Reminisce (Bucky Barnes x wife!reader)

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(a/n: memories are in italics)

Bucky groaned as the sunlight hit his face, waking him from his slumber. He opened his eyes and immediately smiled at the sight before him. You were still sleeping next to him, your (h/c) fanned out on the pillow and your lips parted slightly. He laid there watching you sleep, simply amazed that he had you in his life. As you slept, Bucky started thinking about the life you'd had together so far. He even remembered how you first met, both times. It wasn't until you both had all your memories back that you remembered your first meeting, the real one and it wasn't pleasant.

You were standing across from him in fighting stance. HYDRA had already erased every sense of who you were before they got a hold of you. Now you were a trained assassin and an Enhanced, almost as lethal as the Winter Soldier himself. The leaders decided to pit the two of you against one another for training purposes. So the first time you met the Winter Soldier was almost the last day you lived to fight.

Bucky suppressed a shudder. He didn't want to shake the bed and risk waking you up. He preferred not to think about that time so he closed his eyes for a brief second, trying to bring forth another memory, a happier one. It worked. As you shifted in your sleep, Bucky remembered your much nicer first meeting.

You had come running into the gym, about five minutes later than everyone else. Luckily, training hadn't started yet. In your hurry, you weren't really paying attention to where you were going so you ran smack into Bucky's back. "Oh, gosh I'm sorry!" You had a much easier time breaking HYDRA's hold on your mind since you hadn't been with them nearly as long as Bucky had. "Don't worry about it," Bucky grunted out. You flashed him a gorgeous smile and offered your hand. "I'm Y/N." Bucky merely glanced at your hand and nodded once. "Bucky."

Bucky laughed at himself quietly. He really hadn't made a good first impression either time he met you. The first time, you both had been brainwashed and the second, Bucky was so afraid of his own mind, he kept mostly to himself. You slowly managed to break down his walls through your similar experiences. Little by little, Bucky had let himself grow to care for you and, in the long run, Bucky was glad you were so persistent in being his friend. If you hadn't been, Bucky never would have gotten the courage to finally ask you out on a date, which lead to another and another and eventually, your first kiss.

"Well, our date's ruin," Bucky mumbled just loud enough for you to hear. You giggled. "The date isn't ruined, Buck. I've had a great time, despite Steve's motorcycle breaking down and the rain. I love it when things don't go as planned," you said, a small smile on your lips. Lips that Bucky desperately wanted to kiss, but he'd yet to pluck up the courage to do it. "You do? Doll, I think we need to talk about your priorities." You laughed again and put your hand on his shoulder, stopping him. "Bucky, all that matters is that we are enjoying each other's company," you told him as you stood up on tip-toe and pressed your lips to his.

That was the first kiss of many over the years and the third happiest day of Bucky's post-Winter Soldier life. That kiss had been everything he hoped for and more. The second happiest day of Bucky's life came a couple of years later when Bucky plucked up the courage to propose. Bucky smiled when he remember that nothing seemed to go right for him that day.

Bucky groaned as yet another plan for this night went awry. "Steve, this is terrible. Maybe I shouldn't do this," he complained to his best friend. Steve rolled his eyes. "Bucky, this is Y/N we're talking about! Just do something simple and stop trying to make it a huge affair. Just calm down." Bucky took a deep breath and decided Steve was right. Bucky quickly ran to find you and practically dragged you up to the roof where you could be alone. "Bucky, what is all this about?" you asked, studying his face. "Doll, I've been trying to think of ways to do this just right and I couldn't. I just...I have question for you." He got down on one knee and pulled a velvet box from his pocket.

Youhad accepted the very second the question passed Bucky's lips. That night ledto the happiest day of Bucky's and he hoped, your life. The day he married you.Every day since then had been a journey with both good and bad days, but youwere always there for him and he for you. "What are you thinking about,Buck?" your question brought Bucky out of his reverie. He turned his headto see your beautiful (e/c) eyes staring at him. "I was thinking about howlucky I am to have you in my life. Of how much I love you." You snuggledcloser to your husband and smiled. "I love you too, Bucky. Now come hereand kiss me good morning."    

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