The Twin's New Family (Maximoff Twins x reader)

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You watched as the Maximoff twins surveyed the Tower with wide eyes. Wanda gripped her brother's arm as if he would float away if she let go and you didn't blame her. Pietro was lucky to be alive and they both knew it. "You two gonna stand there gawking all day or are we going inside?" you joked. The twins turned their gazes on you and you could see the nervousness there. You smiled at them both, hoping to reassure them.

"Look, I know how you feel. I felt the same way when I first got here. Just relax. These guys aren't so bad." You gently gave them a nudge. The three of you entered the building slowly. Wanda looked at you and you knew she was trying to read your mind. "Sorry, Wanda. No reading my thoughts. I've got all kinds of blocks around my mind. Believe me when I say that the two of you are perfectly safe here. We're going to train you and help you control these powers of yours. Turn them into something good." Comforted by your words, the twins finally relaxed and followed you the rest of the way inside.

*time skip*

"Good job, Wanda! Try again!" you encouraged as Wanda worked with her powers and Pietro raced around the gym, trying his best to avoid hitting you and his sister. Sudden clapping made you all turn toward the door. Steve was standing there with a smile on his face. "You two are doing great!" You felt Wanda trying to hide behind your back and Pietro had hold of your elbow like a small child.

Steve's brows furrowed and you shook your head sadly. While the twins were comfortable with you, they hadn't quite warmed up to the rest of the team. Steve left and you turned to face the Maximoffs. "The two of you know that Steve isn't going to hurt you, right? Everything that happened with Ultron was forgiven. You're part of a team now. While we may not always get along, we have each other's backs. We're a family, albeit a dysfunctional one, but still."

The twins exchanged a look, having a silent conversation. "It has been a long since we had a family," Wanda said, turning to face you once again, "It has always been just us." You smiled sympathetically before replying, "I understand. All of us have our own issues, but we deal with them, together." The two of them nodded in understanding. "Now, it's my turn to cook. Let's go."

For the first time since coming to the Tower, the twins ate dinner with the rest of the team. They were quiet at first, but soon joined in the conversation. You watched happily as the rest of the team included the twins. After a while, both Maximoffs looked at you and smiled. They finally understood what you meant about family.

You may not have been blood and you may have had your differences but the Avengers were your family. And now, you had two new members. Wanda laughed at something Sam said while Pietro decided flirting with Nat was a good idea. You shook your head and chuckled when Clint and Bruce both glared at him. When dinner was over and the dishes cleared, the twins approached you in the kitchen. "Thank you, Y/N." You quirked a brow. "For what?" They smiled at one another before saying, "For giving us a new family." Before you could reply, they swept you into a hug. 

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