Coma (Steve Rogers x reader)

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"Y/N!" Steve's voice called out. You whipped your head around to him just as you felt the first shot hit you. Then another and another and another. You lost count of how many shots actually hit you before you fell to the ground, barely hearing Steve crying out your name.

Steve cursed himself as he picked you up and dragged you to safety. How had that happened? Steve hadn't left your side the entire mission and you had still gotten hurt. Steve used his shield to protect your body while he waited for the tell tale sound of the jet. He just had to hold on a little longer. Just a little longer.

Steve jolted awake, momentarily forgetting where he was. The beep of the machines reminded him that he was in the hospital. Stretching his neck, Steve let his gaze travel over to you. The mission had been two months before. You'd been in a coma ever since. You looked so small in the hospital bed with all the tubes attached to you. They were feeding you, helping you breathe. Basically, they were the only things keeping you alive and that killed Steve.

"Good morning, Y/N," he whispered to you, the way he had every morning. The others, except Bruce, thought he was crazy for doing it, but Steve just knew that you could hear him. He was absolutely certain that you would wake up if you knew that there were people around who needed you. Everyone else thought you were going to die. Steve couldn't let that happen.

"I know you can hear me. I need you to wake up, okay?" he said just before the door opened and Natasha walked in. "Any change?" Without taking his eyes off you, Steve shook his head. Natasha set a bag down on a table. Food for Steve. "Steve...maybe it's time to let go. I really don't think Y/N is gonna wake up." Steve glared at her. "I'm not leaving and I'm not letting Y/N go. I can't."

Natasha frowned and left the room. The rest of the Avengers were waiting outside and Natasha shook her head at them. They all hated this. They hated that you were in a coma and they hated what Steve was doing to himself over it. He never left that room except to go to the bathroom.

Back in the room, Steve took your hand in his and gave it a squeeze. "Y/N, doll. You gotta wake up. The team keeps telling me to let you go, but I can't. I love you too much." No response. Not that Steve expected one. You hadn't even moved in two months. He kissed the back of your hand and dropped it. His stomach was growling, but the moment he reached for the bag, something happened.

You coughed, choking on the tubes in your throat. Steve dropped the bag to the floor and ran for the door. "Doctor!" His booming voice made the others jump. "What's happening, Cap?!" Steve didn't answer. He just waited for the doctor to come sprinting down the hall. Steve was forced out of the room while the doctor and nurses tended to you.

Nearly an hour later, the doctor came out, a wide smile on his face. "Everything alright?" Steve asked, praying he got the answer he wanted. "Y/N is awake. They'll have to stay a little longer, but it appears as though they are out of the woods for now." Steve was bouncing on the balls of his feet, making the others laugh. "Can the Captain see Y/N? I have a feeling he'll bring down the building if he doesn't."

The doctor nodded. "Only for a few minutes though. We don't want to overwhelm Y/N." Steve nodded even though he barely heard what the doctor was saying. He didn't care. He had to make sure you really were alright.

The nurses smiled at Steve when he entered, but his eyes were on you. The nurses where helping you back into bed after they'd insisted you try to walk a little and stretch out your legs. "Y/N," Steve breathed out. He was near tears as he saw you up and moving with his own eyes. You glanced up at him and gave him a tired smile. "Hey, Steve." As soon as the nurses were out of the way, Steve was by your side once more.

"You finally woke up," he whispered and you snorted. "Says the man who was on ice for 70 years." Steve rolled his eyes. Still the same Y/N. Sassy as ever. "I heard you, you know. When you talked to me." Steve grinned. "I knew you would." You coughed again and Steve offered you some water. After you took a drink, you spoke again. "It was muddled and sounded like I was underwater, but I did hear you. I could have sworn you told me that you loved me."

Steve flushed bright red. In his excitement, he'd forgotten about saying that."I did," he said softly, avoiding your gaze. You grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. "I love you too, Steve." He looked up at you in surprise. "Really?" You chuckled and nodded. Steve was so happy, he could have bounced off the walls. He kissed your hand again before running off to ask the doctor how much longer you'd have to be in the hospital. He couldn't wait to take you out of there and on a date.     

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