That Didn't Take Long(Bucky Barnes x fem!Barton reader)

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"Cap needs us." That was all it took for you to bolt up from your seat. "I'll get Scott."

When you and your brother Clint met up with Steve, you never expected to actually meet Bucky. You also didn't think he'd be so handsome, especially for a guy on the run. But he was. And he was sweet too. You fell instantly. All the way to the airport, you flirted shamelessly. You couldn't help it. Bucky was easy to flirt with and, when he wasn't so focused on the fight to come, he flirted back. Clint wasn't happy about it, but he was never happy when you showed interest in a guy.

Flirting was put on hold when you arrived at the airport. You felt terrible knowing you'd be fighting against people you'd come to see as family. However, you had to fight for what you thought was right. Your job? Distract the others so Bucky and Steve could get to the jet and escape. You didn't count on getting injured by T'Challa as you blocked his way to Bucky. That injury made it easier for Ross' men to capture you.

*short time skip*

"Hey, Doll. I've got someone who wants to see you." You sat up in your cell with a smile. "Steve!" He grinned at you. "Let's get you all out of here." You couldn't believe that Steve was willing to break you all out of prison. You didn't argue though. You were beyond ready to get out of there. You weren't meant to be caged. Besides, prison was boring.

Steve dropped Clint and the others off at Clint's farm, but you stayed with him. "Where are we going, Steve?" Steve didn't answer, so you kept your gaze on the sky. You were definitely nowhere you knew, but you couldn't wait to see Bucky again. You were out of the jet the moment it landed.

"Welcome to Wakanda, Ms. Barton," T'Challa greeted, his smile falling when he saw the injuries to your arms and face. "I know it doesn't mean much, but I apologize for causing your injuries." You waved off his apology. "It's alright. I've had worse. I just wish it hadn't come to blows in the first place." T'Challa bowed his head slightly. "I suppose you want to see Mr. Barnes." You nodded eagerly, making both men laugh at you. "Follow me."

You followed T'Challa and, when you finally saw Bucky, your eyes nearly bugged out of your skull. His metal arm was missing. "What happened?!" you cried, rushing over to him. HIs blue eyes widened in surprise at your concern. "I'm fine, Y/N. What about you? You're covered in cuts and bruises."

" have no arm!" Bucky chuckled at your reaction. "Not the first time. I'll be okay." Steve cleared his throat. "Sorry to interrupt, but are you going to tell her, Bucky?" Your brows furrowed and Bucky frowned. "Tell me what?" Sighing, Bucky glanced down at his feet. "I've decided to go back under. Cryo." You stared at him in disbelief.

"Why?" Bucky shrugged. "I can't trust my own mind. All someone has to do is say those words and I turn back into...that. I don't want that to happen again." You took his hand in yours and gave it squeeze. "Bucky, there are other options. Please." He shook his head. "I can't."

"Can you try? I can help you." He looked up at you, wondering why you were fighting so hard. "Why does it matter so much?" You sniffled. "I've never met anyone I connected with the way I did with you. I don't want to lose you already." Bucky gave you a soft smile. "Stay with me, Bucky please. If you still feel this way after a while, I won't fight you anymore."

Bucky pretended to think for a minute. "Alright. But I want to stay in Wakanda, if T'Challa will let me. It's the safest place." You threw your arms around him, nestling your face in the crook of his neck. "Okay," you whispered. You felt Bucky wrap his arm around you. It was shaking, as if he were unsure of his actions.

You took a chance and kissed his cheek. His face immediately began to turn red. You thought he looked cute when he blushed. So, you went to kiss his cheek again, but this time, he turned his face at the wrong, or rather the right, moment. His lips met yours and you pulled back instantly. You felt your own face heating up.

"Well, that didn't take long," Steve's voice made you jump. You'd honestly forgotten he was there. "Way to ruin the moment, Cap," you muttered and Bucky laughed. "Sorry," Steve apologized sheepishly, " I think T'Challa and I should go." Steve hurried out of the room, almost pushing T'Challa ahead of him. You laughed and turned back to Bucky.

He was looking at you with an expression that could only be described as adoration. You kissed him again, ignoring the voice in the back of your head telling you that you were rushing things. Kissing Bucky just felt right and you didn't care about anything else.    

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