Blissfully Ordinary (Wayo)

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I look in the mirror and make sure I look presentable. Today is my first official day of work.  After a month of renovating, my office is finally ready.  My staff and I have already been to the clinic and set things up.  We even have appointments made for today, although only a few.  That's OK though since most of my day will be in the lab making things.

"Muahahaha" I cackle out rubbing my hands together and pretending to be a mad scientist.

"You alright babe?" P'Pha says walking behind me.

I jump just a bit because I didn't hear him come in.  He chuckles as he ruffles my hair.

"P'PHA! My hair!" I yell smoothing it down.

He laughs harder pulling me into his arms.

"If you want I can mess up more than your hair." He whispers seductively.

"But we just did it like thirty minutes ago." I stutter out.

It doesn't help that he's so freakin sexy.  He's staring at me looking all yummy.  And really what would it hurt if I was just a little late? I am the boss after all. I turn and look at him biting my lip as  I start tugging on my tie taking it off.

"Really? Hell yeah!" He says as he practically attacks me.

He was apparently feeling a bit frisky since we ended up doing it twice.  There's no questioning my husband's stamina that's for sure.

"Are you going to be late for work?" I ask as we drive in.

A bit late to be worried about that but I'm trying to be considerate.

"Nope I already told them I would be late.  I wanted to be there with you when you opened the doors." He explains.

"Aw really? You're the best. Do you know that?" I gush.

"No babe.  I just love you.  I wouldn't do this for just anyone." He tells me and I can feel my cheeks heat up.

"Watch those cheeks if you plan on making it there." He warns.

"P'Pha! Haven't we done it enough?" I ask feeling completely shocked.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" he mocks.

"Sorry.  I forgot who I was talking to for a minute there." I reply.

We pull into the hospital parking lot and he pulls into his space.  At first I'm confused but then I remember my building is two blocks from the hospital.

"Ready?" He asks taking my hand.

"Yes." I say confidently.

I take a deep breath and blow it out quickly.  He smiles at me and my brain goes blank.  Just what does he think he's doing being all charming right now?  Doesn't he know that I have to be able to do things like walk and possibly make coherent sentences?

He tugs my hand and I follow him to the elevators.  We exit through the main floor of the hospital. Although I try to pull my hand free he refuses. I know that he's not embarrassed but he's a prominent doctor here, image means a lot in a place like this.

By now most people know that we're together but that doesn't stop the nasty looks.  Some of disapproval and some of jealousy. All I know is that these women are scary so  I scoot a little closer to him just in case.

We walk out and head to my clinic.  The sun is shining and the sky is crystal clear.  I can't imagine a better day. We come to the clinic and walk in.  It looks great.  I'm so pleased with how it turned out.  I turn to see that everyone is here for the unlocking of the doors.

"You know my first appointment isn't until ten right?" I ask the crowd.

"We're not here for that you idiot.  We're here for the official opening and what it means." Ming says.

"And what does it mean?" I ask.

"That my best friend won't leave ever again." He says wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Nope.  I won't leave again.  Unless P'Pha does.  I have to go where he goes." I say honestly.

Our parents chuckle at my answer.  They are entirely too close together.   P'Pha's dad is straightening my dad's tie then steps back for an appraising look.

"You need to look handsome for the reporters." He says.

"What reporters?" I ask.

"It's the opening of your clinic.  Of course we invited the press." My dad answers.

"Of course.  What was I thinking?" I reply.

"Oh by the way Pôr, thank you for all of your hard work on the clinic.  It looks wonderful." I say giving him a hug.

A quick one since I get pulled away by P'Pha and he gets pulled away be my dad who scowls at him.

"What? I was hugging your son." He whispers.

"I know who you were hugging." Daddy whispers back.

"Seriously Ru, you can't be jealous of your own son." He says softly trying to hide his mouth.

"Oh I can't?" My dad replies.

"This is why we didn't work out in college.  You kept getting jealous." He scolds.

"Did you think that would change now?" My dad counters.

Apparently they are completely unaware that we're all watching right until P'Pha clears his throat.

"Something you want to share with the rest of the class gentlemen?" He asks.

They both whirl and look at the group of people with us.

"HA! Told you! Pay up." P'Beam's mom shouts.

"It was only a matter of time before you guys got back together." Ming's father chimes in.

"What? We're not together." Pôr replies.

"Really?" Ming's mother asks pulling his collar away revealing quite a scandalous hickey.

"Your work I assume Ru." Kit's dad calls out causing the rest of the adults to laugh.

"Did you leave a mark?" Pôr asks looking horrified and my dad simply shrugs.

"I have to go to work Ru!" He complains.

"And now they'll know you belong to someone." My dad says with a smirk.

"So you were lying before when you said you weren't together?" I ask.

"Have I ever lied to you son?" My dad asks me seriously.

"No daddy." I say feeling a bit embarrassed.

"I didn't this time either.  We really weren't together then." He clarifies.

"No they just flirted and danced around it.  Everyone knew they would get back together." Beam's father says.

"Oh and technically, I won the pool." P'Forth's mother says triumphantly.

"That's not necessarily true Boonsri.  They just slipped and made us aware today, clearly it happened before then judging by Phichit's neck." Her husband corrects.

"Just whose side are you on?" She demands.

"Mine! I want to win too." He admits.

"So dads, what's the official date?" P'Pha asks.

"The night of the party." His dad mumbles out.

"But you guys were drunk and passed out when we left." He says narrowing his eyes.

"Well we have a high alcohol tolerance." His dad says scratching the back of his neck.

"We're replacing your mattress so don't worry." My dad says casually earning a slap from P'Pha's dad.

"DADDY! Our bed? WE haven't even slept on it yet." I complain.

"I said I was changing the mattress dammit." He defends.

"YES!!! THAT'S ME!!!" P'Kit's mother yells out.

"Dammit!" P'Forth's mother swears.

"You couldn't squeeze your butt cheeks closed for a couple weeks longer Phi?" She complains.

"Mae!" P'Forth scolds.

"What? You don't realize how great the pot was." She defends easily.

"Why are you assuming I'm the bottom?" P'Pha's dad asks looking annoyed.

They all start laughing at him.

"Please.  We all know exactly who is who in this relationship." P'Kit's dad says.

"W-what? No.  It's not like that." Pôris stuttering out.

My dad simply laughs and pulls him into his chest.  He places a kiss on his forehead and looks up at us.

"We're getting married." He announces and Pôr's head whips up looking at my father, his eyes wide with confusion.

"We're what?" He asks.

"We're getting married." He replies.

"Within the month." He adds.

Pôr looks around like he doesn't know what to do and simply smiles when we make eye contact.

"Hey! Just so you know P'Pha and I were married first so I'm not accepting this brothers thing when you guys get married." I say.

"But how fun would it be to say that you're married to your brother." P'Pha says with a wink.

"That's not funny." I chide.

"You could call me big brother in bed." He says clearly messing with me.

"Is that what you want? Do you want me to moan out big brother when we're making love?" I say slightly moaning the words big brother then biting my lip.

"No." He says becoming serious all of a sudden.

"Annnnd, my boy wins." Daddy calls out.

"That seems to be the Kongthanins' plight.  Always losing to the Panitchayasawad boys." My dad says looking smug and high fiving me.

"It's almost time." Ming's mother announces.

"We're so proud of you baby." She says as she straightens my tie and checks my suit.

"You'll never know how happy we are that you came back and married Phana." P'Kit's mother says brushing my hair back behind my ears.

"You filled the missing piece we were all feeling when you left.  You can never leave again, our family needs you." "P'Beam's mother says as she places a kiss on my forehead.

P'Forth's mom simply pulls me into her arms and hugs me tightly.  I lightly pat her back as she sniffles into my shoulder.

"Boonsri, don't get snot on his suit." P'Beam's mother shouts causing her to pull away from me abruptly.

"It's OK.  A little snot never hurt anyone." I say smiling.

"But it can ruin a suit." P'Kit's mother says.

"No it can't." I laugh.

"Oh yeah.  What will you do when Boonsri's snot shows up in your picture?" Ming's mother asks.

"I won't wear a jacket." I say removing the offending outerwear.

"There.  Problem solved." I say holding P'Forth's mother's hand..

We officially opened the doors at ten.  Yes there were reporters and they asked about the new clinic.  Once all of the hoopla was over everyone left.  Daddy stayed behind to 'help' but I know he's watching.  I'm OK with that though.

Opening day was great and we celebrated with dinner out.  It was a huge party. Everyone was smiling and chatting happily. I kept looking over at our dads.  They look really happy.  I remember what daddy was like after mamma passed, he was sad for a really long time.  It's good to see him happy again.

"Dr. Kongthanin?" A female voice calls out.

I bristle immediately.  Looking at me dad he has the same response.

"Both P'Pha and his father look towards the voice.  Truthfully our entire group looks towards the voice.  Thankfully, she was talking to the older Dr. Kongthanin.

"Dr. Manapat. How are you this evening?" He responds with a charming smile.

I don't miss my father's scowl.

"Great thanks. Big group." She comments.

"Yes my son-in-law just opened a clinic today so we're celebrating." He says motioning towards me.

"She looks over at me and has a confused expression.

"I thought you only had the one son." She says looking around for a girl I assume.

I start to laugh.  Normally the roles would be reversed.  P'Pha pinches my waist and I squeak a little batting at his hand.

"I do.  He's married to Phana." Pôr says easily.

"I'm so sorry. That must be rough." She says causing an instant uproar.

"What did you just say? You're sorry? For what?" Ming's mother asks clutching her chopsticks like weapons.

She's speaking calmly but we can all tell she's seconds from losing her mind.  I notice that both P'Forth and P'Kit's mothers are holding back P'Beam's mother who looks like she's about to jump across the table.

"Oh I just meant it must be hard to have a gay son.  You know society still frowns upon it.  Plus you'll never have biological grandchildren.  Essentially your bloodline ends with him." She says shaking her head sadly.

Wow.  I can't believe she said that.  She clearly didn't think this through before she let it come out of her mouth.

"Well ma'am I'm sure your husband is waiting for you.  Thanks for trying to ruin my night." I say condescendingly while also trying to save her life.

"Oh I'm not married." She replies.

"Funny.  I am.  To this really good looking man so don't feel sorry for me.  I have everything I could ever want or need." I say mockingly.

The parents are silent before bursting into laughter.  Thank goodness that was diffused.  I'd hate to see what would happen if the mother's had lost control.  Thankfully she curtly said farewell and left.

"Who was that?" My father asks once things calm down.

"Huh?" Pôr replies.

"The woman who came to flirt with you but ended up insulting our children.  Who is she?" He asks again.

"Oh Dr. Manapat? She's a surgeon in my department." He answers easily.

"And does she always flirt with you?" He asks gritting his teeth.

"What? Flirt?  No.  She doesn't." Pôr says and truth be told I'm not sure I believe him.

"And what about you Phi? I saw that smile." My dad says leaning closer causing Pôr to lean back into his chair.

"It was just a smile Ru." He defends.

"Oh I saw that smile.  That was the smile that raised a million skirts." P'Forth's dad snorts.

"Shut up Yuthakon!" Pôr yells.

The table erupts into laughter as the adults decide that picking on our dads is the best way to spend the rest of the evening. I have to admit that I agree as I sit back against P'Pha and enjoy the show.


So I really tried to keep the dads as friends but I just liked them together so much.  Sorry to anyone who feels that it's cliche or wanted them to remain friends.  Hopefully the story is still fun for you.

Thanks for reading.


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