The Warning (Wayo)

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I can't stop laughing. His hands are everywhere.  He's actually tickling me. I almost can't breathe. He's relentless. When he said he'd show me he was a man, this is not the activity I thought we'd be doing.

"Please P'Pha. I'm sorry." I plead.

"Sorry?" He asks as his fingers cease their movement.

"Sorry for what?" He asks moving his head closer.

"Sorry that you're such a girly man!" I yell as I flip us over and begin my attack.

Now, I'm no weakling. I have been working out for years, not to mention the martial arts training I've gone through, so I can hold my own. He had the upper hand with his damn height and weight but now the tables are turned and I AM THE MAN ON TOP.

There's just one thing I didn't consider:

He's not ticklish.

Not even a little bit.

Everywhere my fingers brush get the same result, a shit eating smirk that says he's toying with me. I realize there's no winning for me so I hop off quickly and make a mad dash for the living room. Why? I have no idea. My mind has completely stopped working.

P'Pha comes into the room casually. He's stalking me like a predator. I can feel my impending doom. Closer and closer he comes. Each step purposeful and full of confidence. His arms move out and fingers start to wiggle. His serene face now breaks into a smile. I'm dazzled by it at first, it's breath taking, but I snap out of it in time to doge his attack.

He's on the move again. I've somehow managed to trap myself between the sofa and chair. I'm debating which one I can leap over without falling flat on my face. I see him watching me. He's waiting for my move.

"Yo. What are you waiting for?" He taunts.

"You can't beat me! I'll get away." I shout.

That's a load of shit and we both know it.

Then miracle above all miracles, the doorbell rings. I slump into the chair with a sigh of relief. I will be eternally grateful to whomever is at the door. Forever they will be my hero, my savior.

Then I notice that he hasn't moved. What's he doing? What was I thinking? I was such a fool to settle here. He cages me in and leans in close.

"This isn't over baby. They have to leave sometime." He whispers.

Then he gets up, straightens his shirt and goes to the door.

"Kit? What are you doing here?" He asks as he lets P'Kit in.

"And Ming." He adds as Ming follows Kit in.

Ming looks directly at me and stares daggers. Just for a moment though. Long enough for me to notice it. Is he kidding me right now? He's doing this here? In front of P'Pha? I brace myself because I have no idea what their plan is.

"Shia." P'Kit says as he walks up to me.

"He looks exactly like him." He says as he starts poking me.

"What are you doing Pii?" I say as I swat his hand.

He looks at me closely. I can see it in his eyes. He knows who I am. I look over at Ming who raises his eyebrow. He definitely knows.

"When Pha said you looked like our friend I didn't believe him but you really do. The spitting image. Well what I assume he would look like at 29." He says before sitting down across from me.

"How is it that you look like he would at 29?" He asks.

"Oh, well I aged to 29." I tell him.

I'm telling the truth. Even if I was a companion that would be true. Our companions are aged to a specified age so if we have a picture of an 8 year old but they want an 18 year old, we age them to 18. It's a gamble on whether or not the actual person would look like that but we can't control everything. At some point we have to let genetics kick in.

"Cute." He says mockingly under his breath.

What does he think I'm going to say? He knows what I do for a living. I have all of the answers when it comes to a companion and he knows it.

"I suppose introductions are in order then. I am Kit Daichapanya, one of Phana's best friends. This is my husband Ming. He happens to be best friends with the person you're pretending to be." He says.

"Kit!" P'Pha scolds.

"What? Did I says something wrong?" He asks feigning ignorance.

"You know you did." P'Pha answers angrily.

"I just thought he should know." He replies condescendingly.

Kit is no joke.  Of the three doctors, Kit is the least forgiving and since he's been with Ming for so long, he doesn't tolerate lying of any sort. There's no out for me. I've lost before I've begun.

"Oh I get it. He's best friends with Wayo Panitchayasawad and not Yo Kongthanin. Believe me, I know where I stand." I say noting Ming's stare.

I see the irritation flash in their eyes, but what do they expect from me? I've been here for four whole days. I haven't even had time to adjust much less admit that I am the actual Wayo Panitchayasawad. Yet here they are trying to force my hand.

I knew I should never have told him. I was stupid to listen to my dad.

"Let's calm down. These are friends of mine. We'll be seeing a lot of them." P'Pha says trying to settle the situation.

"No P'Pha. I don't think we will. I mean you will, but not me." I say drawing my line in the sand.

"What did you say?" Ming asks walking towards.

I stand and meet him half way.

"I'm saying that Wayo Panitchayasawad and I don't have to share friends. Especially those that would challenge and force me into a corner. I'm saying I'm making the cut right now." I tell him.


"No Ming. How dare you?" I question.

"Me? I'm not the one pretending to be someone else!" He yells.

"That's right. Because you have your love. You've always had him so why on earth would you do something so ridiculous as pretend to be someone else for just a little bit happiness!" I scream.

"Yo." Ming whispers.

"No. Stop. Fine, I lose." I say softly.

"Nong." Kit says gently.

My head snaps up and I look at him. I struggle to hold back the tears but somehow I manage to. I turn and head to the bedroom.

My mind is going a million miles per minute.  Where am I going to go? What am I going to do? Do I stay with my dad or go back to Europe? I could probably get my job back if I leave. My dad would be sad but he'll come visit me there.

I firm hand wraps around my wrist. I look at it then follow it up to its owner.

"I'm sorry." I breathe out and pull free of his hold.

"What is going on?!" P'Pha yells.

I don't bother to answer. I'm sure they'll fill him in, after all, that's what they came here to do isn't it?

I close the door once I get into our, no his room. I lean against it and try to breathe. Four days. I can live forever off of four days, it's more than I had before. But it doesn't stop my heart from aching now. I clutch at my chest trying to hold the pain in then make a call to my dad.

"Daddy. Can you come get me?" I say trying not to sound desperate.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asks sounding upset.

"I- I. Just can get me please." I cry out.

"Ming told him?"

"He and P'Kit are here now." I say trying to keep my voice as steady as possible.

"Maybe you should face the truth. Maybe he'll forgive you." He says encouragingly.

"No daddy. It would have been one thing for me to tell him, but to hear it from someone else. I just, I don't think we can survive that."

"You should have told him."

"I THOUGHT I HAD TIME! I just got here. I shouldn't have listened to you. I should never have told Ming. I knew he would tell. I was the fool. I trusted all the wrong people!" I say now sobbing.

"I'm on my way." He says and hangs up.

It's a good thing I never unpacked. It makes this easier, all I have to do is zip my bag.  That only took two minutes.  I sit on the bed for the last time and try to calm my emotions.  I just need to make it outside.

There's a soft knock at the door but I don't care. I hear the door open then click shut but don't bother to acknowledge it.

"I didn't know you were such a coward nong. I can't believe you're running away." P'Kit says.

I whip around and stare at him furiously.

"You can't? I just came back from running away Pii. What on earth would make you think I wouldn't do it again? Especially with you here to ruin everything." I whisper yell at him.

"Me? I'm not here to ruin anything." He says.

I laugh in disbelief.

"Sure you're not. You're just here to wish us well." I say swiping at the tears.

"I'm here to warn you. I'm giving you one week to confess." He tells me.

"How generous of you Pii. There's no way you would sit by for an entire week without saying anything to him." I spit out.

"Ming and I are going away on a trip for our anniversary. We'll be back next Saturday and I will check then. Believe me nong, if you haven't told the truth, I will." He informs me then leaves the room.

Yeah well no one ever said I was brave. I walk out with my bag and head to the door. Three sets of eyes are trained on me.

"Yo! What are you doing?" P'Pha asks grabbing my bag.

"I shouldn't have come here. No matter how much I love you, this was wrong, so I'm done." I tell him yanking my bag back.

"NONG!" P'Kit yells.

"WAYO!" Ming yells at the same time.

I look at them and offer a half-hearted smile.

"Happy now? You win." I say as I open the door and walk out.

I can hear P'Pha yelling.  He's demanding answers but never comes after me.  My dad is there and I practically run to him.

"Daddy. I lost." I say crying into his chest.

He leads me to the car and we leave. I cry until no more tears will fall. My dad simply lets me.

It's not like I didn't know I was wrong. It's not that I wasn't going to ever tell him. I just thought I would get to spend time with him first.


The sun streams in through the window. I slowly open my eyes immediately remembering the situation. A hand combs through my hair and soft lips kiss my forehead.

"Hey there sleepyhead. How are you feeling?" P'Pha asks.

I bolt up and stare at him but then my head starts to hurt. I grab it and close my eyes. A soft chuckle fades with the footsteps. Soon both return.

"Here, take these. I should have known better than to let you drink so much. You got drunk so quickly." P'Pha says.

"When did I drink? I don't remember doing that." I say.

"At dinner. I started talking about my friends and how we should get together with them, then you started chugging the wine. You finished an entire bottle. About a half hour later you were gone." He tells me.

"Really?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes really. Which reminds me, only one glass of wine a night from now on. A drunk Yo is not a fun Yo. Yo cried a lot in your sleep." He says sadly.

"I dreamt I lost you. How could I not cry?" I tell him honestly.

He pulls me close to him and holds me tight.

"I told you right? I'm never letting you go." He says kissing the top of my head.

"Still, it felt so real." I whisper.

Maybe this is a warning for me to come clean before someone does it for me.

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