Lazy Days (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader)

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You were sitting in your room, balancing your laptop on your legs when Bucky poked his head in the door. "Hey, Y/N?" he asked quietly, causing you to look up and smile at him. You and the former assassin had grown quite close in the short time he'd been living at the Tower with you and the rest of the Avengers. You didn't have romantic feelings for him, and he didn't for you. You were just the person he was closest to besides Steve. "What's up?" Bucky came the rest of the way into the room.

"What are you doing?" he asked, coming to sit on the edge of the bed. You shrugged. It was one of the rare days when there was literally nothing to do. "I'm just having a lazy day. Wanna join?" Bucky nodded. You patted the spot on the bed next to you. "I was just about to watch a movie," you told him and pressed the play button on the laptop. You hated watching movies on your computer, but your room didn't have a TV and you didn't really want to try and watch on the TV in the living room.

You felt Bucky lean his head on your shoulder and you instinctively moved your hand to run your fingers through his hair. This was why everyone thought you to had a thing. "So...I finally did it," Bucky whispered to you. You paused the movie, eyes wide and glanced down at him. "You asked her out?! What did she say?!" Every since Bucky had moved into the Tower, he'd been dancing around his feelings for a girl he had met and, as a friend, you felt it was your duty to bring the two together. "She said yes," Bucky's voice was full of a confidence that you didn't see very often from him.

"I told you she would!" you cried before turning the movie back on. You really didn't watch most of the movie, though because you and Bucky were talking. When the end credits started rolling, you laughed. "Come on, Buck. Let's go bake some cookies and you can tell me more about this girl." Bucky nodded and followed you down to the kitchen. When you got there, Natasha and Steve were there, arguing over the last cup of coffee. "I'd let her have it, Steve. You know how she is," you said, flashing the red head a smile so she'd know you were joking. "She's right," Natasha told the super soldier.

"Bucky and I are gonna bake some cookies," you say happily. "I swear the two of you just need to date already," Natasha muttered taking her coffee and leaving the room with Steve. You and Bucky rolled your eyes and went to work making cookies. As the two of you moved around the kitchen, you were singing, dancing and talking. You cast a smile at your best friend, just enjoying your time. When the cookies were in the oven, the two of you moved to sit on the couch in the adjacent living room. You turned on Netflix and just sat cuddling with Bucky until the cookies were done. You really loved lazy days. 

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