Two Months (Tony Stark x daughter!reader)

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(Warning: ANGST GALORE!! Mentions of kidnapping, violence, injury and mind control.)

Tony took another swig of his drink, the alcohol burning his throat. His eyes were glued to the computer searching for something, anything, that would tell him where you were. A sign as to where they'd taken you. "Tony, are you sure that's a good idea?" Bruce asked, earning a glare from the millionaire. "Drinking won't help you find her," Bruce muttered before leaving the room again. Tony rolled his brown eyes and turned back to the screen in front of him. Where were you?


You pressed a kiss to Tony's cheek before he left. "You sure you'll be alright by yourself, Princess?" You flashed him a bright smile and nodded. "Of course, Daddy. You're just going to give a presentation. I'll be here, repairing your suit." Tony sighed. He hated leaving you alone, but he had to go and you had work to do for S.H.I.E.L.D. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and left.

Tony returned a few days later to find the Tower in complete disarray and you were nowhere to be found. Tony quickly pulled up the security footage and watched in horror as a team of HYDRA agents somehow managed to bypass the security. They found and surrounded you. Tony felt his eyes water as he watched his only daughter attempt to fight off men that had twice as much training as you did. Then, the cameras went black.

*end flashback*

That had been two months ago. Two months with no word. No ransom demand. Nothing. Two months of endless searching. "TONY!" Tony nearly jumped at the sound of Steve's cry. "What, Rogers?" he asked, exasperated. "We found her," Steve replied softly. Tony jumped up so quickly, his chair fell over and the scotch he'd been drinking spilled all over the floor. "Where?!"

*short time skip*

Tony didn't even wait for the jet to land before he was flying out of it, ignoring the calls of his teammates telling him to wait. He was determined to get to you. You were his daughter and he had to find you. He had to protect you at all costs. He was prepared to fight anything and anyone that got in his way. Or so he thought.

"Ah, Mr. Stark. We've been waiting for you although I must say, we expected you sooner. No matter," a disembodied voice called out over the intercoms. It was only then that Tony realized he was surrounded. The HYDRA agents began closing in, but the voice spoke again, making them pause. "NO! Let our newest asset take care of this."

Tony's brows furrowed for just a moment before he felt himself being blown backward. Tony groaned and looked up at his attacker. His heart nearly stopped. There you were standing in front of him, a sneer on your face and armed to the teeth. "Y/N? What are you doing?" You simply stared at him. Tony looked closer and noticed that your (e/c) eyes glowed red. "Maximoff?" he asked through the comms.

"It is not me, Stark. I tried to tell you. Zhere is someone else there. Someone like me. Zhey are controlling her mind," Wanda's voice came through. "We're on our way, Tony! Just be careful!" Steve called. Tony didn't have a chance to respond as you lunged for him. "Y/N, stop!" You continued your assault, not letting up until Tony had no choice but to give you a little blast.

Tony lowered the helmet of his suit and looked at you. "Y/N, Princess, listen to me. Fight it! You're a Stark and you can fight whoever's in your head!" You blinked and shook your head as if you were trying to sort out which thoughts were real. "Enough! Kill him!" the disembodied voice rang out again. Tony watched as your face contorted into one of rage that he'd never seen from you. You attacked again, this time with a knife.

Tony refused to fight you. He deflected your blows, but he would not fight you. He was not about to hurt his child. Not when your thoughts and actions weren't your own. The attacks didn't stop until Tony felt the cool metal of the knife sinking into the small bit of exposed skin of his collarbone. Somewhere, a wall crumbled. The team had finally arrived.

Wanda used her powers to throw you away from your father. While the team fought the HYDRA agents, Wanda ran to your side. Tony caught a glance and sighed deeply. Wanda would help. She may not have liked him very much, but she adored you. Tony gasped in pain. Your knife was still sticking out of his collarbone. He ripped it out and helped the rest of the Avengers, trying not to focus on the blood he was losing and how light-headed he was beginning to feel.

With the team, HYDRA was once again taken down. With all her practice, Wanda was able to force the other Enhanced out of your head. You shook your head and gazed up at Wanda. "Wanda? What happened?" She looked at you sadly. You cocked your head to the side just as you felt something warm and sticky on your hands. You looked down and nearly screamed at the sight of blood. "Whose blood is this?" you asked quietly.

The sound of metal hitting concrete answered your question. "DADDY!" You forced yourself to your feet and ran over to Tony. You saw the blood running from the wound at the top of his shoulder. You quickly made the connection and gasped in horror. "Oh, god! Daddy, I'm sorry!" You began crying. Tony's eyes didn't open as you shook him over and over, tears pouring down your face. "Daddy, please," you whimpered.

You felt arms grabbing you. Try all you might, you couldn't break their hold. "No! NO! Daddy!" you screamed over and over as you were pulled away from him. You watched as Bruce and Sam picked your father up. He hadn't moved and his eyes hadn't opened. What had you done?

*Two Months Later*

"You need to go, Y/N," Wanda said plainly. You shook your head. You were sitting on your bed with your knees drawn up to your chest and your arms around your legs. "I can't. Not when this was my fault. How can I face any of them, Wanda?" Wanda sighed and sat next to you. "It vas not your fault, Y/N. Ve all know zhat. Now come on."

You gave your best friend a small smile and got up. "Ready?" You sighed and nodded. "Let's go." You followed Wanda down to the living room where everyone was waiting. They all greeted you with the biggest grins you'd ever seen. You were about to say something when you heard the elevator. You inhaled sharply, knowing what was coming.

The team let out a loud, "Welcome home!" Tony laughed heartily. "It's good to be back." He looked at you, expectantly. "What? No hug for your old man, Princess?" You felt your lip quivering as your launched yourself at your father. "Gently," he whispered into your hair. "I'm so sorry, Daddy." He didn't say anything. His only response was to tighten his good arm around you. He'd missed you. You hadn't come to see him in the hospital because you felt so guilty.

"Alright, that's enough," Sam interrupted, making everyone laugh. You all turned to look at him and he shrugged. "What? There's cake!" You all shared another chuckle as Tony pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I missed you, Princess." You hugged him again. "I missed you too, Dad."


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