Love is Strange (Avengers + Loki +Bucky x fem!reader)

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*loosely based off the movie "Strange Magic". A request/challenge from my mother*

"No, Steve. Don't touch that!" Bruce cried as Steve went to grab a beaker of pink powder. Steve instantly yanked his hand back. "Sorry, Captain but that stuff is dangerous. Tony, Loki and I discovered it by accident and it is potent." Steve walked around the desk and asked, "What is it?" Bruce gave Steve a look that said, "Don't even think about it." Steve just shrugged and was about to walked out when Tony and Loki came into the lab.

"Where's that love potion we accidentally made, Banner?" he asked, causing Steve's head to snap in his direction. "Love potion? How do you know it's a love potion?" Bruce scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "We may have, accidentally on purpose used it on Y/N," Tony answered. Steve ran his hand through his blond hair, trying to fight back the anger he felt coming on. "You used it on Y/N? Why?" Tony gave a nonchalant shrug. "Science. I wanted to see what our little thing would do, so I blew some into her eyes. Unfortunately for me, Terminator shoved me out of the way. When Y/N opened her eyes, she became infatuated with him."

"Wait a minute. So you're telling me that Y/N, our Y/N is in love with Bucky?" Steve asked through gritted teeth. Tony nodded. Steve held his hands stiffly at his sides, resisting the urge to punch Tony for his stupidity. "Great. Where is she?" Another shrug from Tony. Bruce gave Steve a sympathetic look and replied, "She's with Bucky. He's been trying to avoid her, but she locked the two of them and Natasha in the gym on the third floor. Told F.R.I.D.A.Y not to unlock it for any reason. We're trying to find the antidote."

Steve rushed from the lab and up to the third floor. Through the windows of the gym, he saw you. Your sister had a firm grip around your waist as you desperately tried to get to Bucky. Bucky's expression was a mix of smugness and unease. Steve tried to bust down the door, but couldn't. They had been specifically built so he couldn't do that. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, unlock this door now please!" he shouted to the AI. "I am afraid that I cannot, Mr. Rogers. Miss Y/N has instructed me not to let anyone in or out of the gym at this time." Steve groaned. This was definitely a time when being a computer genius would come in handy.

Back in the lab Bruce, Tony and Loki were trying to figure out how to undo their little mistake. "This is what we get for letting Reindeer Games use his magic when we're trying to be all scientific," Tony grumbled. "Do not place the blame on me, Stark. It was more likely your inept attempt at what you call 'science'," Loki complained while Bruce just shook his head and rubbed his temples.

"Will the two of you just stop?" he asked as Pepper walked by. "PEPPER!" Tony ran and dragged her into the lab. "Dust her Loki!" Bruce's eyes went wide. "Tony, are you crazy?!" Tony waved his hand at Bruce. "Calm down, Banner. We don't need the big green rage monster coming out now. Come on, Loki." Loki gave Tony a skeptical look, but did what he said and threw some of the "love dust" into Pepper's eyes.

Meanwhile in the gym, you were still struggling to get out of your sister's iron grip. "Let me go, Natasha! I want to stay with my Bucky Bear!" Bucky glared at you. "Bucky," he corrected. You launched yourself out of Natasha's arms and into Bucky's. "Apparently, we're stuck here until the guys figure out how to reverse this," Bucky told Natasha as he attempted to detach you from his waist. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, open the door, now!" Natasha yelled at the AI. She could hear Steve on the other side of the door, pounding on it furiously and yelling.

Steve was still outside the gym when Tony came rushing up with Loki and Bruce trailing behind. "We figured it out!" Bruce cried, but before he could say more, F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke, "Mr. Stark, an arm skis on roaches." The four exchanged a glance and Tony ran his hand down his face. "What the- Y/N! I'm going to kill you! You don't mess with F.R.I.D.A.Y!" He heard you giggle from inside the gym. Then there was a deafening scream. Yours.

"Y/N!" Steve cried. There was the sound of the glass windows breaking followed by grunts and gunshots. "F.R.I.D.A.Y! Open these doors, override protocol!" The gym doors opened and the scene that greeted them was a messy one. "AN ARMY APPROACHES, F.R.I.D.A.Y! AN ARMY APPROACHES!" Tony screamed then quickly told the AI to get his suit. Steve rushed in and began his assault of the HYDRA agents that had infiltrated the tower, always keeping one eye on you his best friend and the woman he loved.

Steve had been in love with you for years, but never had the courage to tell you even though everyone else in the tower knew, even your sister. Now, he was worried for your safety because you weren't yourself. You couldn't defend yourself. Natasha understood this and moved you out of the way before coming back to fight alongside the men. The agents were soon taken down and restrained, but now the gym was a complete and utter mess.

"Bucky Bear!" you cried coming out from your hiding place and squeezing Bucky. The smile fell from Steve's face as he watched you embrace his friend. Bruce noticed of course and tapped Steve's shoulder. "We figured it out. The thing that can reverse the effect is real love," Bruce informed the super soldier. "But she doesn't love me," Steve said. "Well, there is a catch. You kind of have to kiss her." Steve felt his face heat up. Natasha glared at him. "Don't even think about it, Rogers," she growled.

"Do you really want her to stay in love with Bucky forever? It isn't real," Bruce told her. Natasha sighed and pushed you toward Steve. "Hey Steve! Have you seen how great Bucky looks today?" you asked with a giggle. Steve had finally had enough. He grasped your shoulders and pulled you to him. He pressed his lips to yours in a kiss that he hoped conveyed every ounce of love he felt for you. You blinked a couple of times before returning the kiss. Your kiss was interrupted by Tony clearing his throat.

"Congrats, Capsicle. You finally told her. Now we are getting rid of this stuff for good." Your (e/c) eyes met Steve's baby blues. "I love you, Steve," you said softly. "Me?" Steve looked at you as if you'd gone crazy. "You," you replied before kissing him again. "Tony, look out!" Bucky cried, causing you to whip your head around in time to see Tony slip on some glass and the love potion went flying into your sister's face. "Natasha!" Natasha blinked a few times and looked at Bucky. "Oh, no!" Bucky groaned when he caught her gaze on him.

"What?" Natasha asked, before rolling her eyes and leaving the gym. "Huh? Must not work anymore," Bruce said. "Or maybe my sister is already in love with Bucky?" you offered, wrapping your arm around Steve's waist. "One way to find out," Tony said before pouring the powder into his own eyes. "TONY, NO!" 

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