Soulmate Not Found (Steve Rogers x fem!reader) Soulmate AU

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Steve stared down at the timer on his arm. It just had to be defective. There was no way it would take him that long to meet his soulmate. He'd be dead long before then. "Don't let it get you down, Steve," Bucky told him with a smile. He was trying to stay positive for his friend, but Steve could see the sadness in his eyes.

Steve didn't get the best lot in life. He was tiny and prone to illness. His mother, the person he loved most in the world, was now dead and it looked like he'd never find his soulmate. Steve let out a sigh. "I think I'm gonna head home. See ya around, Buck." Steve got up, dusted off his trousers, and began the trek back to his home. "Hey, Steve!" Steve glanced over his shoulder. "Soulmates are overrated anyway." Steve smiled slightly, but didn't reply.

That was easy for Bucky to say. Even though he hadn't met his soulmate either, Bucky never wanted for company. He always had some kind of companion. Not Steve. Steve never had anyone other than his mom and Bucky. Women didn't look at him the way they looked at Bucky. They looked at him with eyes full of pity more than anything. Sighing again, Steve opened the door and stepped inside his dark home.

Steve sank down on the couch, his blue eyes flicking to the timer once again. Such a long time to go. There was no possible way he'd ever meet his soulmate. He'd go to the grave never having met the person he was meant to be with. Determined not to dwell on it anymore, as nothing could change it, Steve decided to stick with his original plan. Join the army and fight in the war. He never could have known what would happen to him.

*70 years later*

Steve sat outside the cafe, sketching the city he was growing accustomed to yet again. He hadn't been out of the ice long, but he was going to try and make the most of his unique situation. No longer was he the small, ill, little boy. No. Now he was Captain America. The serum had worked better than anyone thought possible. He was strong and healthy now. He had the power to put bullies in their place when necessary. But Steve couldn't help but feel like something was missing.

Since thawing, Steve had refused to look at his timer. He hadn't even glanced at it once. It probably wouldn't work now anyway. He didn't need the reminder that he still hadn't found his soulmate; that he probably never would.

A sudden wind came and blew Steve's papers from the table. Steve quickly got up and moved to catch his papers, but someone beat him to it. Steve felt himself blush when the person looked at the papers. "These are really good." You glanced up at Steve and he felt his heart stop. Blue eyes met (e/c) ones as the chime of two timers sounded. You looked down at your wrist and blinked in surprise.

Steve pulled up his sleeve to look at his own timer. Sure enough, the numbers had finally reached zero. "You. I finally found you," he whispered. Your face split into a dazzling smile. "I'm Y/N." You stuck your hand out and Steve took it shyly. "Steve. I've been waiting a long time to meet you." You pulled your hand back and realized it was covered in black streaks from Steve's pencils. "Oh, sorry," he said nervously.

Steve muttered under his breath, "Stupid," and you giggled. "You're not stupid. It's just pencil." Steve grabbed a napkin from his table and offered it to you. "Thank you, Steve." He grinned. "Um...would you like to join me?" He asked and you shook your head. "I'd love to, but I'm already running late for work." Steve frowned a little, but understood. "Oh. Some other time then." After agreeing, you gave him your number and started on your way. Steve watched as you walked away, chuckling softly when you tripped over your own feet.

Steve called you later that day and you invited him to dinner a few days later, which he eagerly accepted. And afterwards, you went on a walk around the city. Sure, he probably should have been a bit more wary. You were strangers after all, but something about being with you felt so right. You spent the time just getting to know one another. Steve was hesitant to tell you about his past, afraid you would run from him, but he wanted to be honest with you.

When Steve finished with his explanation, you simply stared at him. Steve felt his heart sink to his feet. Finally, you spoke, "Now it makes sense." Steve arched a brow. "I wasn't born with a timer. Then, a few months ago, one suddenly appeared. Around the time you were brought out of the ice."

"Are you upset?" You shook your head. "Of course not! Steve, even just today I've noticed things about you that are amazing. And you were honest with me. It doesn't matter that you're technically over 90 years old. You're incredible and I'm lucky that you're my soulmate."

Steve looked at you with an expression of awe. You glanced at your watch and sighed. "This has been fun, Steve, but I have to go. I have to work early tomorrow." Steve's expression fell, but you smiled at him. "I'd love to do this again sometime soon. I want to get to know you, Y/N," he said softly, "Kinda want to go slowly. Like I would have done in the 40s." You chuckled. "I like that idea. I'll see you around, Steve." You kissed him on the cheek and turned to leave. "Y/N," he called, making you stop. "Let me walk you home. It wouldn't do for a lady to walk alone at night in the city." You laughed lightly as rain started to fall. "Thank you."

You let Steve walk you home, completely oblivious to the rain coming down. Steve didn't pay much attention to it either. When you reached your apartment, you smiled up at the super soldier. "Goodnight, Steve. Give me a call and we'll do this again sometime." Steve nodded before leaning in to kiss your cheek. "I'm so glad I finally met you, Y/N," he whispered in your ear as he pulled away. You watched as he walked away from you, the smile never leaving your face.    

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