Opposites(Steve Rogers x fem!reader)

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Steve stared at you in awe as you trained with Natasha. You were as ruthless as she was when it came to combat. Steve loved that about you. When you weren't fighting, you were kind and compassionate, albeit a little...loud. You didn't care what anyone else thought about you. You wore bold clothing that accentuated every curve, you swore like a sailor, had a confidence that could sometimes be construed as arrogant, even though you weren't. In other words, you were the complete opposite of Steve.

Steve's eyes locked on one of your many tattoos when you had your back to him. That was another thing that intrigued him about you. You were so different than the women from the 40s. "Cap, you're drooling all over your shirt." Steve looked over his shoulder at Clint. "No, I'm not." Clint chuckled. "Yeah you are." Steve didn't answer, just returned his gaze to you. Clint sighed. "Look, Cap. I'm not going to tell you what to do, but I don't think Y/N is the girl for you."

"Why? She's a great gal." Clint nodded. "She is, but the two of you are so different." Steve shrugged. You and Natasha had finished and you waved up at him with a smile. He returned the gesture making Clint roll his eyes. "You have got it bad, Steve. If you're determined to be with her, maybe you should come out with us tonight. You know Y/N loves to party." Steve grimaced at the thought, but knew Clint was right. If he wanted to have any luck with you, he'd have to act more like you.

So, that night, Steve dressed in jeans and a button up and met with the rest of the team outside the Tower. "You're coming with us tonight, Steve?" you asked, making him look at you. Steve swallowed thickly. You were wearing a little black dress that was just that. Little. It covered everything it was supposed to, but it still left many of your tattoos on display and hugged your curves. "Uh, yeah. Figured I'd get out for a little while."

"We're going to a club, Steve. You hate going to clubs with us." Steve just shrugged and let you slide into the limo before him. The whole way there, Steve felt out of place. He was beginning to wonder if it was worth it. "You okay, Steve?" He met your gaze and nodded with a stiff smile. You gave his knee a squeeze and returned the conversation you were having with Tony. Clint gave Steve a look, but didn't say anything.

A couple of hours later, Steve was sitting stiffly in the booth at the club, knocking back another shot as he watched you dancing. He wanted to be on the dance floor with you, but he couldn't find it in himself to do it. He was losing his chance, but maybe that was okay. Maybe the two of you were just too different.

"You wanna tell me what's going on?" you asked. Steve jumped since he hadn't realized you'd come back to the table. "Nothing." You rolled your eyes but before you could respond, another voice cut in. "Hey, gorgeous. Care to dance?" You arched a brow at the newcomer. "No thank you." You slid into the booth next to Steve, prompting the man to disappear. You turned back to Steve. "Now let's try this again. What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing, Y/N! Why can't you leave well enough alone?!" You weren't fazed by his sudden show of temper. Instead, you grabbed his hand and lead him outside. The minute you were out, Steve relaxed a little. "Steve, why did you come out tonight?"

Sighing, Steve hung his head and muttered, "Iwastryingtogetoknowyoubetter." Your brows furrowed. "What?" Steve cleared his throat and tried again. "I was trying to get to know you better." You smiled softly at him. "Oh, Stevie. You didn't have to make yourself uncomfortable to do that. You could have just asked me." Steve clenched his fists.

"It doesn't matter. I've realized we're just too different for us to-" he cut himself off. "For us to what, Steve? To be friends? To be more than friends?" Steve nodded. "I'm sure you'd rather be with someone more like you." You reached over and cupped his cheek. "Stevie, who put that idea in your head? Don't you know that sometimes, opposites attract. I've liked you for a long time now." Steve's lips spread into a grin. "Really?" You nodded.

"You like me? You like me!" Steve wrapped his arms around you and hugged you close. "Yes, Steve. I do. Now, what do you say we get out of here?" He let you go. "What about the club?" You shrugged. "There will be other nights. I can always come back with Nat another day. For now, I want to spend time with my boyfriend." Steve's brows rose. "Boyfriend?" You smirked and replied, "Yeah. Isn't that what you want, Stevie?" Steve's hand went to the back of your head. "You have no idea," he muttered as he crashed your lips together.    

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