Biggest Fan (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader)

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Steve couldn't figure it out. He didn't understand why Bucky kept disappearing or where he kept disappearing to. It bothered him to a degree, but then again, Bucky was still trying to find himself and Steve wasn't going to get in the way of that. So, he didn't question it when Bucky got dressed in a pair of black slacks and a crisp red button up before leaving the tower yet again. Steve didn't question it, but Tony did.

As soon as Bucky was out the door, Tony got up from his seat and said, "Let's go!" Steve quirked a brow. "Where are we going?" The rest of the team turned and looked at him as if he was crazy. "We're following Barnes, of course. I want to know where it is he disappears to every month," Tony answered before heading out the door behind Bucky. "Guys, I don't think this is a good idea!" Steve called but followed them out anyway.

It wasn't long before Bucky pulled into the parking garage of a theater. "The theater? Really?" Clint asked, casting a glance back at Steve. Steve shrugged. Once they were parked, they got out of the car and followed Bucky toward the entrance. Just before going inside, Bucky stopped and let out a loud sigh. "You all suck at tailing people," he said, turning to face them. Steve at least had the decency to look down sheepishly.

"Why are you following me?" Bucky asked, his blue eyes filled suspicion, sadness and a tiny bit of fear. "We just wanted to see where the great ex-assassin Bucky Barnes does when he leaves the tower without a word," Tony answered, cheekily. Bucky ran his hand through his hair and sighed again. "I just wanted something for myself," he said, causing the others to look at him curiously. "Come on then. But good luck getting enough tickets." Tony smiled brightly and said, "You let me worry about that."

Bucky shrugged and turned back toward the doors of the theater. The usher smiled upon seeing him. "Well, if it isn't Y/N's number one fan! How are you doing, Mr. Barnes?" the usher asked. Bucky returned the small smile and replied that he was doing well. Only then did the usher notice the rest of the team behind Bucky. "Oh wow! The Avengers! What brings you to our little theater?" After a bit more chit-chat, Tony had managed to secure tickets for all the Avengers.

They were shown to their seats, but Bucky was lead down a couple more aisles, right in front of the stage. He smiled brightly when he saw the sign that read, "Reserved for Y/N's Biggest Fan." Bucky sat down and waited anxiously for the show to begin. He'd seen you in so many musicals already, but this was the one he looked forward to possibly the most, ever since Clint's daughter made him sit and watch the Disney movie with her. Beauty and the Beast quickly became his favorite Disney movie.

Meanwhile, you were backstage getting dressed in your blue dress and white apron. "Is our Belle ready yet?" the director's voice floated over to you. You quickly zipped your costume and turned to him. "I'm ready." He smiled at you as he handed you your basket for the first scene. "Here you go. By the way, he's here again tonight." You grinned, knowing exactly who he was talking about. Bucky had come to see every one of your shows for the past year and, after the third show, he approached you and took you out for coffee.

You got in place and took a deep breath as the curtain rose and the overture began playing. A few moments later, you stepped on stage and as soon as you had, you were no longer Y/N but Belle. You were that poor, intelligent young woman that yearned for adventure. The woman who sacrificed her freedom to save her father and the one who fell in love with a beast. Before you knew it, it was time for the curtain calls. You were the second to last person to take your call and when you did, the first person you saw was Bucky.

Bucky's eyes met your (e/c) ones and he beamed up at you. You took your bow and moved to the side. Bucky had loved the show. It spoke to him in way, but he'd never say that out loud. As everyone was filing out of the theater, the team approached him just as the director came down from back stage. "Mr. Barnes! Wonderful to see you again! Did you enjoy the show?" Bucky nodded.

"I can see why you like coming here, Buck," Steve said, giving his best friend a pat on the back. "There he is!" another voice called out. The team looked up to find you coming down the steps of the stage. "My biggest fan!" You quickly crossed the space between you and hugged Bucky. "You going to introduce us, Barnes?" Clint asked. You turned to him and smiled. "I'm Y/N. Pleased to meet you!" you greeted before turning back to Bucky and asking, "Our usual coffee?" He nodded again with a smile. Steve couldn't help the happiness bubbling in him for his friend.

"I think coffee sounds great! If you don't mind that is?" Natasha asked, a bit more tactfully than the boys would have. You agreed and the group of you walked out together. As you headed to the coffee shop around the corner, the Avengers asked you all sorts of questions which you answered happily. Bucky wasn't too thrilled at everyone being there, but you never left his side so he could deal with it. By the end of the night, you had become close friends with the entire team, especially Steve and Wanda.

Bucky walked you back to your car after you all left the coffee shop. He was even more quiet than usual. "What's wrong, Bucky?" He shrugged. "It was strange having the team here instead of it just being the two of us." You flashed him a brilliant smile. "Bucky, I like your friends, but I most definitely like you more," you said, standing up on tip toe to kiss his cheek. You got into your car, leaving Bucky standing there bewildered. As he watched you drive away, a smile crept onto his face and he smiled long after his cheeks started hurting. He couldn't wait to see you again. After all, he was your biggest fan. 

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