Movie Night (Phana)

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As soon as we get home I head for the movie cabinet and search for Ghostbusters. I don't mean that female crap that came out a couple years ago. I'm talking about the classic 1984 version with Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Harold Ramis.

I get it set up then go looking for my spouse. I find him in the kitchen talking with Ming. I say talking but both of them look pissed. Ming is in Yo's face but my baby's not backing down. He actually takes a step closer and is giving as much as he's taking.

"Hope they work this out soon, it's really affecting Ming." Kit says from behind me.

"It's bothering Yo too." I reply.

"Then he shouldn't have lied. That's why Ming is upset." He says.

"I get that, but I think he thought it was the only way." I say.

"Well it was the wrong way." Kit snaps.

"Hey! You can't say that. You don't know what it's like to be in love with someone and have no idea if they love you back. For as long as you can remember you've had that nimrod wrapped around your finger." I yell pointing at Ming.

"Call him that again." Kit says pushing me.

"Nimrod." I say with a push.

"Nimrod!" I say with another push.

"NIMROD!" but this time Ming is in my face holding my wrists and looking fierce.

"Touch him again and see what happens." He threatens.

"Do you think I can't take you?" I say looking down at him.

"I know you can't." He spits out.

"But I can." Yo says grabbing Ming and forcing him to the ground with his arm pulled back behind him.

I step back feeling surprised at this sudden turn of events. Kit comes and stands beside me.

"Think it'll work?" He asks.

"Hope so. This tension between them needs to end." I reply.

"What's going on?" Asks Beam as he slings his arms over both of our shoulders which is no small feat considering our height differences.

We simply point towards Yo and Ming.

"You started without me? You guys suck." He complains.

"We didn't mean to, they started it." Kit defends.

Ming manages to get out of the hold and they are facing off. I'm feeling nervous because we all know that Ming has had years of Muay Thai training. But I have to admit, Yo doesn't look nervous at all. He simply watches every move that Ming is making almost mirroring his actions.

"Don't worry boss, Ming won't hurt him." Kit reassures.

I look over at him and glare. He smiles with a shrug. Beam chuckles behind me.

"I don't know. They look pretty serious. Did you guys think of what you would do if this turned into a big fight?" Beam asks.

We both turn and look at him.

"That's why there's four of us watching babe." Forth says from the counter.

Damn he's stealthy. I didn't even know he was there. Beam takes that moment to walk over to his husband and wraps his arms around his waist. Forth maneuvers Beam so that he's now standing in front of him. Forth's hands are now wrapped around Beam's waist and his chin is resting on his shoulder.

An 'oof' sound brings my attention back to the fight. Ming had landed a punch in Yo's stomach. Yo stands and smiles. He runs towards Ming and jumps into the air. He pulls his fist back and brings it down at Ming's face. Ming brings up both hands blocking the assault. However, once Yo lands he sweeps Ming's legs out from under him. Ming falls to the ground and Yo is on top of him.

He repeatedly punches at Ming who can only shield himself.

"You're such an asshole! I did this for you." He yells as he hits his friend.

His words must have spurred Ming because faster than imaginable, Yo is on the ground with Ming seated on his hips.

"You did it for me?" He yells slapping Yo in the face.

"What about this was for me?" He screams as he swings again.

This time Yo stops him though. He scowls at Ming and swiftly brings his knee up connecting soundly with Ming's crotch. Ming howls in pain and falls off of Yo.

"You ass!" Kit screams as he runs over to Ming who's clutching his bruised ego.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't want to force you to lie, or get mad at you for betraying me because I know you can't lie." He explains.

"I told you all of this before." He yells throwing his arms out to the side.

"Do you think that's good enough?!" Ming asks managing to sit up.

"I was an afterthought Yo. We've been friends almost our entire lives and you didn't think enough to tell me what was going on." He says sadly.

Yo sits beside him and takes his hand. Ming tries to pull away but Yo must have a strong hold because he can't.

"Ai'stupid. How could you think that? I really wanted to tell you every day and if you weren't married to him, I would have." He says pointing to Kit.

"Hey nong. Why is this my fault?" Kit asks.

"Aw P'Kit. How many times has Ming lied to you?" He asks.

"Never. Ming doesn't lie." He answers confidently.

"And how many secrets has he kept from you?" Yo asks with a smirk.

"None. He doesn't keep secrets from me." He says slowly.

"Now imagine that I called up Ming and told him that I was coming back to Thailand. What would he do?"

"He would tell me." Kit answers honestly.

"And if I told him I was coming as a companion in order to be with P'Pha?" He asks.

"He would tell me but ask me not to say anything." He admits.

"And what would you do?" Yo pushes.

"I would tell Beam and Pha." He says shyly.

"Do you understand Ming? Of course I wanted to tell you. You're my best friend but there was no other way this scenario would have played out. But I promise, no more secrets or leaving you out. OK?" He says.

Ming doesn't answer at first. He's probably still trying not to vomit form the incident. Yo stands abruptly with an angry expression on his face.

"Fine. Don't forgive me! Get the hell out of my house!" He demands and walks away.

"Yo." I call as I follow him.

"Stay here." I command as I run after my husband.

I walk to our bedroom and he's sitting on the edge of the bed breathing deeply.

"Doesn't he realize that I wanted to tell him? It was so hard going through this by myself. I longed to tell him, to ask him for his support, but how could I ask him to lie? What kind of friend would I be asking him to go against the value he holds most dear?" He says sniffling.

"Don't worry. He'll forgive you." I say still standing at the door.

"That's just it. He may not. Not only does he not lie, he hates being lied to." He explains

"But you didn't lie. You just didn't tell him." I clarify.

"Semantics P'Pha. Lying by omission is still lying to someone like Ming." He says sadly.

"I may have lost my lifelong best friend while trying to gain my happiness." And he slumps forward.

I start to walk in when a hand squeezes my shoulder. I turn to face Ming.

"Let me." He says walking past me and closing the door.

I walk back to the kitchen and find everyone there with a beer.

"Where's mine assholes?" I ask going to the fridge.

"Nobody knew how long you'd be." Kit quips.

"How does it look?" Beam asks.

"I don't know. The ball's in Ming's court right now. Does he forgive or doesn't he?" I say.

"He'll forgive." Kit says.

"Yo isn't so sure." I tell him.

"Well Yo hasn't lived with that man for the last five years has he? I know Ming better than anyone. I know why he's hurt and I know that he'll forgive." Kit argues.

"For Yo's sake I hope you're right." I mutter.

"Oh I'm right." He shoots back.

"Anyway, if he doesn't forgive Yo it won't be for lying, it'll be for wracking him in the nuts." Kit says.

I snicker when I notice that everyone has at least one hand on their junk. I'm pretty sure we all groaned together when it happened.

"So who knew that Yo could fight?" Beam asks.

"I had no clue." I admit.

"Yeah he was really holding his own." Forth chimes in.

"He would have fit in well with the engineers at school." He says with a wink.

"I have to admit though, that last move was a bit below the belt." I say.

"Yeah. Isn't that like the golden rule of fighting man? No kicking the balls." Beam says.

"I mean I can understand life and death situations but that's not what was going on here." Kit says cringing.

"Well maybe it because Ming is bigger and he couldn't get him off any other way." I offer.

"No. I just felt like kneeing him." Yo says walking back with Ming.

"Asshole. I'll get you back for that. What if I can't get P'Kit pregnant now?" He asks seriously.

He barely moves in time as a bottle goes whizzing by his head.

"Who's getting pregnant you dumbass? I'm no girl. You want to go make babies find yourself a girl and leave me the hell alone!" Kit scolds.

"No baby. I was just joking. I don't want anyone else and I only want babies with you." He whines sticking out his bottom lip.

"Whatever." Kit says under his breath but we all heard it.

"All better?" I ask.

"A little better." Yo says.

"I said I forgive you dammit." Ming says with an annoyed tone.

"Just because you say that doesn't mean it's immediate. I know you, your forgiveness takes days." Yo says.

"Well until then let's watch this movie my baby hasn't seen yet." I announce.

We all head into the living room and get settled for a classic.

Yo is sitting on my lap with a large bowl of popcorn. He squirms around searching for the perfect spot and finally he finds it. Lucky for him because a few more squirms and this movie would have had to have been watched another day.

"Is this any good?" He asks.

"Of course it's good. Why else would we all want to watch it?" I respond.

"You all have equally bad taste in movies?" He suggests causing me to pinch his waist.

"P'Pha!" He complains.

"Just watch the movie." I tell him.

The movie starts at the library.

"Is the library haunted? What's going on?" He asks.

"The movie just started." I say turning his head to the screen.

"P'Pha, when does that line happen?" He whispers.

"Later." I tell him.

"So they created backpacks that hold lasers that they can trap ghosts with. Not only that but a chamber that can hold ghosts? That's a little farfetched isn't it?" He asks smirking.

"Says the guy who watches anime because we all know those are based upon fact." Ming fires back.

"Nong. Shut up and watch the movie. The make believe movie." Kit says and I can tell he wants to smack Yo.

Truthfully I want to too. Who asks so many questions through a movie? I didn't know I could become annoyed by his voice, but right now I'm hovering the line of annoyance and I'm about to be forcefully pushed to the other side.

"Did I miss it? I don't remember it happening." He whispers.

"It hasn't happened yet. Now shush." I say.

He sinks down in my lap and I know he's pouting.

"Alright nong, here comes the part." P'Beam says waving his hand towards us.

It's then that I realize that the last twenty minutes have been question free. I look down to find that he has fallen asleep. I hang my head and laugh.

"That's OK, we'll pull up the clip on YouTube." Forth says with a laugh.

"At least now we can hear the rest of the movie." Ming adds.

"Thank goodness." I say as I lean over and kiss the top of his head.

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