steve blushed and looked down at his feet. There it was again. His old habits. "I like it." Steve's head shot up again to look at your smiling face. "Really?" You nodded. "If anyone else tried to call me that, I'd probably punch him. But with you, it's cute. Endearing." A frustrated groan from behind Steve caught you both by surprise. "Would you just ask her out already, Capsicle?"

"Tony, could you stay out of my love life, please?" you asked, stifling a groan. "Yours too, huh? Tony's been trying to get me to date for a while now." You nodded again. "Yeah. He thinks I spend too much time in my studio." You took a moment to study Steve's face and an idea struck you.

"You know, it might not be a bad idea..." you trailed off, lost in thought. Steve looked at you with wide eyes. Had you just agreed to go on a date with him? Before he even asked? "Sorry, I was thinking. Maybe we should spend some more time together." You were biting your lip in nervous embarrassment and Steve help but chuckle. You were adorable and sweet and Steve liked it.

"What did you have in mind, Doll?" he asked, loving the way your smiled shyly at the nickname. "I'd love to have you as a model sometime. For a painting or sculpture. If you're willing." Steve's heart sank a little. You only wanted to use him as a model, but he couldn't deny you. "I'd like that. Maybe I could draw you too." You grinned and agreed right away.

*time skip*

You glanced up at Steve, trying to get the right color paints for his eyes and lips. He was currently leaning over his sketch book, occasionally glancing up at you. It had been this way for several days. The two of you locked in your studio, sketching each other. You held deep conversations, but mostly you were content to just be in each other's company.

You let out a huff, but Steve barely moved. He was engrossed in his sketch. He didn't even realize that you had left your spot at the easel. You were in front of him before he looked up again. He jumped slightly when he noticed how close you were. Luckily, he'd removed his pencil from the paper so he didn't mess up his work.

You were practically in Steve's face. Your noses were inches apart and Steve felt his breath hitch. Your brows were furrowed and you twirling your clean paintbrush in your fingers. Your eyes were boring into his and Steve couldn't help his next move. He dropped his pencil to the floor, grabbed your face in his hands and kissed you gently.

You squeaked in surprise, but it quickly dawned on you that Steve was kissing you.His hands moved to your waist and you wrapped yours around his neck and kissed back, your eyes closing. Steve pulled away after a moment. "I'm so sorry,Doll. I don't know what came over me." You kept your arms around his neck so he wouldn't pull completely away. "Cap, whatever it was, I liked it." Steve reached over and wiped off a smear of paint from your cheek."Does that mean I can do it again?" You giggled and nodded."Anytime you want."% luXD?

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