Still a Hit (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader)

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(slight au)

You stopped dead in your tracks when you saw him. The Winter Soldier, a.k.a Bucky Barnes, was standing not ten feet from you, his eyes glued to the exhibit in front of him. The one about Captain America and the Howling Commandos. After all the time you'd spent chasing him with Steve, Natasha, and Sam, you ran into him. You had to try not to panic.

He had seen your face before. You were a target for him if he was still in assassin mode. The intense stare he had told you that he could be. Until you were certain, you decided to make yourself scarce. Luckily, you always wore your suit. S.H.I.E.L.D had given you a suit that enabled you to become invisible and you were going to use it now.

Once you activated the suit, you moved closer to the assassin. One look at his face told you that he wasn't the same Winter Soldier you'd seen before. He looked confused and sad, like a lost puppy. It made your heart break for him. You had to help him. You moved away, deactivated the suit and approached him again, slowly.

"Bucky?" The man in question jumped slightly and stiffened. You moved so he could see you in his peripheral. You held your hands up, indicating that you had no weapons. "Please...don't take me in," he whispered. You frowned. He looked like he was ready to run. You didn't want that, so you shook your head. "I won't, Bucky." Some of the tension left his shoulders. "But it's not good for you to be out in the open like this."

Bucky glanced over his shoulder with wide eyes, as if the authorities were already there. You lifted a hand to place it on his shoulder, but thought better of it. "I know where you can hide out for a while. Come with me." After a brief moment of hesitation, Bucky nodded and followed you out of the museum.

*time skip*

You knocked on the door of your safe house. A special knocked reserved for you and Bucky. No answer. Frowning slightly, you used your key to unlock the door. You opened it just as Bucky came bounding down the stairs. You accidentally opened it right into his face. "Ow!" You winced. "Sorry! You didn't answer so I let myself in." Bucky wiggled his nose before giving you a soft smile. "No harm done, Doll."

For a moment, the two of you stood there. Only when the bags of groceries started to slip did Bucky realize you had your arms full. "Here, let me take those." He took the groceries in his arms and carried them to the kitchen. "I hope you didn't run out of groceries while I was gone. Sorry it took me so long to get back." It had been a few weeks between visits. Bucky just shrugged. "I know you are busy. You shouldn't have to worry about taking care of me too."

You smiled at him as you began to unpack the groceries. In truth, you didn't mind. You enjoyed spending time with Bucky. You'd gotten to know him. Sort of. Bucky's memories were fuzzy, but you helped him as best you could. To Bucky, you represented a fresh start. A way to get his life back, even if it wasn't the life he had before. "I don't mind, Bucky. You've got to eat. Besides, I enjoy your company."

"Um...Y/N?" Bucky began, his eyes watching as you stretched to put something away. You looked back at him. "Yeah?" Bucky drummed his metal fingers on the counter. "I think I'm ready." You nearly fell over. "Ready?" Bucky nodded. "I'm ready to meet Steve." You grinned. "I'm glad."

You really were glad. It had been difficult to keep this secret from Steve. He was pretty much your closest friend and not telling him that you knew exactly where Bucky was nearly killed you. But, you'd promised Bucky that you wouldn't tell anyone until he was ready. So he could explain himself. "I'll bring Steve here. Just the three of us, okay?" Bucky nodded. "But first, will you stay and eat lunch with me, Doll?" You grinned and agreed.

A little while later, you were practically dragging Steve from the Tower. "Where are we going, Y/N?" he asked, none too happy that you had dragged him away from his sketch. "Sorry, Steve, but this is important. Get in," you ordered in a tone that told Steve he shouldn't argue. Steve climbed in the passenger's seat, but still didn't stop asking you what was going on. By the time you pulled up to the safe house, you were completely annoyed.

"Steve," you snapped, "I promise everything will be explained." Taking a deep breath, you looked up at his eyes that were full of curiosity. "There is someone inside that needs to see you, but you have to promise me you won't be mad at me." Steve's brows furrowed and you sighed again. You turned and walked up to the door.

The door didn't open when you knocked, so you let yourself in again, carefully this time. "Where are we?" Steve whispered. You rolled your eyes. "Okay, Steve. This place is one of my safe houses. A refuge. Usually for me, but now for someone else. He's been here a while, trying to prepare himself." You saw the recognition in Steve's face before you even finished talking. "He's here? Please tell me you're talking about Bucky." You nodded and Steve hugged you. "Thank you."

You returned the hug and lead him to the living room, hoping Bucky would be in there. "Bucky? I brought Steve." Bucky rose from his favorite chair and turned to face Steve. "Buck." Bucky gave him a small smile. "I'll leave you two alone for a bit. Maybe go grab a pizza." With that, you left.

You came back about an hour later to a house filled with laughter. The sound brought a smile to your lips. You rounded the corner into the living room and set the pizza on the table. "How's it going, guys?" They both smiled at you. Bucky got up and did something you didn't expect. He wrapped his arms around you. You stiffened momentarily at the unexpected show of affection, but you embraced him back. "Thank you, Doll." You smiled at him. "Of course, Bucky." You looked into his eyes. They sparkled merrily and you melted.

"Wow, Buck. Even after this time, you're still a hit with the ladies." You let go of Bucky and glanced at Steve. "Wait, what?" You looked back at Bucky, noticing a slight pink tint to his cheeks. Steve laughed. "Bucky likes you. He always acts like this with dolls he really likes. There weren't many back in the day that he truly liked." Your eyes widened.

"He's right. I do like you." You felt your face heat up and you couldn't fight the grin. "I guess it's a good thing I like you too." You took his hand in yours and gave it a nervous squeeze. "And this is where I leave. Thanks, Y/N. And Buck? I won't tell anyone you're here." He left the house and you rolled your eyes.

"I wonder how long it'll take him to remember that I drove him here." On cue, the door opened again. "Y/N! I need a ride back to the Tower." Laughing, you pulled away from Bucky. Before you could get too far, Bucky pulled you back to him and placed a gentle kiss to your lips. "Hurry back, Doll." You were giddy as you practically skipped out to your car.    

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