Complete and Total Chaos (Wayo)

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Something I found out about our dads is that they drink a lot.  Right now they're polishing off their third bottle of wine.  Thing is, they don't even seem drunk.

"How about we pull out the good liquor now?" P'Pha's dad says.

"Phi, this isn't our house.  There is no good liquor here.  Why do you think we brought the wine?" My dad says.

"Daddy? Do you two live together?" I ask.

"Yes." They both answer.

"Do you share a room?" I pry.

"Dammit Yo! How many times do we have to tell you we aren't together that way!?" My dad yells.

P'Pha's dad starts to snicker then winds one arm around my dad's waist.

"Come on baby, we can tell them. They've practically figured it out anyway." His dad whispers into my dad's ear.

"OH MY GOD!!!" P'Pha yells.

His father is now cackling on the ground.

"I told this crap isn't funny." My dad says looking down at his friend, perhaps lover, whose rolling on the ground.

"No, no, it is funny.  Every time. Look at their faces! They look like you!" He says between fits of laughter.

Then he immediately stops and grabs my dad's shoulders and starts shaking him.

"Let's call the gang.  We'll tell them to bring the liquor!" He says.

They both pull out their phones.

"What are you doing?" My dad asks.

"Conference call." P'Pha's dad says like mine is an idiot.

"I just sent a group text." My dad says with a smirk.

"Did you tell them to bring the kids?"

A few seconds later my dad nods.

"YES! This is going to be awesome." P'Pha's dad sings out.

"Ru, I need snacks." His dad says with a pout.

"Fine, what do you want?" He asks.

"You know what I want." He says with this cute expression.

My dad shakes his head and grabs his keys.

"Daddy! You've been drinking! You can't drive." I scold.

"Fine." He says tossing the keys to P'Pha.

"You drive trouble junior. And you, babysit senior there."  He says pulling P'Pha to the door.

Once they walk out I turn to look at P'Pha's dad.  He's staring at me and I'm starting to feel nervous.

"You look just like your mother.  Do you know that?" He says sounding a bit sad.

"We were all quite devastated when she left us. We all loved her very much." He adds.

"Well P'Pha looks just like you." I comment.

"Lucky bastard.  If he looked like his mother he'd look like a fish." He snorts.

"Mr. Kongthanin!" I chide.

"Call me pôr or dad.  Either is fine.  And seriously, have you seen his mother? I mean before the plastic surgery, because those are the genetics he would have inherited.  I'm telling you that boy lucked out getting my looks." He says snickering to himself.

"You know it's a good thing you guys can't have offspring.  What if it got Pha's mother's and your father's looks!  That kid would be doomed to torment for the rest of its life!" He says laughing again.

"Hey my dad is good looking." I defend.

"You're right.  Your dad is damn sexy." He says with a wink.

I just can't tell if he's joking right now. 

I look around and notice that's he's gone.  Shit that was fast.  I start looking for him and find him at the last door shutting it.

"We'll need to lock this.  Our group gets a little rowdy and you have some important things in here."  He says handing me the key.

"Thanks." I mumble shoving the key into my pocket.

When the doorbell chimes he takes off down the hall.

"YES! They're here!" he cheers.

He swings open the door and I almost can't believe what I'm seeing.  It's Ming's parents, but they're dressed weird.  They're dressed like us.  They both have ripped jeans on.  Ming's dad has a T shirt that says Bon Jovi on it.  What the hell is that? And his mother.  Oh my gosh, is she wearing a halter top?

My eye! They burn.

"Come in you bitches!" P'Pha's dad yells.

"Set up over there Thanom." He directs pointing to the living room.

"Set what up?" I ask.

I mean technically this is our house.

"Oh Yo.  Come help uncle set up the sound system." He says and pulls me to help.

I follow him to the truck and see something way larger than what I can handle.  Luckily, or maybe not, multiple cars pull up.

"Than, Than the music man!" Kit's dad calls out.

"Shut it Aawut and come help me out.  I don't think baby Ru here will be able to." He says nodding at me.

"Here buddy.  Take these in for me." Kit's dad says as he hands a few bottles of booze.

I take them and start for the house.

"Hold up son.  Grab these too." Beam's dad calls out.

I go back and grab the bottles he hands me.

"Kovit! Hurry up, this is actually heavy." Kit's dad complains.

"Oh shut up! Chanthara and I loaded this by ourselves." Ming's dad says.

I kind if run away but once I get outside I'm not sure whether this is the better choice.  The moms are in here.

"Yo baby.  Bring those here." Ming's mother says.

"Snacks dear?" She asks once I reach her.

"Daddy and P'Pha went out for them." I explain.

"Oh crap.  Ru never picks good snacks.  He only gets what Phichit likes." Kit's mother whines.

"That's because he's whipped." Beam's mother snickers.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"Huh? Nothing dear.  Can you see if the boys need help?" Ming's mother says.

"Dammit Hathai, watch what you say." She scolds as I walk away.

"The boy has to learn sometime doesn't he?" She replies.

Man even they think our dads are together.

I stop in my tracks as turn tables and huge speakers are brought in.  Are we having a freaking block party?

Thirty minutes later all the equipment is brought in and the music has started.  It's so loud that the windows are actually rattling.  I can't even focus right now and to make matters worse, the adults are partying like they're teens.

"Holy crap nong.  What the hell is going on?" P'Kit yells.

"Ask them." I yell back pointing to the adults.

He and Ming look at the 'dance floor' and swear.

"Dammit! I thought we stopped these parties." Ming complains.

"They've done this before?" I scream over the music.

"Think nong.  They brought their own sound system." P'Kit yells back.

"What the hell!" P'Beam shouts from behind P'Kit.

"Who the hell let them throw a party?" P'Forth complains.

"Last time we had to bail them out of jail." P'Beam says.

"Let's go to the kitchen where we can hear." Ming yells.

We all head to the kitchen and even though it's still loud it's a bit better.  I sit down at the island and take a deep sigh.

"Where's all the liquor." I ask looking around.

"Shit! They brought booze?!" P'Beam asks.

"Yeah, like two or three bottle each." I inform him.

"We should lock the gates so they can't get out." P'Kit says.

"What? Are you kidding?" I ask.

"No, we're not.  You don't know because you weren't here.  Our parents are a menace to society when they get together like this." Ming says.

There's a little bit of bite to his tone.

"Yeah, I get it.  Sorry to inconvenience you all with my stupid questions." I say then head to my room.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa.  Just where do you think you're going?" Ming asks.

"This is just as much you responsibility as it is ours." He says.

"Whatever." I say and head towards the living room.

He grabs my arm and swings me around to face him.

"What's your problem Yo?" He asks getting in my face.

"No problem Ming.  Clearly I'm not allowed to be annoyed that you're being a complete asshole right now." I say pulling my arms out of his grasp.

"What did you just say?" He asks angrily.

I simply flip him the bird and walk into the living room where Beam and Forth are standing guard.

"God.  Would it kill you to use a coaster mom!?" Beam yells at his mom.

"Why would I when you're here?" She answers as she takes a swig right from the bottle before slamming it onto the table. Beam glares at her as he picks up the bottle and puts a towel underneath it.

Holy hell.

I look and they all have very large bottles of liquor.  They're dancing.  I think.  It's more of a jumping, bouncing kind of thing accompanied by a lot of screaming.

"We're back." My dad calls out and I can't express the relief I feel when I lay my eyes on P'Pha.

I practically run into his open arms.

"You OK babe?" He asks.

"I'm better, but far from OK.  Do you see this?" I say pointing out the party in our living room.

"I can't believe you assholes started without me!" My dad yells then walks into the fray.

He immediately goes to P'Pha's dad and relieves him of his drink.  They head to the kitchen and we follow.  I swear something is going on with those two.

"I bought snacks." My dad says pointing them out.

"You're the best Ru." His dad says grabbing my dad's face and kissing him on the lips.

"Don't you forget it." My dad replies.

"Your dad kissed my dad!" I scream shaking P'Pha by the shoulders.

"Your dad's getting drunk." P'Kit says easily as he walks closer.

"I know.  I noticed he's starting to kiss people." P'Pha replies.

"Wait.  What? Your dad kisses people when he's drunk?" I ask because I have never heard of such a thing.

"Oh yeah.  If we let him continue he'll start to get handsy.  Lucky for us your dad is usually the target." P'Pha explains.

"Let's eat Phi.  You're getting drunk." My dad coaxes.

"Nope.  Passed drunk one bottle ago." He says climbing into my dad's lap.

I look and P'Pha has his phone out and he's videoing them.

"Hey! That's my dad!" I complain.

"And my dad.  We have to do this.  It'll keep him from getting drunk for a while when I threaten to leak it to his boss." He tells me.

"Won't he get fired?" I ask feeling concerned.

P'Pha looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Uncle Chaimongkol is the hospital director." He says like that explains everything.

"The guy right there that's currently dancing topless." He points out then he motions for P'Beam to start filming.

"This is teasing material for them." P'Beam explains as he walks by.

Two hours later and the noise has finally stopped.  The police were called and the parents had to turn off the 'music'.  As soon as the police left they started dropping like flies.  Bodies of passed out parents littered my floor.

"Finally." P'Forth says with a sigh of relief.

"This was a long one." Ming comments looking at his watch.

"I think we should leave.  I don't want to be here when they wake up." P'Kit says.

"That's a great idea.  Want to meet up for breakfast tomorrow?" P'Pha asks.

There were a lot 'yeahs' and 'sures' as we all made for our cars.

"Someone grabbed the keys right?" P'Pha calls out.

"I am the key master." P'Beam says.

"And I am the gate keeper." P'Forth replies.

"Ew.  Do that at home." P'Kit says while everyone else laughs.

"I don't get it?" I whisper to P'Pha.

He looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Seriously? Haven't you ever seen Ghostbusters?" He asks.

"Is it an animé?" I ask.

"No it's not a damn cartoon!  That's it, everyone to our house.  We're enlightening my husband." He commands.

"We'll be there shortly.  We're gonna go grab snacks."

"OK see you soon." He says.

Once we're in the car and headed home I turn to look at him. I have questions, so many of them.

"So that was strange right? The whole thing with our parents." I ask him.

"So strange I want to scrub my brain every time it happens." He answers.

"Did you know about our dads?" I question.

"I know they are friends and that they live together." He admits.

"I still think they're together.  Like us." I say.

"Then we'd be brothers Yo." He says.

"Definitely friends. Totally and completely friends." I say and he laughs.

"And, why are we leaving? Isn't that our house?" I ask.

"We just left our drunk parents on the floor, do you really want to go back?" He asks seriously.

"Nope.  Homeward Jeeves." I shout pointing to the road with my hand.

"Jeeves? Who's this Jeeves?" He asks looking annoyed.

"There is no Jeeves, it's just a saying." I explain.

"Are you sure? Because I've never heard it." He challenges.

"That doesn't make it wrong." I quip.

"Fictitious or not, I should be the only man you think about." He says casually.

"Wow. Did you really just say that?" I ask.

"Did you really ask if Ghostbusters was a cartoon?" He counters.

"Touché." I respond.

"I most certainly can if you want me to." He says cheekily.

"How can your mind immediately go to sex?" I ask.

"You just told me to touch you. What else am I going to think of?" He asks.

"Touché." I say.

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