Planning the Announcement (T'Challa x fem!reader)

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"Are you certain?" you asked. Your eyes were wide. The doctor smiled and nodded. "Absolutely, Your Highness. There is no doubt. You're having a little prince or princess." You let out a little laugh, barely audible. Then another and another until your laughter filled the room. "That's incredible!" You cried and the doctor joined in your merriment.

"Please don't say anything to the king. I want to be the one to tell him," you told the doctor, your tone suddenly serious. The doctor simply smiled and nodded. "Of course, Your Highness." You rushed from the office and back to the home you shared with your husband. Once there, you slowed down. Negative thoughts started creeping into your head. How would T'Challa take the news? The world was going to hell in a hand basket. Was it really the best time to announce that you were pregnant?

Still, you knew you had to tell T'Challa. But how to do it? Would you make a big deal of it or just tell him quietly? You contemplated how to do it. You were so lost in thought, you didn't see Bucky coming toward you. You didn't realize he was right in front of you until you felt his hand on your arm.

"Whoa, Your Highness," his voice snapped you out of your reverie. "Sorry, Bucky. H-Have you seen my husband?" Bucky smiled and nodded. "No, but I know where he is. He's waiting for me with the doctors in the lab. My new arm is ready." You gave his shoulder a squeeze and turned back to walk to the lab.

"Y/N, darling. I was not expecting you," T'Challa greeted with a bright smile that you returned. "I know, but there's something I need to discuss with you when you have a moment." T'Challa's brows drew together, but he nodded anyway. "Of course, my queen. Over dinner?" You wanted to sigh, but you knew the King of Wakanda was a busy man. You knew that before you even married him. "Alright." You leaned in a gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the room. Your mood brightened when you realized that now you had more time to plan how you were going to tell him.

You thought long and hard about how to tell your husband. You searched the internet for different ideas and you finally found one. Smiling to yourself, you set about your task. You grabbed everything you would need for what you wanted to do. When you were finished, you couldn't wait for dinner to hurry up and arrive.

You were already seated when T'Challa entered the lavish dining room. "Good evening, Y/N," he greeted giving you a kiss on the cheek. You did your best not to bounce in your seat. You decided to give him his "present" between dinner and dessert. But that seemed so far away to you now. You completely zoned out while you ate, just wanting the meal to be done with.

T'Challa cleared his throat, catching your attention. "You said you wanted to discuss something?" You smiled and nodded. Then you turned to the Dora Milaje who were always present. "Leave us, please," you ordered softly. They glanced at T'Challa for a brief second then left the room.

As soon as you were alone, you grabbed the box from the floor beside you and set it in front of your husband. "What is this? It is not my birthday," he said with a smirk. This was the side of T'Challa his people rarely saw, the playful side that acted like a child sometimes. "No it isn't. Just open it."

T'Challa chuckled and unwrapped the box. His brow furrowed when he saw yet another box. Then another and another. The more boxes he found, the more confused he became. Finally, he came to the last box and laughed. "There cannot possibly be another box, can there?" You shook your head and smiled. T'Challa glanced down to open the last box to see the pregnancy test and you bit your lip.

Your husband stared at the test with wide eyes. He kept glancing up at you and then back down. "Y-You...We..." You wanted to laugh at his speechlessness. It wasn't like him at all. "Yes, T'Challa. We're having a baby. I know it isn't the best time, but we've been wanting this for a long time." You began to ramble and didn't notice T'Challa get up from his chair and walk over to yours.

"Y/N, stop. I am thrilled." He sank down so he could see your eyes clearly. "This child will be the most adored child in all of Wakanda." You smiled at him. "I love you, T'Challa." He kissed your forehead. "And I love you. And our child."    

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