In The Bookstore (Loki x fem!reader)

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(a/n: This is my first time writing Loki as the main character and only my third writing him in general, so I apologize if he's a bit OOC.)

Loki reveled in the one day a week he was allowed out of the Tower without the entire team around him. Ever since Odin banished him to Midgard, Loki had been stuck like glue to at least three Avengers at all times. Then, after a while, they decided that Loki had behaved well enough to deserve one day a week where he could leave the Tower mostly unaccompanied. One Avenger had to be with him, but that was better than having everyone there or staying in the Tower all the time.

This time, Steve had offered to babysit, for lack of a better word. Of all the Avengers, Steve was the one Loki tolerated the most. "So, where would you like to go today, Loki?" Steve asked him that morning. Loki knew just the place. He'd been eyeing it for months now. "There is a rather small bookshop nearby I would like to see," he told Steve who nodded when Loki told him the location. "I know just the place. It used to be something else back in the 40s." Loki fought the urge to roll his eyes. He really didn't care, he just wanted to get to the bookstore.

A few hours later, Loki opened the door of the store and the familiar smell of old books filled his nose. This was his element. "I'll be at the table over there when you're ready to go," Steve said. He usually only kept one eye on Loki. He believed that Loki was changing for the better. Loki gave the super soldier a nod and began perusing the many shelves that lined the small store. After a few moments, Loki's ears picked up a soft voice. "Come on," it whispered, catching Loki's attention.

Loki rounded the corner and saw you. You were on your tip-toes trying to reach a book, but all you were succeeding in doing was pushing it back a little further. Loki took in the look of pure determination on your face and chuckled softly. Midgardians were stubborn, perhaps even more stubborn than Asgardians. After another moment, you brought your arm down and pushed some of your (h/c) hair from your face.

Loki turned his attention back to the shelves, looking for something in particular. He found it right in front of where you were standing. He reached up and plucked the book from the shelf and looked at the cover. Shakespeare. Loki turned and handed you the book. Any Midgardian so determined to get Shakespeare was worth perhaps an ounce of kindness from the god.

You looked up at him, your (e/c) eyes wide. "Thank you," you said softly. "Do not mention it. Anyone willing to use that much effort getting a book deserves it." You chuckled and reached one hand out. "I'm Y/N." Loki stared at your hand for a moment before cautiously reaching out to take it. He was almost...afraid to tell you his name. What if you became frightened? That wouldn't do. He wanted to use your book as an excuse to talk to you. To talk to someone apart from the Avengers.

As you shook his hand, waiting for his name, your smile faltered. You knew who he was of course, but you also knew he was trying to be better. "Loki," he told you after a long moment. It took you another thirty seconds after that to realize you were still holding onto his hand. "Sorry," you said as you took your hand back. Loki's brows furrowed in confusion when he immediately missed the warmth of your hand in his. He shook off the feeling and decided to ask you about the book.

"Shakespeare?" he asked, giving a little nod toward the new book in your hands. You laughed and replied, "You sound surprised. I know not many people read Shakespeare outside of school, but I can't help it. I love the Bard." Loki couldn't fight the smile that tugged on the corners of his mouth. He licked his lips and questioned you again. "Perhaps we could discuss some of his works? I have found his poetry quite enjoyable."

"His poetry is great, but have you read his plays?" Loki nodded once. "I have read one. Romeo and Juliet, if memory serves." You looked utterly offended at the comment and you shook your head in disbelief. "Oh no. I'm not saying it's a bad play at all but it certainly isn't one of Shakespeare's best. Try this one," you told him, reaching up and pulling Hamlet off the shelf. Then, as if you just realized what you'd said you pressed your fingers to your lips. "Sorry. That was really bossy."

This time, it was Loki's turn to laugh. "It is quite alright. I find your enthusiasm refreshing. Would you care to sit with me? We can discuss this Hamlet?" You nodded eagerly and lead Loki to the nearby chairs. Loki didn't even notice Steve watching him. He sat in the chair across from you as you delved into the reasons why Hamlet was one of your favorite plays. Loki listened with rapt attention. He had to admit that your voice was pleasing and he could listen to it all day.

Steve looked at his watch after a while. It was nearly time to head back to the Tower, but Steve just couldn't bring himself to break the two of you apart. For probably the first time since he came to live in the Tower, Loki looked peaceful and, dare Steve say it, happy. He didn't want to ruin that for him, but he also knew that the team would probably blame Loki if they were late. Steve smiled as you laughed at something Loki said.

Just as Steve was about to get up, his phone alerted him to a text. It was from Tony asking when the two of them would be back. Steve quickly texted back, saying: Soon. I think Loki's finally found something good in his life here. I'm not quite ready to break it up. He sent the text and then took a picture of the two of you before sending that also, proud that he managed to work the technology. Tony replied a second later: Alright, Reindeer Games got himself a girl! Steve shook his head and turned his attention back to Loki and you.

You looked at your watch and nearly jumped up. "Oh, I'm late! I was supposed to go to my parents house for dinner." Loki's smile fell for the first time that evening. "Oh, well then you should be on your way." Loki unfolded his long legs as he stood up and offered you his hand. "Thank you. Um...maybe we could do this again sometime?" Loki frowned again.

"I do not know if that is possible. I am not really permitted to leave my residence unaccompanied." He gestured to where Steve was sitting who gave you both an apologetic smile. "Oh. Well, what if we met back here? Same time next week? That way your friend can come too." Loki blinked in surprise as he searched your face for any tell tale sign of falsehood. When he found none, he smiled. "I would enjoy that very much, Y/N. Thank you for a wonderful evening." He took your hand in his and pressed a light kiss to the back of it before he turned to Steve.

After purchasing his book, Loki followed Steve out. Steve wanted to ask him about you, but before he could, Loki spoke, "Captain Rogers? Would you perhaps be able to accompany me back here next week? I should very much like to see Y/N again." Loki wasn't used to asking for anything, especially not favors and most definitely not from an Avenger. Steve seemed to understand though because he answered promptly, "Sure. I think that girl may be the one thing on Earth you might actually like and there's no way in hell I'd stand in the way of that." Loki arched a brow. "What is it the Man of Iron always says? Language?" Steve groaned before shooting Loki a playful glare. "Knock it off before I change my mind." Loki didn't tease Steve again for the rest of the week. 

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