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Disclaimer: I am not a professional doctor but I have done plenty of research on the topic to get a basic understanding of schizophrenia.

Also, please do not spoil this story for new readers. If I see that you have then I will delete your comment. Have fun trying to figure things out~ A lot of the story has been switched around!


The sunlight was shining through the window down onto the table that Min Yoongi was sitting at, quietly sipping at his raspberry iced tea every now and then. He wouldn't have left the house if it wasn't for his friend Seokjin dragging him along. Yoongi had no intention of leaving his house today, he wanted to stay home and maybe go through some of his old clothes he wanted to throw out. To Yoongi that would've been a much better day then going out to a coffee shop.

"So have you thought about any colleges you might want to attend?" Seokjin had asked softly, it was still early in the morning and he thought a soft tone would set a nice presence in the busy shop. But Yoongi was too busy pushing the ice cubes around in his iced tea to care about what Seokjin had to say.

The birds chirping outside had cause Yoongi to briefly look out the window, he gazed back down at his iced tea not giving an ounce of attention to his friend who sat across from him. Seokjin sat still looking intently at Yoongi waiting for an answer patiently, he hated when Yoongi got like this. It made no sense to him that someone could just straight up ignore him.

Seokjin and Yoongi have been friends for the past year, they became quite close friends. Always doing everything together but lately, Seokjin was thinking maybe they should go their separate ways, all Yoongi seemed to care about was staying home and being lazy. He knew it was harsh to think about and he tried multiple times to get Yoongi out of the house but he was starting to slowly give up on his friend.

"Okay then," Seokjin coughed awkwardly.

A loud shuffle in the seat next to Seokjin made Yoongi look up, it was his friend Jungkook. The two recently just became friends, they met three weeks ago when Yoongi was coping with the death of his Grandmother. It's been a hard few weeks for Yoongi but with the help from Seokjin and Jungkook, he has been doing better than he first was.

Seokjin remembers the night perfectly, he couldn't forget. When Yoongi had found out the devastating news of his Grandmother passing on he had a mental break down. The two were close, Yoongi had spent as much time as he could with her all through his life. He always thought that he was her favorite grandchild, he knew it was a little conceited but he wasn't wrong.

After hours of crying and screaming, Yoongi had decided it was better to get away from everyone. He had pushed Seokjin as hard as he could and took off out of the house. He ended up running to a nearby diner, where Jungkook worked. They were just closing up the place but Jungkook decided it would be a friendly gesture to let Yoongi stay and cry his eyes out for a few hours. Jungkook thought that if Yoongi let it all out it would make him feel better when Yoongi did run out tears Jungkook was there to give him the support that he needed. The next morning Yoongi had gone back home to his worried sick Mother and best friend. Yoongi had told them everything that happened, immediately Seokjin hated Jungkook. He couldn't believe some stranger was there to give Yoongi moral support and he accepted it but Yoongi wouldn't even let him talk once.

Seokjin glanced over at the chair next to him then sighed loudly. "Yoongi, I think... I'm gonna head home. Will you be fine getting back home alone?" Even though Seokjin thought they were going through rough times, he still believes it was the right thing to do to make sure Yoongi was going to be okay.

"He doesn't need your help," Jungkook snorted and shook his head in disbelief. Yoongi had told Jungkook about the distance between him and Seokjin, the whole situation made Jungkook hate Seokjin. The two friends of Yoongi were just not going to get along with each other.

Jungkook's words had cause Yoongi to roll his eyes. "Yeah, it's whatever, I'll make it home alive." Seokjin just shook his head at Yoongi then turned on his heel to exit the shop. "He really makes me mad sometimes," Yoongi leaned his chest forward to place his chin in the palm of his hand.

"Believe me, I know. Why do you still hang around him?" Jungkook asked, Yoongi's eyes flickered over to Jungkook's presence and let out a long sigh as he brought his hand up to run his fingers through his light blond hair.

Yoongi took a good moment to really look at Jungkook's features, he had dark eyes and a wide sickening smile that almost didn't look human at all. What also came as a surprise to Yoongi was how pale Jungkook actually was, it was frightening actually. Yoongi tried shaking the scary images away as he continued on with the conversation. "I don't have many friends as you can tell," Yoongi said in a monotone voice.

"Hm, yeah, I guess so." Jungkook laughed to himself and stared at his friend. Yoongi twirled a piece of his hair in between his fingers. "Wanna go home?" Jungkook asked, making Yoongi stand to his feet. He never answered Jungkook but walked straight over to the trashcan to pour his cup of iced tea into the garbage bag then threw his cup out.

At the counter stood a young man who was ready to order a cinnamon raisin bagel and a lemonade but he was distracted by Yoongi who was humming loudly as he walked out of the shop. Jimin was quite new to the area and was just walking around to get used to the city that was now his home. He couldn't believe how many beautiful men actually lived in Seoul. He was almost ready to forget about his bagel to go chase after Yoongi but decided not to, feeling that it was too creepy to do so.

"Your order sir?" Jimin snapped out of his gaze as he continued to watch Yoongi walk down the street, a light pink tint colored Jimin's cheeks as he looked towards the lady at the register. He let an awkward laugh escape his lips before he spoke clearly to the woman in front of him.

i have like 20 pages of notes for this story, yikes.

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