With a Sister's Help(Pietro Maximoff x reader)

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(a/n: I used Romanian for Sokovian. The translations are at the bottom.)

You flipped your (h/c) hair over your shoulder as you got out of the taxi. You had just flown in from Russia to live with your distant cousin, Natalia Romanova or as she was known in America, Natasha Romanoff. You'd only met Natasha once before, when you were small children. You glanced up the steps and standing there was a statuesque woman that could only be your cousin. You approached her slowly. As soon as you were close enough, Natasha looked you over, sizing you up. You quirked an eyebrow at her as a smile made its way to her lips. She greeted you in Russian before switching back to English.

She introduced you to her team. You instantly clicked with Steve and Bruce and Tony immediately hit on you. "Well, hello gorgeous!" he said as he placed a hand on your shoulder. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Stark," Natasha warned him. He ignored her and pulled you back toward him. You looked at Natasha and asked, "He doesn't listen, does he?" She shook her head. You grabbed Tony's wrist and flipped him over your shoulder onto the floor. "I warned you," your cousin said, nonchalantly as the rest of the team began laughing. You felt like someone was watching you and you looked over to find a pair of electric blue eyes staring in your direction. "That's Pietro Maximoff and his twin Wanda," Natasha whispered to you. You nodded, but before you could greet the two properly, Tony stood up. "Girl's got some moves. What do you think, Capsicle?" Steve nodded and you glanced at Natasha, confused. 

That happened three months ago. You were now an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and you lived at the tower with your cousin. You'd become really good friends with all of the Avengers except one. Pietro. For some reason, Pietro would leave the room whenever you entered or, on the rare occasion that he did speak to you, it was always a rushed conversation with some Sokovian slipped in. You couldn't understand it. You and Wanda got on famously, but the older twin just didn't seem to like you and you decided to talk to Wanda about it. 

 "Don't be ridiculous, Y/N. Pietro adores you!" she argued. "Then why doesn't he talk to me?" Wanda gave you a little look, chewing on the inside of her lip. You could tell she was debating on whether or not to tell you something. "What is it Wanda?" Before she could answer, Pietro zoomed into the room. "H-hello. What?" he asked looking at his sister, who was glaring at him. "Vă sunt doare sentimentele!" she yelled at him in their native language. Pietro shook his head and ran from the room. "Are you going to tell me what that was about?" you asked, taking a sip of your coffee. 

Wanda sighed. She knew there was no way that Pietro was going to tell you so it was up to her. "Pietro likes you. Very much. He wants to date you, but he doesn't know how to tell you. He is so nervous around you." You couldn't fight the smile on your face. Pietro liked you. Now the only thing left to do was to tell him that you felt the same. Except for the fact that you weren't going to let Pietro off that easy. Wanda grinned when you asked her to help you. You were going to make Pietro admit his feelings before you made another move. You and Wanda came up with a plan, but you had to get Tony and Steve on board. The plan wouldn't work without their help as well. "That is brilliant, Y/N! My brother won't be able to help himself!" Wanda exclaimed with glee. Once you sat Tony and Steve down, you explained the situation and your plan. Surprisingly, they agreed and your plan was put into action. 

 The next morning, Steve was sitting at the counter, tablet in hand when Pietro zoomed into the kitchen. "Good morning, Captain," Pietro greeted. Steve gave him a nod in acknowledgement before his eyes returned to the tablet. "Don't you usually have a newspaper?" Steve nodded again. "Y/N is determined to get me learn this new technology, so she hid my paper this morning." Pietro ran around to look over Steve's shoulder and Steve "accidentally" hit the wrong button, causing the tablet to switch from the news site to the live feed from the cameras around the tower. Steve spit his coffee out and Pietro's jaw dropped when he saw what was happening outside your room. Tony was coming out of the room. He turned around, pulled you to him and dipped you into a kiss. He then pulled you back up and walked down the hallway. Before Steve could comment, Pietro hurried off. Steve smiled at his own acting ability and called Wanda.

 Meanwhile, you were sitting on your bed waiting. You didn't have to wait long before the pounding on your door began. You smiled and got up to answer the door. You were completely unsurprised to see Pietro there, looking furious. "Well good morning, Pietro! How can I help you on this glorious day?" He glared at you for a moment. "I saw you. And Stark on the cameras." You cocked your head like a confused puppy. "And why should that matter?" you asked. "Because you can't be with Stark!" he cried back as he pushed his way into the room. "Why not, Pietro? I'm a single woman. I can do as I please," you replied, coolly. You knew that you were getting to him and you wanted to see just how much it would take to push him over the edge. 

"You can't because he doesn't love you! I do!" Apparently not much at all. Pietro's eyes grew wide as he realized what he'd said. "I know, Pietro. I'm not with Tony." Pietro looked at you. "But...I saw you," he said, causing you to start laughing. "An act. It was only an act. I knew how you felt about me, but I wanted to hear you say it so Wanda helped me cook up this little play for your benefit," you told him, drawing closer to the silver-haired speedster. "Steve? Stark?" You nodded in response. Pietro was staring off into space and hadn't noticed just how close you were until you placed your hand on his chest. He jumped and glanced down at you. 

"An act?" When you smiled at him again, Pietro's face flushed. He was embarrassed. He had just admitted his feelings out loud. "I should go," he whispered and you grabbed his wrist to keep him from running away. "No. You should stay and kiss me," you told him, your (e/c) eyes staring straight into his blue ones. Not waiting another second, Pietro leaned down and brought his lips to yours. You jumped apart when Tony's voice came over the intercoms, "Finally! Now you can both stop walking around like love-sick puppies!" Your eyes scanned the room for the camera you knew was there. "Stark, I swear if you don't stop watching right now, I'm going to come up there and disconnect everything myself!" you yelled. Clearly Tony listened since there was no response. You turned back to Pietro, who kissed you again before saying, "Nimeni nu are nevoie să vadă goală în afară de mine." You scoffed and shook your head. "You know I understand Sokovian, right?" you asked and Pietro's face turned the color of a tomato.

Vă sunt doare sentimentele = you are hurting her feelings 

Nimeni nu are nevoie să vadă goală în afară de mine = no one needs to see you naked except me.


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