When We Get Out of Here (Clint Barton x fem!reader)

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Your muscles were screaming as the guards lead you to your cell. You'd taken quite a beating, but you had known the risks when Steve asked you for help. You knew the chances of being taken to prison were high. You just didn't expect it to be such a high security place. The saving grace was the clear walls between you and your cellmates. At least you could see them and talk to them.

You were shoved into a cell next to a man you knew to be Clint. The fight was the first time you'd met the man. You kicked the door after it closed behind the guards before sinking down on your cot. Around you, you heard the whispered conversations between the others, wondering what their fate was going to be. Sighing, you laid down on your little cot. "First time in prison?" Clint's voice carried over to you.

"You could say that." Clint chuckled a little. "We won't be in here long. Cap will get us out." You smiled. "I think so too. As soon as he's done with what he needs to do, Steve will be here." Clint hummed in response. "So, how do you know Steve?"

*time skip*

You weren't sure how long you were in prison, but the time seemed to pass quickly when you were talking to Clint. He was sarcastic, funny, and sweet. He had a country boy charm that you positively adored. To say you got close would be an understatement. You felt like you could tell Clint anything and everything and he would never judge you. And he felt comfortable telling you about himself which was something he really didn't do often.

Now, you sitting back up against the wall of your cell and Clint was doing the same. If you turned your head, you could see his profile. You were chatting about your lives before all this mess. "So you own a farm?" you asked and Clint nodded. "Yeah. It's relaxing to work there when we're not off saving the world. It's my little bit of normal." You smiled. "I wish I had that to be honest. Training is pretty much all I know." Clint asked you why you weren't part of the Avengers, making you shrug. "Not something I ever wanted. Like I said, a little slice of normal would be nice. I'd love to be able to just relax, work a normal job, maybe even date." Your voice had gotten soft.

"Date? You don't date?" You laughed bitterly. "Who would want to date a woman who can kick their butt without breaking a sweat? Or one that gets called in to save the world by an off-the-rails Captain America?" Clint blushed. "I would. I'm in the same boat." Tense silence came over you both for several minutes.

"Hey, Y/N?" Clint finally said. "Hmm?" He didn't respond right away. You looked over to see if he'd fallen asleep. He hadn't. "What do you say I take you out on a date when we get out of here?" You arched a brow. Had he just asked you out? This man you had only met a little while ago had asked you on a date?

You hadn't realized how long you'd been quiet until Clint spoke again. "You know, that kind of question usually isn't rhetorical." You laughed. "Sorry. I'd like that, Clint. Whenever Steve is ready to get us out of here, that is." You didn't have to wait long.

Steve appeared what was probably only a few days later and released you all from your cells. The first thing you did was wrap your arms around Clint. Clint pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Come on. I owe you a date," he said softly as you followed Steve out. You giggled. "What did you have in mind?"Clint wrapped his arm around your waist and smirked. "How do you feel about horseback riding?"    

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