Piano (Bucky Barnes x reader)

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(a/n: inspired by "Samson" by Regina Spektor.)

Bucky woke to the sound of the piano. For a brief moment, he panicked thinking HYDRA or the government had finally caught up with him. Then, he remembered that it was you. You'd been living with Bucky for a while now and he finally trusted you. He knew you would never turn him over and that you believed he wasn't responsible for his actions as The Winter Soldier. For a few minutes, Bucky lay there on his bed listening to the soft sounds of the piano and your voice singing, "You are my sweetest downfall, I loved you first." Memories of your time together flashed in Bucky's mind.


Bucky realized he needed to go shopping. He sighed and grabbed his last piece of bread, shoving it into his mouth as he walked back to bed. He was stopped by the sound of a scream. Bucky glanced carefully out of his window. He saw the figure of a woman running from something or someone. Bucky ran his hand through his long brunette locks, debating on whether he should help you or not. Would you even let him? His deeds may not be recorded in any books that he knew of, but everyone knew the acts of The Winter Soldier.

Another scream brought him from his thoughts. Bucky made up his mind to help you and then get as far away from you as possible. Bucky opened his window and jumped down to the fire escape, then to the ground. He was face to face with your attacker. Within seconds, the man was running from an angry former assassin. Bucky looked over his shoulder to find you staring at him, wide-eyed. He turned away to head back up the fire escape. "Wait! Please!" You followed Bucky all the way up and inside the apartment.

*end flashback

Bucky got up and stretched, running his hand through his much shorter hair. Thanks to you, Bucky had gone back to wearing it as short as he had in the 40s, not that Bucky remembered much from that time. He chuckled to himself as he recalled how nervous you both had been when you wanted to cut his hair.


Bucky approached you cautiously as always. You were laying in bed, book in hand when he entered the room. You glanced up at him and smiled. You marked your place and patted the bed beside you. "What's up, Bucky?" He was silent at first, unsure of himself. You'd been living with him for several weeks now and Bucky didn't want to scare you off. He gently lifted his hand and ran his fingers through your long locks. When his eyes locked with your (e/c) ones, Bucky couldn't contain himself anymore. "You're beautiful, you know that?" You sat there in shock for a second before you smiled.

"Thanks, Bucky," you said with a blush. A comfortable silence hung in the hair for some time before you spoke again. This time asking to cut his hair. Bucky bit his full bottom lip before nodding nervously. You took his hand and lead him to the kitchen. Bucky sat in the lone chair in the kitchen as you dug through the drawers to find a pair of scissors. Bucky watched you by the pale yellow light hanging from the ceiling. When you found the scissors, you took a deep breath and began cutting off Bucky's long tresses.

When you finished, you held your breath as you handed Bucky a mirror hoping you hadn't messed up too badly. Bucky's usually stoic face broke out into a small smile. "You did good, Y/N. Thanks." You returned the smile before putting the scissors away. When you turned back around, Bucky was right behind you and you jumped. For someone so big, he moved so quietly. "Thank you," he whispered before closing the miniscule gap between you and pressing his lips to yours.

*end flashback*

Bucky made his way to the kitchen first, a small smile on his face when he realized there was only one slice of bread left. He had to go to the market to get plums anyway. You were still playing and singing softly as Bucky followed the noise, chewing on the bread. You were lost in the music when Bucky found you. He leaned on the doorframe, making the old boards creak. Your fingers slipped on the keys as you realized someone was in the room with you. You turned to face Bucky, the old bench scraping across the floor and threatening to break apart.

"Youokay, Bucky?" you asked him. He nodded and walked over to sit on the benchnext you. "You know, this song is a lie when you sing it," he saidsofty. Bucky rarely spoke above a whisper when he was with you. "Oh?"He nodded in response before saying, "I loved you first." You smiledand leaned your head on his shoulder. Bucky placed a gentle kiss to the top ofyour head before getting up and ready to leave for the day. If you had knownwhat was going to happen, you would have made him stay home that day.IK

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