How They Met (Wanda Maximoff x male!reader)

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(a/n: I find writing male!readers in third person POV a little bit easier. I have tried it once in 2nd person and it wasn't my best. Hope you all don't mind!)

Y/N watched as the brunette entered the bar, a cap pulled over her eyes. She kept looking over her shoulder, as if she expected someone to be following her. Y/N sighed. This kind of thing happened all the time so he expected the young woman to take a seat at the bar, but to his surprise, she slid into a booth in the back corner. This caught Y/N's interest.

He grabbed his pad and pen and walked over to the woman's table. "What can I get you?" he asked with a smile. The woman gave him a sad smile and ordered a drink. Y/N couldn't help but notice the woman's accent and how melancholy she sounded. The bar wasn't very busy that night, so after Y/N brought the young woman her drink, he took a moment to talk with her.

"You okay?" She looked up at him, surprised. "I am...fine." Y/N gave her a smile before running his hand through his (h/c) locks. "Alright, well, if you change your mind, just wave me down." With that, Y/N turned and went back to the bar. After a little while, he noticed the woman's drink was empty and he took the opportunity to approach her. "Need another?" She looked up at him and Y/N could see the tear streaks on her face.

"You wait here. I'll be right back," he said softly. He hated to see a woman cry. Y/N took her empty glass back to the bar and made her a new drink before returning to the table. He slid the drink over to the brunette along with a tissue to dry her tears. He sat in the seat across from her and leaned back. "Can I ask what's got you so upset?" The woman finally removed her cap and looked at Y/N with the saddest eyes he'd ever seen.

"Have you ever lost someone? Someone you never thought you would ever lose?" she asked him softly. Y/N had no choice but to shake his head. "Then you cannot possibly understand I feel. I do not need your pity," she told him. "Maybe not, but maybe I can help? If you wanted to talk it out? It's not pity." The woman's tears started again. "I'm sorry. It was my brother. My twin. He was all I had left in the world and he is gone. You cannot imagine the agony I feel," she managed to say between sobs.

Y/N reached over and placed a hand over hers. Normally, he wouldn't have but this woman was in definite need of comfort. "No, I can't," he began as he noticed his boss beckoning him, "I have to go, but stay as long as you like. I get off in an hour if you want to talk." He squeezed her hand gently as he got up. "Y/N, I don't care if your girlfriend comes into the bar, but try not to let it affect your work, yeah?"

"She's not my girlfriend," Y/N muttered and noticed the woman giggle as if she'd heard the conversation. Y/N shook his head and finished his shift. He clocked out and noticed that the brunette was still sitting there. He couldn't help but notice how pretty she was, even with tear stained face. no sooner had the thought crossed his brain did her eyes meet his. He saw her cheeks reddening again, and felt his own face heating up.

As Y/N rounded the counter, the woman got up from her seat and came up to him. "I would like to talk, if you have the time," she said. Y/N smiled and nodded. "Oh, I just realized I never told you my name. I'm Y/N," he told her, extending a hand. She took it tentatively and shook it. "Wanda. Wanda Maximoff." She gave the young man in front of her a genuine smile and Y/N knew that this was going to be the beginning of a wonderful friendship.

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