Unique Abilities (Clint Barton x fem!reader)

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Once again, you were feeling useless. The mission was over and it had gone well, but you couldn't help but feel like you didn't do your fair share. How could you when you didn't have any real abilities like the others did? Sure, you could hold your own in a fight, but the rest of the team just seemed far more competent than you. You sighed quietly as you entered the Tower behind the others. You just wanted to go shower and try to wash away the feeling of uselessness.

No one knew you felt this way. Well, at least you thought no one did. There was, however, one person that noticed your change in moods after every mission. He noticed just how down you felt and it bothered him. Clint. He watched you more closely than he cared to admit. He could see in your eyes just how upset you were and this time, he decided to do something about it.

The next morning, you jolted awake at the sound of someone pounding on your door. "UHHHHH!" you groaned and burrowed further under your blankets. You were vaguely aware of the door opening, but you weren't ready for the cool air that hit your body when your blankets were taken away. You shot up, ready to yell at the person that dared to wake you. Then, you saw that it was Clint, bow in hand.

"What?" you asked, your voice still laced with sleep. He chuckled. "Time to get up, Sleeping Beauty. We've got work to do. Meet me in the gym on this floor in half an hour," he said before turning on his heel and leaving the room. You gaped after him and you wondered what he could possibly want this early in the day. Still, curiosity won out and forced you out of bed.

Thirty minutes later, you were dressed, caffeinated and waiting in the gym. Clint was already training and you watched in awe as he hit target after target without even looking. Why couldn't you have abilities like that? Clint turned to you with a smirk. "Good. You ready?" You cocked your head in confusion and Clint laughed at how much you looked like a puppy.

When he stopped laughing, Clint turned serious. "I know you're feeling upset. I can see it." You sighed heavily and told him," I just feel...useless. I have no business being on the team. I don't have any powers or special abilities like the rest of you." Clint set down the bow, shaking his head. "Look, you may not have super powers, but you have other abilities. Different ones. I've seen you in training. Your knife throwing skills are phenomenal. Also, you are compassionate and understanding. You listen to the rest of us. I can't make you not feel useless. You have to do that yourself. Now, you take this bow and show me that you are ready to step up and embrace your unique abilities."

He picked the bow up and stretched his arm out to you. With a shaky hand, you reached out and took the bow from him. He smiled and moved behind you. Clint gently pushed on your back to make you move forward toward the targets. He took one of your hands in his and placed it on the grip. "There you go." You felt your breath hitch in your throat as you realized just how close he was. It was taking everything in you to stay focused on what he was saying.

After he finished explained everything, Clint asked, "You got it?" You bit your lip and replied in a shaky voice, "Uh-huh." Clint smirked from behind you. He loved seeing you all flustered, even when that wasn't his intention. It was a nice change from your usually composed self. "Alright. Let's get an arrow knocked for you." You let out the breath as he moved away and had to suppress a shudder when he came back and helped you ready the arrow.

This time, Clint let out a laugh. "Do I make you nervous, Y/N?" You swallowed thickly but shook your head. "I'll tell you a secret. Lying is not one of your unique abilities," he said. This time, you chuckled, allowing yourself to finally relax. You took aim and loosed the arrow, sinking it into the target. "I did it!" In your joy, you turned and threw your arms around Clint and kissed him square on the lips.

Itonly took you a second to realize what you were doing and you detached yourlips from his. "I'm sorry," you whispered. You shoved his bow backinto his hands and turned to leave. Clint caught your hand and that's when younoticed he was laughing. "How about we try that again without thedangerous weapon in your hands?" He placed the bow on the ground and wrappedhis arms around you, pulling you close. His lips attacked yours. When youparted, you were breathless and so was he. After you calmed down, Clint cuppedyour cheek and said, "By the way, that is definitely one of your unique abilities."    

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