Jealous (Tony Stark x reader)

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Your laughter carried through the Tower, reaching Tony's ears. He smiled at the sound. It was something he loved to hear. Tony made his way toward the living room, but stopped short when he got there. You were still laughing, but it was who you were laughing with that caused Tony to freeze. You were sitting with Thor and laughing at something he said. Tony felt something he wasn't used to. Jealousy.

Tony had never really had to compete for someone's attention before. He was Tony Stark after all. Billionaire, genius, playboy, philanthropist. People were usually vying for his attention, not the other way around. Yet, here he was, pining after someone who seemed to be interested in someone else. This was not okay in Tony's book. And, when Thor hugged you, picked you up in the process, Tony began to shake.

"Hey, Fabio!" Thor turned to face Tony, still holding you over his shoulder. "Fury wants to talk to you about that brother of yours." It wasn't a complete lie. Fury did want to talk to Thor about it, just not at that moment. Thor carefully set you back down and you smiled at him. The blond Asgardian kissed your knuckles and left the room. Tony was fuming.

"What was that about?" you asked as soon as Thor was out of the room. He looked at you and smiled. "What do you mean?" You crossed your arms over your chest and arched a brow. "You were rude to Thor. For no reason." Tony shrugged. "No I wasn't." You rolled your eyes and muttered something about Thor having his hands where they shouldn't be. You had a feeling he didn't think you heard him.

"Are you serious? That's what this is about? You're jealous of Thor?" Tony puffed out his chest. "I am not jealous of Blondie. I just don't think he should be throwing you around like a rag doll." You scoffed loudly. "Wow, Tony. I can't believe you'd let your jealousy get the better of you." Tony looked at you in disbelief. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. You were supposed to fall in his arms when you discovered he liked you enough to be jealous. After all, that's how it happened in the stories. "I like you, okay? I'm not used to the person I like not liking me back."

You dropped your arms and made your way out of the living room. "Yeah well, in this case, you might want to get used to it. Come find me when you can stop being a child who wants a toy that belongs to someone else." You turned on your heel and left. Tony stared after you speechless. You'd just called him a child. Tony knew he was like a child a lot of the time, but people rarely called him out on it.

"Stark? Everything okay? Y/N just came stomping down the hallway," Steve asked when he came in and saw Tony rooted to the spot. Tony turned to Steve and shrugged. "Cap, I don't even begin to try and understand Y/N's mind." Tony exited the room, leaving Steve confused.

The next weekend, Tony ordered from your favorite restaurant and brought it to your room. "Come in." Tony opened the door and found you sitting cross-legged on your bed, files spread out all around you. "Tony?" He gave you a smile. "Hey. I brought (f/f). As an apology for how I acted the other day." You smiled and started cleaning up the files. "Thanks, Tony." He set down the food and made to leave. "You're not going to join me?"

"You want me to?" You nodded. Tony came and sat down with you. "What brought this on?" Tony swallowed the bite in his mouth and sighed. "I realized you were right. I should have told you how I felt before. It shouldn't have taken a jealousy for Thor to get me to say anything. I'm a grown man, albeit with shiny toys. I should act like one."

"Thank you, Tony. It takes a big person to admit when they're wrong." Tony smiled and studied you as you took another bite. "So, where does that put us?" he asked suddenly. You glanced back at him. "I think we should be friends for now, Tony." A normal man would have just heard the word "friends", but Tony was just excited that he didn't hear the words "no" or "never". That meant there was hope. "Okay. Friends it is." You were taken back by how agreeable he was being about the situation but you weren't going to question it.

"Y/N!" Thor boomed as he burst into the room. You nearly dropped your food in surprise. "What is it, Thor?" you asked, thankful you hadn't taken another bite before he burst in. "Your advice worked! She has agreed to allow me to court her!" You gave him a bright smile. "That's great, Thor!" He rushed over and scooped you into another hug. Tony was quick enough to grab your plate before that so your food didn't end up all over the floor. "Put me down, Thor!" you cried, laughing.

Thor did as you asked and left the room. "Wait...Thor was asking your advice on-" You smirked and cut him off, "Dating. Yeah." Tony blushed and looked down at his plate. "Well, I feel stupid." You laughed loudly. "You should." Tony looked at you, but saw the grin on your face and couldn't fight his own. "Alright. You win. Come on. Let's finish this and maybe we could watch a movie." You nodded. "Sounds great."     

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