That's What Friends are For (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader)

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(a/n: Over 1000 reads, guys!! Thank you so much!)

You heard Bucky groan behind you as you woke up. "Morning to you too, Buck," you say, your voice thick with sleep. Bucky yawned deeply as you turned to face him. "Thanks for staying with me, Doll," he said softly, not wanting to disturb the serenity of the morning. "That's what I'm here for," you said simply. You sat up and stretched. You'd ending up staying in Bucky's room the night before after he had another nightmare. You got up and went about your day.

You and Bucky had become friends a few months after he moved into the Tower. It had taken you that long to earn his trust. Now, the two of your were nearly inseparable. When you weren't on missions, you basically did everything together from training to movie days. You were there to help Bucky with his nightmares, just like you were for everyone else. You were the team's psychiatrist and Tony insisted that you live in the Tower with them.

When evening rolled around, you were sitting in your bed with your tablet checking your email one last time before bed. That's when you heard it. Thunder once...twice... and then the lightning. You jumped about a mile at the next clap of thunder and ran from your room, right into something solid. You looked up and met Bucky's concerned gaze. "Come on, Doll," he whispered. He knew you hated storms with a passion. You had since you were a kid.

You let Bucky lead you back to your bed. He crawled in with you and pulled you to him so you could rest your head on his chest. "It's alright, Y/N," he cooed when you snuggled deeper into his side as another flash of lightning lit up the sky. You held onto Bucky for dear life as the storm raged outside. He simply wrapped his arms around you tighter and spoke soothing words to you. When the storm was finally over, you felt your eyes dropping closed. "Thank you, Bucky," you whispered as you fell asleep. "That's what I'm here for," he told you, with a smile. He kissed the top of your head before closing his eyes and going to sleep himself.

Thenext morning, you woke to find your legs tangled with Bucky's and his arms werestill around you. He was still sleeping deeply, his face peaceful. You smiledand carefully leaned up to press a kiss to his jaw. You don't know why you didit, but you immediately regretted it when Bucky opened his eyes and smiled downat you. "I could get used to that," he muttered. "S-sorry,"you said looking away and feeling the heat hit your cheeks. Bucky used histhumb and index finger to life your chin back up. He glanced at your lips,asking permission. You nodded and he pressed his lips to yours in a gentle,sweet kiss.     

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