Comfort (Bucky Barnes x reader)

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A groan from the living room caught your attention. You poked your head and saw Bucky sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. "What's up, Buckaroo?" you asked as you came in and plopped down next to him. He looked at you and the hurt in his sapphire eyes made your heart break. "Bucky, what is it?" He let out a sigh as he met your gaze. "Why don't they trust me, Y/N?" You looked up at his worn down face, confused. "Who?"

"No one on the team except you and Steve seems to trust me. Are they all that afraid of me?" he asked you. You immediately shook your head. "That's not it at all, Bucky! They do trust you, but you were injured last time. We want to be sure you're all healed up before you get back in the game." Bucky gave you look that told you he didn't believe you. "Are you supposed to babysit me then?" You shook your head.

"Nope. I was supposed to go on a date, but they cancelled. So what do you say we sit and watch some movies. Get you all caught up?" A small smile appeared on his face as you got up to put in a movie. "Indiana Jones. A classic. It was one of my dad's favorites." You put the movie in, grabbed a blanket and sat back down next to him.

As the movie played on, you and Bucky kept inching closer and closer to one another until his head was resting on your shoulder. You were absentmindedly running your fingers through his long brunette hair as his hands held your other one. After the movie finished, Bucky looked up at you. "Thanks, Y/N." You flashed a smile and then got up. "How about a Disney movie?"

"Just not Frozen, please. Stark made me watch that a month or so ago and has been singing 'Let it Go' every time I come into a room," he pleaded. You laughed and searched the movie shelves. "Sounds like Tony. Let's see, how about this one?" You plucked "The Great Mouse Detective" from the shelf and popped it in. "It's one of my favorites." Soon, you were back running your fingers through his thick hair. At some point the two of you drifted off to sleep.

You woke slightly to the sound of hushed voices. "Come on, guys. Leave them be," a voice you recognized as Steve's whispered. "But they're just too cute," you heard Clint say. You tried to move, but felt a cold, metal arm tighten around you slightly. Bucky. "Pay up, Stark," Natasha said causing you to open your eyes. "Really, Nat? Betting again?" you whispered, trying not to wake Bucky. At some point during the movie, the two of you had laid down with Bucky behind you.

Natasha, Clint and Tony left the room, laughing quietly. Steve merely shook his head and grabbed the blanket that had fallen off. As he placed the blanket back over the two of you, he leaned in and whispered, "Thanks, Y/N. It means a lot to me that Buck has you and doesn't have to be alone. You are a huge comfort to him. Get some sleep." He placed a friendly kiss to your forehead and left the room. You smiled and settled back in to sleep again not knowing that Bucky had been awake the whole time and was fighting off a smile. 

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