First Date Jitters (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader)

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"I don't know about this, Steve," Bucky groaned as he pulled his brunette hair up into a man bun. "Come on, Buck. It's only a date. You like Y/N right?" Bucky nodded. "Y/N likes you, so where's the problem?" Steve asked. Bucky sighed. He was going on a date with you and he was so nervous. With the few memories he had of the past, he couldn't remember ever being this nervous for a date before.

Meanwhile in your room, you were having a similar conversation with Natasha and Wanda. "I'm really nervous. What if this goes badly and it ruins everything?" you asked, putting your head in your hands. "Really, Y/N? Woman up!" Natasha's voice came from your closet. She was going through your wardrobe trying to pick out something for you to wear while Wanda did your hair. "Barnes is crazy about you," the Sokovian told you, "Everything vill be fine." You nodded. "Don't move your head!"

An hour later, you were finally ready and heading downstairs to meet Bucky. "Hey, Doll," Bucky greeted when you entered the room. "You look great," you whispered. He beamed at you and offered his arm. You took it and the two of you headed toward the quaint little bistro that Tony recommended. You kept trying to start conversations with Bucky, but you couldn't seem to get the words to come out properly. Bucky opened and closed his mouth several times in an effort to speak, but he kept getting tongue tied.

It was silent as you made your way to the bistro and sat down. Neither one of you could think of a single thing to sat to the other, but you were both thinking the same thing. Why was this so hard? You did manage a little bit of awkward small talk while you waited for the waitress to bring your drinks. The waitress was quick to try and flirt with Bucky, who merely cocked his brow at her and then looked back at you. You were in the middle of eating when it happened.

"So anyway, Steve decided to take on all these big guys and I mean big guys in this tiny little alley and all he had was a trashcan lid," Bucky told you. He was moving his hands as he spoke and he accidently knocked your drink over, spilling it right on your new skirt. "Geez, Y/N I'm sorry. God, this was a terrible idea." Bucky threw some cash down on the table and left you. You shot up and apologized to the other patrons before going after Bucky.

You found him on his way back to the tower. "BUCKY! WAIT!" you called as you ran to catch up with him. Just before you reached him, the heel of your shoe broke and you stumbled into Bucky's arms. "I didn't expect you to fall for me just yet, Doll," Bucky quipped. "Oh, haha," you said as you stooped and took your shoes off. "Well, those are ruined. Why did you run off like that?"

"I ruined our date, Y/N." You started laughing. "Ruined? Never. You helped me relax. I was so nervous I couldn't talk. You spilling my drink on me just reminded me that we already know each other and there's really no pressure. Now come on, Ace. Let's go get some ice cream," you said. There was an ice cream vendor near the park and a jazz band was schedule to play there that night. You figured that would be a perfect place to end your date with Bucky.

He agreed and walked you over to the park. "You know what? You're right. We already know one another, so why are we so jittery?" The two of you shared a laugh as you enjoyed your ice cream. "You got a little something there," he said, using his thumb to wipe some ice cream off your lip. It amazed you how gentle the ex-assassin could be. You smiled up at him and his blue eyes seemed to sparkle as you stared at them.

Bucky's face lit up like a Christmas tree when the jazz band started playing a slower song. "It's been a long time, but care to dance, Doll?" You quickly finished your ice cream. "Oh, brain freeze!" Bucky laughed boisterously at your reaction before grabbing your hand and pulling you to him. You closed your eyes as he pulled you as close as possible. You felt the cold metal of his left hand take your right one as his right arm wrapped around your waist.

Despite years of not dancing, it seemed that Bucky had natural rhythm. He held you as near to him as he dared and rested his cheek on the top of your head. He never wanted to leave this moment. When the song was finished, you lifted your head up to look at him and when your (e/c) eyes met his, he couldn't hold back anymore. Bucky leaned in until his lips collided with yours in a gentle kiss.


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