Please Don't Tell (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader)

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You weren't normally clumsy, but that day your mind was elsewhere. As you walked through the shared living room in the Tower toward the kitchen, you accidentally bumped into the table, knocking over one of Tony's new little gadgets and breaking it. You felt your eyes go wide and you put your hand over your mouth. You bit your lip and began scooping up the mess. You hoped that you could hide it and never have to think about it again. It was childish, you knew, but the last time one of Tony's precious tech got broken he threw a fit.

"You know, you really should be more careful," a voice behind you made you jump and drop the broken gadget again. You whipped around, coming face to face with the former Winter Soldier. Bucky stared at you with his blue eyes and a smirk on his face. You gulped and began to stutter," P-please don't t-tell Tony. He'll k-kill me." Bucky's smirk deepened. He put his finger on his chin as if he were pondering something.

He closed the distance between you in just a few strides until he was towering over you. "I think I can be persuaded to keep my mouth shut. One condition," he said, his eyes never leaving yours. You felt your cheeks heat up the longer he stared. Bucky made you nervous. Not because of his past. You didn't blame him for that. No, he made you nervous because you had a MAJOR almost middle-school like crush on the guy.

"W-what condition?" you whispered, slightly uncomfortable at the lack of space between the two of you. "Kiss me," he answered nonchalantly. Your eyes grew even bigger, if that was possible. "You w-want me to-" He nodded once, that far too gorgeous smirk never leaving his face. You swallowed thickly and peered up at him. "I, well, I would. I mean I want to but-" you were cut off again by him chuckling. He took your chin between his fingers and tilted your head up.

"Do you want to kiss me?" You nodded and began closing the distance between the two of you, but you were stopped by a shout. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY NEW TOY?!" In your surprise, you jumped, head butting Bucky in the nose. "Ow!" Bucky yelled as you began apologizing to both men in a flurry of tears and hand gestures. Tony came over and picked up the pieces of the gadget with a pout. "Seriously, you break my new toy and then, instead of trying to fix it, you're all set to make out with the Terminator over here?" He shook his head and left the room.

Youglanced up at Bucky who was still holding his nose. "I am so sorry,Bucky!" you cried. You felt the tears welling up in your eyes again untilyou heard him laughing. "Honestly, Y/N it's fine." He looked backdown at your face that was still a mask of fear. He began poking your sidesuntil you started giggling. "Better?" You nodded and before you couldchicken out, you stood up on tip-toe and pressed a kiss to his lips. "Whatwas that for?" You shrugged. "I told you I wanted to kiss you." T@Z]mL

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