Relax (Wanda Maximoff x reader)

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You'd been having nightmares for as long as you could remember. They plagued your sleep nearly every single night. You thought that they would stop now that you were living in the Tower. Now that you were safer than you'd ever been. That wasn't the case. If anything, they got worse before they got better. Luckily, you had one thing now that you didn't have before. Wanda Maximoff.

It was bad this time. You woke up in a panic, sweat dripping from your forehead. You sat up and ran your hands through your (h/c) tresses. You couldn't seem to steady your breathing so you called the only person you could think of. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, c-can you w-wake Wanda, p-p-please?" The AI did as you asked and, a couple minutes later, Wanda opened the door.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" You shook your head, unable to form words anymore. Wanda waved her hands a little, making it easier to breath. "C-can you use your p-powers t-to help m-me? The images won't g-g-go away." Wanda gave you a look of pure sympathy. No judgment, no harsh words. Just sympathy. She nodded and came over to sit on the end of your bed.

She raised her hands, red wisps circling around them and you flinched. You couldn't help it. You knew she wasn't going to hurt you but you were sleep deprived and the fear from the nightmares lingered. "Relax, Y/N. I will not hurt you. I am in control." You took a deep breath and nodded once. You closed your eyes and let Wanda work. "Lie down," her voice reached your ears. You did as she asked.

No sooner did your head hit the pillow did the images finally stopped. Well, they didn't stop, but they were replaced by different ones. Better and happier ones. Images from your childhood, your best friends, and even the times spent with the team that didn't include battle. Wanda's accented voice was barely audible now, but you could make out the word "relax" and soon, you were finally able to sleep.

The next morning, you woke up more refreshed than you had in weeks. You wandered down to the kitchen. Wanda was already there. "Thanks for last night, Wanda," you said grabbing the orange juice and pouring a glass. "It is not a problem, Y/N. You are my friend and friends help each other, no?" You smiled brightly at her. "Yeah. That's right so, if you ever need anything, let me know." She nodded her head, giving you a small grin. "I will do that." You drank your juice before coming around the table and giving her hug. "You're a great friend, Wanda." 

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