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Will couldn't focus with him so near.

He refused to look at them, refused to even acknowledge their presence behind the glass. It was hard to look. When he had first glanced towards Steve, he had been plagued with what he thought were flashbacks from a time that had come to pass. 

He could feel their curious gazes, could feel their presence behind the glass, one always more curious than the other. 

They never said anything, although he knew Steve was dying to open his mouth but whenever he did, he closed it just as fast. It was as if he wasn't sure what to say or ask. The first time he had came with Bucky, he had left with red rimmed eyes. William didn't understand how could he be in such pain.

He didn't care. He only respected Bucky's presence near him because he was the one to exercise the dog because Will wasn't allowed to. Steve on the other hand was a stranger.  

Bucky never took another step into the cell when Steve was there, which William appreciated. This was his space after all. 

════════ ⋆★⋆ ════════

"He still hates me."

Bucky didn't bother to shake his head. It was true, even though William was really excellent at giving them a cold shoulder, his behaviour was clearly different when Bucky was there alone.

"He's not trying to rip your throat out through the glass. It's a progress."

They sat in the common area, a pile of papers in front of them as they discussed the hot topic that has stirred quite a lot of questions in their minds lately.
The sharp midday sun was shining on them through the enormous windows, lighting up the whole room the two soldiers were occupying.

Steve nodded, admitting that even though it wasn't ideal, it wasn't that bad either.

"Do you think he had been part of HYDRA?"

It was a foolish question. Idiotic hope that Bucky would try and say something he wanted to hear. The stare told him enough and his shoulders slumped. There was no way Will hadn't been a part of their experiments at one point.

"He turns into a wolfman."

Bucky said pointedly, leaning back as he gave him a long look.

"But do you remember him?"

Steve was adamant on trying to prove that HYDRA hadn't ruined another one of his family member. They couldn't just target one family. Steve's family. But deep down he knew.

Bucky shook his head, trying to rack his brain for ever seeing William's face in the facility or even hearing his name. As far as he could tell, he had only heard the mention of Steve Rogers in 21st century after he had been found from the ice. But this too, had only been a whisper here or there.

Steve studied his face carefully, resting his chin on his knuckles as he placed his elbows on his knees, leaning forward in his chair. He looked worn out, his usually clean shaven face was now sporting a beard. He hadn't slept properly for a week. There was a sleepy redness to his eyes, a strong contrast against the glistening blue. He was starting to look like Buck in a sense.

"You do."

He said, straightening his back as his eyes hardened when Bucky avoided his gaze. The ex-assassin sighed heavily, rubbing his temples at the annoying dull ache.

"I don't know. I think I might've for a brief second. But I don't know Steve. It might've been a cruel piece of imagination my mind conjured up right after they- they..."

He tried to find the words that were stuck in his throat, refusing to leave his lips as he tried to tell Steve. He hadn't talked about this time that much with him, somewhat after a long time of processing everything alone. This had been a mistake. Talking about it was horrible, but keeping it all to himself even more so. He had been assigned a therapist who he had hated. He supposed Will had similar feelings towards Jazuat. Although their circumstances had been different. While Bucky was responsive, Will was completely shut down.

"Right when they had given me the metal arm. I think I might have heard him say my name, had seen him across from me but I don't know. Everything is really just a blur from that day and many others. So I don't know, Steve. I might have, I might have not."

He admitted finally, looking back up.


"Don't say you're sorry."

He snarled at Steve, hiding his balled fist under the table. Steve just didn't get it. Bucky never blamed him, never wanted him to feel guilty for what had happened on that train. He never blamed him for how he ended up as a mindless pet for an evil organisation such as HYDRA. It wasn't Steve who decided to inject him with super soldier serum, it wasn't Steve who built him the metal arm, it wasn't Steve who beat him daily to make him submit. He didn't force him into the chair to make him forget everything. 

Bucky would do it all again if it meant Steve didn't have to.

"Okay, I won't."

"Did they find a chip on the dog?" he changed the topic, another one of his unanswered questions. Stark had known the animal, said it had been a stray or that's what Will had told him.

The knowledge that Stark had better relationship with him than Bucky or Steve was a bitter reminder that SHIELD was a wrong place for them.

If it was up to Steve, they'd be in his flat. He knew that although it wasn't as monitored as the cell, it would have made him feel more at ease. But on the other hand, he knew Will would have ran if had the chance.

Bucky had.

"No, nothing comes up. She's a sweet dog though."

Bucky nodded, he found that he really enjoyed the walks and tossing her a toy to fetch every now and then. Steve had accompanied them, curious about the animal who didn't seem to be much interested in either of them, unless they had some treats for her.

Bucky realised why Will had a dog. Although she was a liability and someone who needed constant attention and love, she was also a distraction from his own demons. Tending to her was easy. She seemed to sense distress and somehow the big honey eyes and fluffy ears really did manage to suffocate the anxiety monster every now and then.

Bucky had definitely taken a liking to this odd dog. And Steve, too. Even though he hadn't dared to pet her yet, afraid that with William's peculiar abilities he could pick up his scent and hold it against him. He knew he was walking on thin ice.

"Heard anything about his room? The sooner we get him out of there the better."

"Should be ready by tonight, Tony's really invested in it."

Bucky scowled, he didn't understand Stark.

"How come he managed to keep things moving and we didn't?" he asked with a bitter tinge on hid tongue.

"He's Tony. There's really no need for another reason. Besides, I'm convinced he knows some dark SHIELD secrets that he constantly holds over Fury whenever he wants something. Stark is nosy, you think all that time he only tinkered away in his lab? I heavily doubt that."

Steve said, not really surprised that Fury hadn't taken him as seriously even after a four hour meeting where he had lost his temper and ended up yelling at the director. Bucky had had to drag him away.

"He was pretty alright with Stark prancing around his cell like he owned the place."

Steve didn't reply as his focus was pulled to light footsteps that neared the common room. It was often empty since it was mainly meant for the Avengers. And since most were scattered around now, it barely had anyone cruising through.


Sam smiled, halting on his steps as he noticed the two sitting in the room. He was wearing his workout clothes, a heavy looking gym bag slung over his shoulder. There was a layer of sweat on his face as he stepped into the sunlight next to their table, he patted Steve's shoulder in greeting as he peered down on the papers.

"What are you doing here?"

Bucky stared at him, collecting the papers from the desk. They did have tablets and laptops and the room was filled with hidden screens but Bucky and Steve preferred good, solid paper.

"Buck and I are just looking over some things, what about you? I didn't know there was anyone here recently?"

"I had a mission, Nat and Clint took off awhile ago already. Apparently Fury cancelled it after we had already been nearly killed. Decided to stay for a while and use the empty gym. Besides, heard that the twins should step soon, wanted to catch up and ask how they've been. Didn't expect to see you here though, when did you arrive?"

He asked casually, taking a seat behind the table and completely ignoring the glare from the other side.

"Been here for a couple of weeks, seems like we aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Wanda and Pietro are coming? Last time I heard they were trying to catch up with some studies and finish uni."

Steve said, wondering if perhaps Sam had some ideas. He does give council and help to retired veterans, he's helped loads of people. Would he, perhaps, have some ideas how to get closer to William without causing any more damage?

Besides, Steve trusted his judgement the most out of all the SHIELD therapists. He wasn't even sure about Jazuat, although he himself had been assigned to her to see if he was fit to be on the field. She knew her job, but her methods may not be the most efficient in this case.

"You free tonight? Though to order in some hot wings, a couple of beers and see the Boston Celtics game everyone's talking about. Feel free to join, Buck."

"Don't call me that."

Steve raised an eyebrow, looking between the two before sighing in annoyance.

"Steve calls you that."

"Steve has known me longer."

"Of course he has, you're both hundred."

"And you're a child."

"At least I'm not rotting inside out."

"At least this hundred-year-old here can finish a lap before-"

"Cut it out you two."

Bucky turned his glare towards Steve as he snapped the papers away from his side of the desk.

"Hey Sam, are you busy the next few weeks?"

Bucky froze, he hoped Steve wasn't suggesting what he thought he was going to. Just because he trusted Sam didn't mean Bucky did.

"Don't have any assigned missions any time soon as far as I know. Planned on visiting some family down the coast but haven't talked to them yet, why?"

Sam looked curiously at Steve, deciding to ignore the other supersoldier who was adamant on sending his nastiest glares towards Sam.

"There's someone who-"

"Steve." Bucky hissed, gripping the table with his flesh hand to keep himself, well, he didn't even know what. He wasn't really on board with the idea of spilling Sam everything.

Sam decided to keep quiet, sensing that it was a touchy subject and there was obvious tension in the air.

"Then what do you suggest, Bucky!" Steve snapped, squinting his eyes.

He was torn, completely and utterly lost. But it wasn't like he could tell anyone. He knew that despite the good bravado, SHIELD agents would take advantage of having an enchanted person in their clutches. They wouldn't abuse their power, but they were curious and cautious after other worldly threats, gods, wizards and magical stones. Finding someone like William was a new territory, something SHIELD hadn't encountered as far as Steve knew.

He knew Bucky was feeling anxious about the situation, but they had managed to ground each other ever since Will had been brough in two weeks ago. Buck was dead set on trying to take everything as slowly as possible to not overwhelm Will, which Steve was on board with.

He wanted to understand, needed to find out everything. He couldn't sleep peacefully knowing his little brother was being held in a room, most definitely suffocating under heavy PTSD, shaking on the ground since he refused to lay on the bed.

Steve had watched him like a hawk, seen the way he lashed out at what he believed to be were memories, how he'd tried to grasp them but managed to catch nothing but air.

He'd watched how Will had whimpered, cried out in agony and mumbled incoherent words in foreign languages. Bucky had refuses to translate the ones he understood.

He had been worried about the dog, but she seemed to be smart enough to stay away until it was safe.

"Sam isn't the enemy. There are no enemies here."

He said, his voice hardening.
The ex-assassin stood as well, leaning forward slightly as his blatant stare made Steve slightly uneasy.

"I trust you, but that doesn't mean I trust him."

He then turned towards Sam who was still sitting, looking between the two curiously.

"You fuck this up I'll bash your face in and make sure you hang with your own guts around your neck."

"Bucky!" Steve hissed. He understood, he was hesitant to trust anyone, but it was Sam for heavens sake! The man was a veteran himself, gave council to those in need, was the Falcon and one of the best partners one could ask on a mission.

Bucky didn't reply, he simply snatched the papers and stalked out of the room, leaving Steve to explain Sam everything. It was a dick move from Bucky's part, but he didn't care. It was hard to swallow his fear of betrayal.

Besides, Bucky didn't like Sam that much. He would have rather called Tony back if he had to.

Steve sighed and slid back into the chair, wishing Buck would have left the files. Sam whistled, eyes wide as he focused on Steve.

"That was intense, man." he simply said, not asking any questions as he was sure Steve was going to fill him in, despite Bucky's clear disapproval.

But Steve was desperate. So, he was just going to lay it on Sam and not beat around the bush.

"I have a brother. And he's here, he's... Slightly distant. I think he barely remembers me or Bucky."

Sam looked sympathetic.

"Steve... There's nothing I can do against Alzheimer." his voice was soft. Steve shook his head.

"No, you misunderstand. He's not, well, I don't even know how to explain it. He's not aged that much since the last time I saw him. Sure a couple of years, but not decades as he should have by now."

Sam was silent, narrowing his eyes as he tried to comprehend the news. Steve had never even mentioned a brother.

"Wait, hold up now." he said, raising hid arms and shaking his head.

"Are you trying to say it's like another Winter Soldier situation? And you never said you had a brother? Come on Steve!"

He could hear disbelief and disappointment in Sam's voice clear as day. He really hadn't told anyone about William, barely even talked about his family at all. No one had ever asked and Steve wasn't one to overshare. Especially talking about a brother who had supposedly stepped on a train and disappeared without a trace.

"Yes, I do have a brother. He popped out when we last expected him to, apparently he's been... Experimented on."

Saying it out loud was worse than he thought it would be. It made it all the more real. He didn't let Sam ask his questions as he continued. 

"It's just Bucky and I along with a few trusted SHIELD agents who know. I need to know more about his behaviour it's- it's bad Sam. It's really bad." 

Steve's shoulders slumped, his head hung low as he tugged at his hair. It had grown out a lot, he should cut it soon. He wasn't sure how to proceed, wasn't sure what was the right thing to do. Perhaps Bucky was right and they should break him out, let him go. 

But it would have a domino effect and the whole Bucky situation would be repeated again, it had had dire consequences, lot's of unnecessary press, paperwork and stress. 

But he would do it all over again if it meant William would acknowledge him again. 

"I'll help you." 

Steve looked back up, watching as Sam pinched the bridge of his nose as he stared off into the distance. 

"Thank you." 

"On one condition though. You tell me everything." 

Sam stood up, picking up his gym bag to sling it over his shoulder. He reeked of sweat and the sticky clothes were starting to become uncomfortable. 

"I don't think I can do that, Sam. I barely recognize him anymore." He whispered as he stared out onto the concrete jungle. 

Bucky had thrown the files into one of the bedrooms he had claimed for himself. Making sure they were neatly hidden under the mattress before grabbing a leash and one of the squeaky toys he had picked out from a nearby pet store. 

He was startled to realize he was actually looking forward to walking the dog again. If Will was once again walking as a free man - because he was going to be a free man again, Bucky would make sure of it - he really needed to think about getting his own dog. He doubted Will was really keen on sharing his furry therapist. 

He knew something wasn't quite right when he made it to the lower cells. He heard the distant, distressed whining of the dog that made him ball his fists as he started to sprint down the long hall towards William. 

He skidded to halt Infront of the familiar glass cage, blue eyes frantically darting around the room. He opened the door and darted inside, slamming the bathroom door open to find it empty as well.  


Will wasn't there. His mysterious backpack was still on the ground along with dog who was looking up at Bucky with questioning eyes. There was no way William would leave his possessions and his dog behind if he were to flee. 

"FRIDAY, tell Steve to get off his ass, his brother is not where he's supposed to be."

════════ ⋆★⋆ ════════

William was glaring through the glass tube he was tossed into. His eyes jumping from one person to another as he tried to understand what everyone around him were up to. This was too chaotic, too much tech, too many computers, too many curious eyes peering at him as if he was a new animal in an empty zoo. He balled his fists, sinking his nails into the palms of his hands. The pain was a welcoming distraction to the familiar scenery.  

A pair of white coats he had never seen before were standing a feet from him, typing something into one of the tablets as numerous see-through screens hovered in front of William. The many pairs of eyes on him made him feel like he was a fish in a glass bowl. 

He had tried to punch his way out of the see-through tube but he hadn't even managed to scratch the surface. 

They had come to his cell prepared. 

Like always, Jazuat had come to him. She had stood there, a little out of place. Her nervousness was the first red flag that had made Will realize something was going to be different this time.  She had hid it well, that's why he had decided to pay her attention this time. When she usually encouraged emotions and socializing, she had been oddly cold and guarded. 

She had then explained to him that some people would come soon. But he had nothing to fear from them. He didn't believe that, when had anyone ever said anything truthful to him? 

They had come, they had entered the cell in silence. Jazuat had told them again and again to take things slow, to be considerate, to talk about what they were going to do. The way they were waving their guns in his face was anything but friendly.

William had stood in front of the dog protectively, snarling at them in a threatening manner to dare them to come any closer. To his terror and disappointment, they had dragged him away. But his mind was at peace when they left the dog behind and didn't even acknowledge her.  

That's how he had ended up in a tube that was in the middle of a room that was filled with scientists. He had spotted Jazuat having a heated argument with someone who didn't seem to have much care about her distress. 

"We need you to shift."

He jumped at the voice that came from a speaker that was attached into the tube-like cage. He glanced towards a man who was standing outside behind one of the desks, leaning against his knuckles as he lowered his head towards a mic. 

They wanted him to shift? The thought of shifting in front of a room filled with them made him feel sick. They wanted to study his mutation, wanted to see the monster he was capable of turning into. They would study and prod him, ask him to shift back and forth so many times that the exhaustion would end up pulling him under afterwards. They wouldn't rest until they had gotten answers to all of their questions, until they had seen what he was capable of, until they were sure they knew his limits. 

He made sure to stare straight into the man's eyes, letting him know he was aware that he was the head of the operation. Letting him know that from this moment on, he was William's primary target. He locked his eyes on him and let out an agitated snarl. 

He couldn't smell them though the tube, but he could tell the snarl had shaken him a little. Good, Will wasn't known for obeying everyone like a, well, saying like a dog seemed now a bit disrespectful towards Dog. 

"We are not leaving this room until you have shifted." 

He repeated himself into the mic again. Will was shaking, the anger in him ready to burst. People had stopped what they were doing, waiting for him to shift. Waiting for him to let them do their work. He couldn't, he was most vulnerable mid-shift. He knew that even in HYDRA after a while, they had given him his privacy before he needed to track someone down. 

So being in a glass bowl as an exhibit for random idiots with too much money and tech on their hands wasn't going to make him obey their every command. 

"Look, let's just get it over with so we can all go on with our day." 

Jazuat looked unimpressed, even angry which was a bit of a surprise. William still refused, go on with his day? Doing what? Sitting in another room, locked away with his dog? Yeah they can keep on dreaming. 

"I didn't want to do this, but we need to be on schedule so please just do as you're told."

Without another warning, the man pushed one of the buttons. A cold jolt ran through William, paralyzing him for a millisecond as his squinted eyes widened and he let out a breathless gasp at the uncomfortable sensation that was over as soon as it had come. He was dumbstruck, shaking his head to rid himself of the slight shock. 

They had used electricity, probably thinking that it would make him shift immediately.  Little did they know, this was nothing. So they better do their worst if they want any kind of results because William was not going to give in to these idiots. 

So, he braced himself, locking his gaze with that man again, clearly challenging him to bring it. He ignored Jazuat who was once again in a very heated argument with someone. He didn't care about her, nor was he worried about the dog. 

William had a new target at hand now. 


A quick update, I have a very busy week coming up so I can't write much sooo enjoy this one! 

Thanks for reading, let me know your thoughts and stay safe everyone!

- K

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