Mind Reader (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader)

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(a/n: italics are people's thoughts that the reader hears.)

The voices in your head just wouldn't be silent. You couldn't make heads or tails them. You couldn't tell which voice belonged to which person most of the time. "Hey, Y/N!" You jumped at the sudden voice. "Sorry, Steve. Did you say something?" As suddenly as the voices in your head started, they stopped. "I asked if you were up to training with Wanda today?" You nodded and rubbed your tired eyes. Wanda was attempting to help you control your powers since they were similar to hers.

Steve sat and stared at you for a few seconds too long. "Take a picture, Steve. It'll last longer," you quipped as you grabbed a cup of coffee. "Sassy little-" You whipped your head up to look at him with a cheeky smile and said, "You should watch what you think about me, Cap." He glared at you for a second. "And you should stay out of my head. Go find Wanda." He started out of the kitchen with a chuckle as you yelled at his back, " It's not like I can help it!" You huffed and turned your attention back to your coffee.

In truth, you hated your power. You'd discovered it a couple of years ago, in your mid-teens and it put a damper on the whole "high school is the best time of your life" experience. You had no one to help you control your powers and so the voices came and went as they pleased and it was usually at the worst times. During a test, while you studied, or the worst yet, in the middle of date. Eventually, you gave up on having any kind of a normal life.

"Oh my God, if Terminator here doesn't stop blabbering on about Y/N, I'm gonna lose my breakfast," Tony's thoughts rang out loud and clear. Your brows furrowed but you didn't have time to contemplate anything else as someone else's thoughts drifted to you. This time, it was Wanda. "Y/N, training now!" You sighed. Wanda was the only one that could absolutely make sure you could hear her thoughts or not whenever she wanted.

You were leaving the kitchen when the voices hit you again, causing you to cry out. Someone was at your side in an instant. You didn't have to look to know who it was. Bucky had become very over protective of you since you'd moved into the Tower. He couldn't protect you from the thoughts bouncing around in your head though and that killed him. "Y/N, come on. You can shut them out, I know you can." You took a deep breath and gazed up into his concerned blue eyes.

After a moment, the thoughts cleared again and you were able to leave to find Wanda. "You have got it bad, Terminator," Tony said with a laugh. Bucky looked over his shoulder at the billionaire. "You should tell her." Bucky frowned. It had been a long time since he'd had feelings for a woman and his feelings for you had hit him hard. It worried Bucky how quickly he had fallen for you, but two things worried him more. The fact that you were so afraid of people because you couldn't control your powers and the fact that he was so much older than you. You were the youngest of the Avengers.

"I've tried, Stark. I just don't know how," Bucky told him. Tony smirked and began offering Bucky advice on how to tell you exactly how he felt. Bucky shook his head at every suggestion, knowing they wouldn't work. Eventually Tony gave up and left the room, leaving Bucky alone. Or so he thought. "You like me?" your voice caused the ex-assassin to jump. How had you managed to sneak up on him? He turned to see you standing there.

"I thought you were training with Maximoff," he stammered. You nodded. "I was, but your thoughts kept calling my name. I thought you were in trouble, so Wanda let me go. Something about getting you to stop pining." Your face was bright red as he continued to stare at you. "I just don't get why you like me. I'm seriously messed up. I hear voices in my head...literally. I haven't had a normal life since my powers developed! I haven't even-" you cut yourself off and your blush deepened. You'd just embarrassed yourself.

"You haven't what?" You mumbled something that sounded like, "Dated." Bucky smiled and took a step closer to you. "You haven't? That means you haven't...?" you shook your head. "Never?" Another shake of the head. "It's kind of hard to get 'in the mood' when you've got other people's thoughts bouncing around in your head," you said softly, "God this is embarrassing." Bucky cocked his head to the side, making him look like a little puppy. You giggled.

"Why? You're, well, you're beautiful," he said nervously. "Maybe, but look at you! You've probably had dozens of girls...I just don't want to disappoint you." The sound of his laughter caused you to look back up at him. "Could she be any cuter? No wonder I love her." Your eyes widened as you accidentally read his thoughts. Looking at the change in your expression, Bucky knew immediately that you'd heard it. "Oh, I um..." he trailed off. "Say it, Bucky...I want to hear it from your lips," you told him as you took another step toward him.

He met your gaze and smiled. "I love you, Y/N. I don't know how or when, but I do." You closed the distance between you and pressed your lips to his. Suddenly, the voices all stopped except one. Bucky's. You heard everything thought of adoration, desire and love that was in Bucky's head. His thoughts overpowered every other voice until someone spoke out loud. "It seems that ve found a vay to clear your mind, Y/N. Unfortunately, kissing during a mission isn't the best idea."

Youturned to see Wanda with a smug grin on her face. "I told you he vaspining for you, Y/N. Ve can vork vith this." You nodded. "That'sgreat, Maximoff. Now, would you mind?I'd like to kiss Y/N again," Bucky said with a chuckle. Wanda shook herhead and grimaced. "That's not all you vant to do, Barnes. Try to keepyour thoughts a bit more quiet, vould you?" You felt your face heat upagain as Wanda left. "She's right," Bucky whispered in your ear,"But I can wait until you're ready." You turned back around andkissed him again, not even bothering to keep the naughty thoughts, both yoursand his, at bay. aZ]ok

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