Germany (Bucky Barnes x fem!Parker reader)

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"You are so taking me with you," you told your younger brother, whose eyes widened in fear. "Uh-uh. No way! Mr. Stark, tell her she can't." You crossed your arms over your chest and looked at Tony, daring him to argue. "I'm not getting in the middle of a family dispute here, kid. I've already got one of my own." Peter turned back to you and you smirked. "No, Y/N." Your smirked deepened. "You let me come...or I'm telling Aunt May."

That was how you found yourself on the jet, heading for Germany. You kinda felt a little bad about tricking your baby brother into letting you come along, but you had always wanted to see Germany. Not to mention that you wanted to keep an eye on him. Spider-Man or not, he could still get hurt. Peter wasn't invincible.

"You gotta promise me you'll stay out of the way, okay?" Peter begged you and you rolled your eyes. "Peter, I'm not stupid. I'm just here to see a little bit of the country and keep an eye out for my baby brother." Peter's face turned almost as red as his new suit. "Come on, Y/N. Not in front of Mr. Stark." You giggled and ruffled his brown hair.

"Alright, We're here. Look, Y/N, get your sight-seeing done quickly okay? I don't need Underroos here worrying about you later." You nodded and grabbed your bag. You darted out of the plane, ready to explore. The streets of Germany were lined with people and you were grateful you'd decided to study at least the basics of a couple languages.

An hour or so later, you decided to grab a little pick-me-up. Coffee and a German pastry sounded great. You quickly grabbed your food and left the cafe. You knew you only had a little bit more time. You had just left the cafe when you ran into him.

You hit something solid and instantly started apologizing. You looked up and met the most beautiful blue eyes you'd ever seen. "D-Don't worry about it, Doll. First time here?" You nodded and felt yourself flush. "That obvious?" He gestured to the map in your hands. "Kind of." You laughed and shrugged. "I guess it is. Do you know your way around? I think I got a little turned around." The man nodded and you told him where you needed to go.

"I'm headed that way too. I'm Bucky." You offered your hand and introduced yourself. The two of you set off toward the airport where your brother and Tony were waiting. As you walked, you chatted about anything and everything. Bucky was fascinating to you. He didn't say much, but what he did say was either really funny or really deep. Either way, you hit it off right away. He was charming and funny, if a bit shy.

While you met guys at college, they were all your typical college guys. Either the boys that were there to party all the time or the ones that had their noses in their books. Bucky seemed like a nice mix of both, with an air of wisdom that came with age. When you reached the airport, you were sad you were going to have to part ways with the mysterious man you'd met. You'd probably never see him again either.

"There you are, Bucky." You glanced up to see Captain America standing in front of you. Your gaze went between the two for a few seconds. Then it clicked. You'd been to the museum in D.C. Captain America's best friend was Bucky Barnes. "You're Bucky Barnes? The Bucky Barnes...the Winter Soldier." Bucky nodded sheepishly. For another moment, you didn't respond. Of course you would hit it off with an assassin.

"You've got to get out of here, ma'am. We can't guarantee your safety." You swallowed thickly, unsure of how to tell him that your brother was on his way, ready to fight with Iron Man if necessary. "I can' brother..." Bucky's brow furrowed. No sooner were the words out of your mouth did Iron Man appear with his own little team. "Get out of here!" Steve ordered and you knew you had no choice. You darted away as quickly as possible. You knew you had to. You found a vantage point where you could watch out for Peter without being seen.

It only took a few minutes for chaos to break out. You couldn't believe that this team of heroes that had banded together to save the world was now split in two, with your brother in the middle of it. As you watched, you found your concern split between Peter and Bucky. If something happened to Peter, you'd never forgive yourself for not putting a stop to Peter's Spider-Man days. And if something happened to Bucky, you'd definitely never get to see him again. There was no winning for anyone in this situation.

It hurt you to see good friends attacking each other the way they were now, but you were powerless to stop it. After all, you had no powers. Nothing unique about you. You were pulled out of your thoughts when something caught your eye. Bucky running with Captain America into the hanger. You assumed the jet was in there. Maybe you could do something after all.

Creeping down from your hiding place, you carefully made your way into the hanger and onto the jet. Another secret between you and Peter was that you had you pilot license. You knew how to fly one of these puppies. You waited inside until you heard the door footsteps approaching.

You climbed into the pilot's seat, ready to take off whenever your passengers were. "What are you doing here?" Captain America's voice asked from behind you. You spun around in the chair and smiled. "I'm here to help. Where are we going?" The Captain and Bucky exchanged a glance while you sat there, grinning up at them like the Cheshire Cat.     

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