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Two weeks had passed by and like before Yoongi hasn't left the house, this time he didn't have Seokjin bothering him every hour of the day begging Yoongi to go do something productive. Yoongi actually hasn't heard from Seokjin in awhile, not even a text message. This was quite usual though, a lot of Yoongi's friends tended to ignore him, his one friend has been ignoring him for almost two years now as Yoongi would say.

Although, Yoongi has been left unbothered by his friend Seokjin these past few weeks his other friend Jungkook came around quite often. Jeon Jungkook didn't mind that Yoongi didn't want to leave the house, they had such a nice time inside anyways. "Yoongi," His mother called out for him. Yoongi was laying in bed, his finger twirling the loose strain of yarn coming off of his blanket, he's been at it for 15 minutes now. Just staring blankly at the ceiling.

Don't do it.

Yoongi didn't answer back to his mother, he just kept his eyes on the ceiling. He could hear the water dripping loudly from the bathroom across the hall, the drips got louder and louder until it sounded like a train was traveling right through Yoongi's room. "Yoongi," Mrs. Min was standing in the doorway to Yoongi's room.


Still being unresponsive Mrs. Min decided to go and stand right next to Yoongi's bed. Yoongi's eyes wandered over to his mother but darted right back to the ceiling. "Come on honey, it's time for your medicine," Mrs. Min said softly.

She's trying to kill you.



Do it.


A loud sigh escaped from Yoongi's lips as he shut his eyes tightly, it was too much to handle from the loud dripping to each voice inside his head. "Come on, get up." His mother helped him sit up, she held a glass of water and his one pill he needed to take to help him get through the day. "No, thank you, it has a virus," Yoongi mumbled, his mother was used to this odd speech. She knew once he got on a better track of taking his medication he would be able to function better.

Throughout these past three years, Yoongi has been on and off different kinds of medication. None of them ever worked, it was hard dealing with this as a parent. Mrs. Min just wanted everything to go right for her son but it was difficult to give him that. Recently, Yoongi switched over to a new medication, he hasn't been taking it though. Once Yoongi gets on a good routine he tends to calm down a bit and is able to function as any normal person does. One time Yoongi was taking up to five pills a day and two at night, it made Yoongi stay in bed all day and he wanted to do nothing. Mrs. Min hated that doctor who prescribed all of that medication to him, she hated seeing her little boy stuck in bed not wanting to move.

Do it.




Yoongi finally took the glass of water and pill, he looked down at the small pill in his hand. His eyes then moved to look at the water inside of the glass, it was swirling around like a whirlpool. He wanted nothing to do with that water. Mrs. Min smiled then leaned forward to kiss his forehead. "You'll get there, Yoongi." She said quietly, she gave Yoongi one last glance before she walked out of his bedroom.

She's going to kill you.


Take it.


As gently as he could Yoongi set the glass of water down on the bedside table. He didn't want the water to stop spinning. He gave one glance over his shoulder before he opened the drawer to his bedside table, Yoongi threw the pill in there along with a bunch of the other pills he was hiding.

"Oh, Yoongi," Mrs. Min said coming back into his room a few seconds later but Yoongi was fast, his mother had no idea that he had just hidden his pill. "Maybe we should go out to eat later? We haven't done anything in a while, I miss you," Mrs. Min always tried to get Yoongi out of the house but it saddened her when she realized how hard it was just for Yoongi to get out of bed to brush his teeth.

Once again Yoongi just stayed silent, this time he turned on his side away from his mother and closed his eyes. "Maybe next time," You could tell Mrs. Min was hurt, you could hear it all in her voice. She choked back a sob and made it out of Yoongi's room to go to her own room, this way she could have some privacy. Mrs. Min always tried her best not to cry in front of her son, she didn't want him to worry. At this point though, she wondered if Yoongi even cared about her feelings.

About twenty minutes later Yoongi inhaled deeply and ran both of his hands through his hair before sitting up. "I'm going," He told himself, with a big push off of his bed. Before he left his bedroom, Yoongi glanced at himself in the mirror. He had tired eyes and messy hair, it looked like the poor boy hasn't slept in years. It was true though, Yoongi had a lot of sleepless nights, his mind wouldn't let him fall asleep.

"I'm going," Yoongi repeated to himself in a low mumble. He tugged on a pair of dirty black converse then made his way outside. He wasn't too sure on where he was going, he just decided to keep walking until his mind told him to stop.

A breath of fresh air was very relaxing to Yoongi, considering the fact he hasn't taken in a good amount of it since a few weeks ago. He's been stuck up in his stuffy room, the window not even open a crack.

A few blocks down is when Yoongi started to get distracted, he lived in the city so there was always something captivating his mind. It was so easy for him to get lost in something so simple. Right before Yoongi was a brick wall with a bunch of spray paint designs on it. Of course, he had to stop and stare because the sun was hitting the paint in a way that it made the paint glow. This would only appear to Yoongi, none of the other passersby would even glance at the art. He couldn't keep his eyes off the glimmering art, every time his eyes moved a certain way, the sparkles would move too.

This would seem odd to a few people but the one person who didn't mind was Park Jimin. Right across the street was the coffee shop Yoongi visited two weeks ago. Jimin had gone every single day hoping to run into the boy he had set eyes on. As soon as Jimin saw the blond hair from across the street he jumped out of his seat and walked as quickly as he could. He had told himself if he ever came across the beautiful pale boy again that he would definitely talk to him. There was no chance Jimin would let Yoongi slip out of his hands again.

"Uh, hi," Jimin spoke out as soon as he reached the other boy. This was not how he planned their introduction to go. In Jimin's head, he was going to sweep the mystery boy off his feet and cherish him with all the love and happiness in the world. He wanted to sound more confident but he couldn't, seeing as the stranger was already so perfect in his eyes, he really couldn't mess this up. It literally felt like love at first sight to Jimin.

Yoongi was pulled out of his trance by Jimin speaking to him. "What was that?" Yoongi asked lifting up a single brow, he wasn't really paying attention to what Jimin had said.

"Oh, I just said hi," Jimin gleamed at Yoongi, "My name is Jimin by the way," He knew for a fact he wasn't leaving until he got Yoongi's number.

"I'm Yoongi," Yoongi smiled back but it was an awkward smiled, one where it looked like he never smiled in his whole entire life.

No. Yoongi tried to push the voice out of his head but he couldn't, everything around him became dark and gloomy, there were no more glittery paints splattered on the wall, the paint was all dull now.

No. Go home, now.


Yoongi didn't mean to frown at Jimin but he did, it was because of the voices. He was quite embarrassed that Jimin had to listen to the voices control him, well that's what he at least thought was going on. "Let's go home," Yoongi stumbled over his words a bit and looked away with a light blush appearing on his cheeks. 

"Huh?" Jimin was a bit confused on Yoongi's wording.

"Let's go," Yoongi shook his head and pulled his hand up to his hair to twist a small piece around his finger a few times. He turned and started his way back to his house, Jimin, of course, followed right next to him.

Jimin really didn't think he was going to be invited over so soon, that usually never happened, ike at all. As the two walked together, Jimin took the time to really look at Yoongi. This was the first time he could do this so up close. To Jimin there was completely no flaws with Yoongi, even the bags under his eyes looked perfect. He did pick up on some of the odd behaviors Yoongi would do, for instance, pull and twist his hair. He didn't really pay any more attention to it afterward knowing everyone has their own habit. There was one more thing Jimin noticed about Yoongi and that would be the quiet mumbles, he wasn't too sure if Yoongi was just talking out loud to himself or if Yoongi was speaking to him. Whatever it was, Jimin decided not to ask about it.

"This is where I live," Yoongi glanced over at Jimin, "Thanks for coming by," The door was swung open by Mrs. Min who was sick to her stomach. She had no idea where Yoongi took off and it worried her for the last half hour.

"Yoongi, really? You couldn't have let me know you were leaving?" Her eyes were wide, she's frightened that Yoongi is going to leave and have an episode somewhere by himself and get hurt or get himself in trouble. With a big sigh of relief, she finally laid eyes on Jimin. "Oh, hello there," Mrs. Min said in a kind voice. "Come on in boys," She moved aside finally letting the boys walk by.

"Nice to meet you I'm Jimin," Jimin held his hand out and gave Mrs. Min a nice firm handshake.

"I'm Yoongi's mother, call me mom, or Mrs. Min. It really doesn't matter to me." She was comfortable with all of Yoongi's friends calling her mom. "But please, stay for dinner," She insisted.

"Sure, if that's not a problem," Jimin felt a bit shy, he liked how comfortable things already were and all he knew about Yoongi was his name.

"Not at all," Mrs. Min shooed the boys off so she could get to work on dinner, the Min's haven't had a guest over in a bit of time.


"Wow, I honestly wish my mom would let me have a fish tank in my room," Jimin admired the tank once again. It's the only thing he could talk about since they entered Yoongi's bedroom. The boys have been talking for two hours straight, getting to know each other better.

"I can't believe you find it that interesting," Yoongi laughed along with Jimin. All of a sudden he stopped laughing and shook his head, Yoongi did this often, Jimin wasn't sure what was going on but didn't ask, he wasn't even too sure on what to say.

"Boys, dinner is ready," Mrs. Min called up to the two boys sitting on Yoongi's bedroom floor.

With a loud groan, Yoongi got off the floor. "Finally," Jimin walked out of the room first then down the stairs, grinning so hard that his cheeks began to hurt. He was having such a good time with Yoongi. Here he was going to ask Yoongi out to dinner but having dinner at Yoongi's house with his mother was a much better option.

The two boys sat down next to each other while Mrs. Min sat across the table. "Where's dad?" Yoongi asked, his heart felt a bit heavy when he didn't see his father seated at the table, this usually happened.

"At work," Mrs. Min said a bit more quiet than usual, she was upset about her husband's absence as well.


Don't eat.


Yoongi gulped as he looked down at the food on the plate, his stomach instantly did flips. He agreed with the voices in his head and really couldn't come to his senses to eat the food. His eyes wandered over to Jimin's plate, Jimin was tearing the food up and enjoying every bite.

"Yoongi," Mrs. Min said sternly, "What's wrong,"

Yoongi glanced around the table one last time before he forcefully flipped his plate off the table. Mrs. Min gasped and stood up quickly before she could say anything to Yoongi he was already gone. He had ran up to his bedroom muttering about the food being poisoned.

Jimin stood up from his seat to pick up the mess Yoongi had made. He was beyond confused on what was happening but wasn't sure if he should ask or not. Jimin kept glancing at Mrs. Min with questioning eyes, she had her hands covering her face for a moment but moved them and watched Jimin. "Thank you," She said softly, she knew that look he was giving her and decided he needed to know some things about Yoongi before he continued to see him as a friend.

Throughout the years Mrs. Min had watched Yoongi lose almost all his friends and it honestly hurt her to see her son going through that. She didn't want Jimin to come into Yoongi's life giving her poor son hope of having a new friend and then one day he just leaves, never returning.

"Jimin," Mrs. Min started as she sat back down at the table. "Just leave the plate on the table, I'll take care of the rest," She told him as he picked up the last bit of food, as ordered, he placed the plate on the table then sat back down.

"The food was good, thank you so much for having me," Jimin said quickly, this caused Mrs. Min to let a little laugh out.

"Thank you, dear," She said as she inhaled sharply, she bit her lip before she spoke. She wasn't sure on how she should go on about the conversation but just decided to spit it out anyway, "Yoongi... he's not like... hm," She was stuck on a thought, this got Jimin's attention though. She continued on, "He has schizophrenia," She let those words sink in.

"Oh," Was all Jimin could say, he knew what schizophrenia was but he didn't know much about it.

"At first, we thought maybe he had a brain tumor or even epilepsy... But test after test, prove that wasn't the case." This was a hard subject to talk about but she went on. "One time, he tried to explain his hallucinations to me, honestly it sends chills through my whole body every time I think about it. I didn't quite understand what was going on with Yoongi at first but I realized how horrible it was for him. Yes, I went through a tragedy as well, losing my son to madness but he's the one experiencing it. Now, he doesn't know the reality between the hallucinations anymore. He was doing so well... but now... It's just tough."

After Mrs. Min spoke about Yoongi, Jimin stayed quiet, it was a lot to take in. "He's not dangerous, right? From what I saw he wouldn't hurt a fly." Jimin finally spoke up a minute later.

Mrs. Min shook her head, "No, he's not dangerous, he does go through some episodes and he does get a little physical but he's not going to hurt, not on purpose at least." Jimin nodded his head, understand as much as he could.

"I'm glad he has me then, maybe I could help him get through a lot of it," Jimin said hoping Mrs. Min would allow Jimin to still come around.

Anyone else could see the sadness in Mrs. Min's eyes but Jimin had no idea, she knew having a support system would help Yoongi to an extent but it wasn't going to cure him. "Thank you, Jimin, I would love to see you around more often." With that she got up and grabbed a piece of paper and pen to give Jimin her number, she also decided to write Yoongi's number down.

"Why don't you go home and get some rest, I'll see you soon," Mrs. Min smiled warmly at Jimin, she had a lot to do. She had to clean up dinner and then deal with Yoongi, she was gonna have to force him to eat whether he wanted to or not.

"Alright, have a nice night," Jimin shoved the paper with the numbers in his pocket then made his way home. The long walk home gave him plenty of time to let what just happened sink in.


who's ready to be sad?
much love <3

also, check out a new story i posted, if you have any questions go ahead and ask me there. it could literally be about anything. it's not really a story but more like of hi how are you it's me your author

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