In The Bookstore pt. 2 (Loki x fem!reader)

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(You should read part 1 first!)

Loki started meeting you at the bookstore every week after that when he wasn't away on missions with the Avengers. He really enjoyed his time with you and getting to know you. There was just one problem. He wanted more. He wanted to be able to be with you whenever he wanted. He wanted the freedom to court you properly if you agreed. Loki decided to talk to the team about it.

"No," Tony said the moment the words were out of Loki's mouth. Loki frowned. "Give him a chance to talk, Tony," Steve admonished and Loki gave him a grateful look. Steve and Thor had been the ones to come to Loki's defense whenever necessary. They truly believed that Loki had changed and that his time with you had helped with that.

"Thank you, Captain. I have done everything asked of me. I have given you more than enough reason to trust me over these months. Surely you can see that. So why can I not have a little freedom? I was told that I was not a prisoner here, yet I feel like one." Loki watched the faces of the Avengers as he spoke. He could see that none of them really believed him except Steve. The raven-haired man sighed and turned away. "Thor, would you be kind enough to escort me?" Thor rose from his seat and followed Loki out.

Steve turned on his teammates with a frown. "You should give Loki a chance. He's right. He's been trustworthy, especially since he met Y/N. She's good for him." Natasha crossed her arms. "How do we know that?" Steve rolled his eyes. "Come on. Just come see how Loki interacts with her."

The Avengers quietly followed after Loki and Thor until they got to the bookstore. You were sitting at your usual table, book in hand, when Loki entered. You smiled up at him and stood. You wrapped your arms around him in a hug which he returned. He wore a soft expression the others had never seen before.

They watched as you both sat down and started talking. From their various spots, the others could hear pieces of you conversation. "You okay, Loki? You seem a little down." Loki frowned and replied, "I suppose I am. I enjoy our time together and I was hoping for more. They have decided I'm not trustworthy enough." You gave him a look a sympathy.

"I do not understand what more they want from me. I have tried everything." You reached over and rested your hand on his. He turned his hand over to grasp yours. "Maybe," you began before licking your lips, "Maybe I could talk to them? Make them understand how much you've changed?" Loki smiled softly. "You would do that? For me?" You nodded.

"Of course I would, Loki. I love spending time with you and, I was hoping that, if they would let you, you and I could go on a date sometime. I mean, a real date." Loki looked confused for a second and you giggled. "Courting, Loki," you told him as you felt your face heat up. He grinned brightly, something else the team had never seen before. A genuine smile from the trickster.

Steve gave the others a look and indicated that they should leave. He hoped that they understood that Loki wasn't up to anything nefarious with you. He just wanted to be with someone who shared his hobbies, his love of literature. Someone who understood that he was sincerely trying to be better.

The group headed back the Tower, except Thor who'd stayed behind with Loki. When they entered their home, Steve turned on them. "See? She's good for him. She makes him happy. We should give him a chance." They all sat and talked quietly among themselves, trying to come to a decision. That was how Loki and Thor found them when they returned to the Tower.

The team looked up at Loki, no one saying a word. "What? Going to tell me that I have to return to the cell on Asgard?" Loki snapped. He had enjoyed his time with you, but knew that your budding relationship was doomed before it even began.

"No, Reindeer Games. We were...wrong," the last word seemed to stick in Tony's throat. "You're right. You're not a prisoner and you have showed us that you can be trusted," Natasha continued for him. Loki's eyes widened in surprise. This wasn't what he'd expected. "Are you saying...I can be free to go where I choose?" The others nodded. "Just don't leave the city. We are still somewhat responsible for you." Loki nodded, thanked them, and disappeared the next second.

You were nearly home when someone appeared right in front of you. You jumped back, nearly falling back onto the sidewalk. Two arms wrapped around you, keeping you upright. "Loki?" He grinned and, before you could ask what he was doing there, his lips crashed against yours.

That was completely unexpected and thoroughly wanted. You were about to kiss back when Loki pulled away. "Forgive me." You shook your head. "No." Loki's brows furrowed and you smirked. "I won't forgive you if you don't do it again." Loki chuckled and pressed his lips to yours again. This time, when you parted, you sighed happily. "Does mean you're free tonight?"

"For you, love? I'm always free." You rolled your eyes and took his hand in yours. "Good. Let's go to my place. I'll cook dinner." The two of you walked toward your home, hand-in-hand. As you walked, Loki kept glancing down at your intertwined hands with a smile on his face. He was grateful that he'd met you in the bookstore that day so many months ago.    

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