Reunited Siblings (Thor x sister!reader x Loki)

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(slight AU)

After centuries of being a prisoner, you had finally escaped the clutches of the Frost Giants. They had taken you captive when you were very young. Your only company at the time had been your brothers and they were not strong enough to stop what happened. You remember being pulled away from them and them crying out your name. Beyond that, nothing but cold pain.

Now, you were back. Thanks to your wings and abilities that had grown and strengthened over time, you were home. Asgard. You swept into the golden halls as a feeling of nostalgia fell over you. Memories of your childhood flashed in your mind and you couldn't help but smile. You debated going into the throne room first, but you decided against it. It wasn't Odin you wanted to see. It was your mother.

Even after so many years, you still remembered where your mother's chambers were. You made your way there, your knees shaking more with every step. What if your mother had changed? What if you couldn't get in to see her? You slowly approached her chambers, the sight of two guards cementing the fact that she was in there.

As you expected, the guards immediately put their hands on their weapons. Your wings were tucked away so they wouldn't be frightened, but they would still attack if necessary. So, you thought of a quick lie. "I am the Queen's new maid. I have been told to report to her immediately." The guards exchanged a glance, but let you in. "A new maid, your majesty."

Your breath caught in your throat when your mother turned to you and you had to fight back tears. "New maid? Very well." You walked into the room and the guards closed the door behind you. Frigga's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "There are no new maids in the palace. Who are you?" Your bottom lip began to tremble. "Mother." Frigga immediately stood and came over to you. "Y/N? My daughter? Is it truly you?" You nodded and she wrapped her arms around you. Finally, you let the tears fall.

After you cried your fill, Frigga lead you to the throne room and you were reunited with your father. When you looked around, there were two people missing that you desperately wanted to see. "Where are Thor and Loki?" You had been close to your brothers when you were children and you had to let them know that you were alive. "Your brothers are on Midgard." No sooner did have the information were you begging to go. "Please! They need to know. Send me to Midgard!"

In an instant, you found yourself on Midgard. In fact, you were standing in the living space of the Avengers Tower. Not that you really knew what that was. "What the- Who are you?!" someone cried, making you turn in surprise. Your eyes scanned the room, seeing several unfamiliar faces. Then, you gaze settled on one person, dressed in Asgardian garb. Blond and muscular. "T-Thor?"

"You know this person, Point Break?" Thor looked at you. "I recognize her eyes..." Sighing, you revealed your wings. Everyone gasped, but your eyes never left Thor. "Y/N?" You nodded and pulled your wings back in. You could see tears in your brother's eyes as he ran over and pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. "My sister! I thought you dead!" You hugged him back, loving the comforting embrace. "Wait!" Thor pulled away from the hug.

"You have a sister?" You nodded. "Indeed. I was taken from Asgard when I was very young." Thor pulled you over to a seat where you sat and told your story. "So you have wings and you can heal people?" You nodded. "Yes. I was only able to escape during an attack on Jotunhiem. They were too distracted to notice me leaving and I was able to fly off." You continued your story until you heard a familiar voice.

"Captain Rogers, I refuse to be paired with this insolent witch any longer. It is infuriating having someone reading my mind all the time." Thor grinned and stood, facing Loki. "Brother, I have wondrous news!" Loki rolled his eyes. "What news could you possibly have? Have you finally decided to return to Asgard and leave me here?" Thor pulled you to your feet and turned you around to face Loki.

"Our sister has returned to us." Loki stared at you and you could tell he didn't believe you. As the God of Mischief and Lies, Loki had always been suspicious by nature. " is me. Thor is not deceiving you." In a second, Loki was right in front of you, pulling you close. You could feel his tears dripping onto your head. Then, Thor wrapped his arms around the both of you. To everyone's surprise, you and Loki both laughed. You had to admit that your reunion with your brothers felt better than you ever imagined.    

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