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Will had learned his name.

Daniel White, a head scientist placed to take over his case because apparently, Daniel was daring. More so than the others. Will knew people like him, could detect the familiar fire in his eyes.

He could almost smell the madness radiating off the man.

A guttural growl tore through his chest as his feet buckled under his weight once another zap of electricity ran through him. He squeezed his eyes shut, grinding his teeth as he forced himself to take a deep breath in and let it slowly out through his nose.

Daniel was an idiot. A fool who had been given expensive toys and a well-worded illusion that he'd be safe.

Little did Daniel know, no one was ever safe. Especially those around Will.

"Getting agitated yet?"

He asked impatiently, tapping his fingers against the table. He'd been doing that for awhile now, Will noted. He could hear the dull thumps, almost too quiet to catch in the container.

Didn't he understand? Didn't he realise just how dangerous Will's other form was if he succumbed to the blood lust?

He could somewhat control himself, but there were times where the instincts took over. Especially when he was in a close proximity to someone like Daniel White, a scientist walking on the edge without realizing it himself.

"Fine. You're used to playing rough, huh?"

Typical rookie. Getting agitated as soon as he smells his first big failure in the air.

"Sir? I'm not sure our protocol permits-"

"Quiet!" he barked, a yolt of satisfaction running through Will as he realized that Daniel White was probably not permitted to handle their prisoner like that. And by the looks of it, the little team was starting to realise that as well.

Will straightened himself, making eye contact with the man again. He nearly smirked. Daniel White was starting to panic.

The scientist looked away, sliding his hand through his hair.

"Where's Jazuat? Someone find the blasted woman now!" when nobody in the room moved, he barked the command out again, getting two people to scurry out.

Will was eager to see how that would play out.

He knew he would be in a shit load of pain when Daniel's panic-filled eyes landed on him. He didn't fear Daniel like he had feared the white coats back in HYDRA. He saw the man as a rookie dying to prove himself and earn a spot behind the big table. He mumbled something before pushing already a familiar button.

Pain coursed through Will's system, his mouth open in a silent scream as his body convulsed, his muscles aching from the strain. That was a familiar sensation.

The white ceiling changed, trapping him into a memory where he was underground, in a lab that had seen many deaths and horrors. In that lab, Williams life had been changed forever. The memory flickered before his eyes, one second he was there, the other he was back in the room with Danie White, the idiot.

But when he pushed the button again snd Daniel's face morphed into Arnim Zola, William felt an earl splitting howl leave his lips.

"Stop!" a familiar voice yelled, though as soon as he heard it he felt the familiar agitation towards the blond-haired man. The source of his pain disappeared but the electricity still hummed under his boiling skin. He forced his eyes shut, hoping it would snap him out of it.

He heard a heavy commotion outside, a few angry hisses, including a painful yelp when someone punched Daniel White in the face.

Daniel, Arnim?

"Well, you are quite a flawed hound. Nothing a little training won't fix." he could hear Zola's voice in his head, blending into hundreds of different conversations they've had. He was an echo in his mind.

When William felt the familiar, burning sensation rush over his hands he knew Daniel White had not failed like he thought he would.

"Shit, get everyone out! Will? Hey, Will, listen to me. It's okay, he won't hurt you anymore." Bucky said, his voice strong and grounding.

But Will didn't see him as a threat, didn't see him as someone of a higher status to tell him to calm down.
Bucky wasn't terrifying enough to chase away the onslaught of old memories that triggered the shift. Although his voice hardened and took an edge of a command, it wasn't enough to root him in his place.

Fur sprouted from Will's sweat-covered skin, his legs growing longer and knees popping as the bones shifted backwards in a disturbing crunch. His shoulders widened as his face morphed into the one of a wolf.

He wanted to cry out in shame and terror at what was happening to him. He was used to it, but he didn't want anyone to witness it. Even less the two people who were somehow connected to him.

“Easy, Will. It's alright. Steve, I think you should leave, too.”

“Hell no, I'm staying.”


“Don't. This is already my fault he's in there. I have to at least try and help him.”

This place was too small for him, too tight. He couldn't move. He couldn't move! Was this cryo again? Were they planning to put him under? Coming out of it was always such an uncomfortable process, the cold always made breathing so ragged and painful.

Will couldn't do this. He couldn't allow them to corrupt his mind again.

He balled his fist and rammed it into the glass, stunned when numerous cracks appeared on the surface. They hadn't been prepared, had underestimated him like he had misjudged them.

He heard cursing that was drowned out by a second blow.
He broke through the surface, but he felt the instincts kicking in when he detected two people in there with him.

“It's just us. No one else will get through that door until you're ready, alright? There is no danger here.”

The man said calmly, holding his hands up in surrender as he kept staring into William's crimson eyes. He was ready to bolt, obviously tense and wary of the towering wolfman before him.

It was the metal arm that prevented William from attacking, it was the Winter Soldier. He didn't know him personally, hadn't worked with him, but they were a part of the same organization. Were or had been? HYDRA wasn't in the picture anymore, or weren't they? Was this a test?

His mind became a dangerous place as it flickered between his humanity and instincts to kill. The lines blurring. Present and past started mixing together, making it hard to hold onto his current reality. It was Bucky and then it was not.

He grumbled in agitation, taking a step back to try and shake the memories from his head.

“You are not there.” Bucky said calmly, having caught up what his odd behaviour meant. He would know.

Will grunted and looked up, catching Steve's curious eyes from across the room. He was standing near the door quietly, his eyes slightly widening when he realized his crimson gaze was glaring at him.

“Will don't–”

He pushed Bucky aside as if he weighted nothing, his focus solely on Steve now who tucked as soon as William's fist went flying towards his head. The metal door behind him became dented immediately as he swiftly turned around, lowering his hands to rest on all fours.

If he was standing on his hind legs, he stood a little over 6'5feet. He could lower his hands and stay on all fours, he was way faster that way but when it came to a fight, it was useful to be taller than everyone else. His face resembled the one of a wolf, if not a bit more robust. His ears were sharp and covered in dark fur that ran down his muzzle. The inky colour that ran down his back to the tip of his tail turned a lighter shade of silver under his throat and arms.

He knew this wasn't the outcome HYDRA had hoped for. He was a failure, their experiments on him had been a huge disappointment and they didn't miss any chances to remind Will numerous times that he was a failed experiment.

They had been trying for decades to finish Project Fenrir. To turn a man into a gigantic wolf. The project never succeeded 100%, the last one to come out of this alive was Will.

Will charged towards Captain America, raising his hand to protect his face when the man tossed a table at him. He sliced his claws through the thin metal, easily breaking it as he kept moving towards him.

A heavy weight landed on him from his right, making him stumble left slightly as Bucky took a few steps back.

“Easy. Steve is not an enemy here.” he said carefully, going to stand next to the man who had taken a fighting stance.
He shook his fur out, straightening his back as he stared at them.

What did he mean by that? How wasn't he the enemy?

He took a step closer, not carying that it was the infamous Winter Soldier siding with Captain America.

“Stop growling and calm down.” he said with a cold voice, his eyes hard.

Williams anger boiled over, his vision tunneling as he snarled at them and despite doubt creeping in, the anxiousness and betrayal made him attack.

He was out for blood, furious at Steve and Bucky for standing with him. He couldn't reason with his feelings, couldn't really tell why he felt like that.

He snapped his teeth, swiping his claws at the man only to be stopped by the gleaming metal arm once more.

“William please, it's me. It's Steve. You know me.” he said, but it only made him angrier.

Steve, Steve, Steve...

They were both deflecting him, neither of them having any weapons to defend themselves. Bucky took most of the hits that were aimed towards Steve. They did push him away, trying to use anything they could get their hands on. Will couldn't use anything while he was like this, but he was a weapon himself.

The room was destroyed, the tech, computers and even the minimal furniture was shattered on the floor. Neither supersoldiers were sweating but Will could detect a busted lip and three long gashes on Steve's face.

Not enough blood had been spilled yet.

He threw Bucky across the room when he had tried to jump him.

And then it was only him and Steve who looked really shaken up. He had managed to hide it excellently.

When Will closed in, he dropped a part of the desk he had been holding out as a shield. Will halted, realizing Steve was dropping his weapons. He was acting like Bucky when he allowed Will to beat him up.

What was his angle?

“You know me. We grew up together, I don't– I don't understand yet what happened but you have to know how sorry I am, Will.” he said sincerely, looking up.

He didn't move, though his ear flickered back when he heard Bucky groaning behind him, crawling out of a debris that was made up of ceiling and pieces of computers. Steve continued.

“I'm not going to fight you. I don't even know if you'll remember this afterwards but please, I need to understand. I want to, I–, Will it's–” he stuttered, gesturing with his hands as if that would stop the tears that were pooling behind his baby blues.

“Fuck.” he cursed, wiping his hands over his eyes to get rid of the moisture.

“Can we just talk, Will? I've got so much to say, so much to, to–”

And then Steve did something that even Bucky didn't see coming.

He let out a sob, standing before the wolfman who was drinking up his every word and expression. Steve Rogers couldn't hold it back anymore, this was his brother who had been abused on his damn watch. He wouldn't leave it like this, he would make sure the man who ran that operation would never be heard of again.

But before he did that, he had to get his brother to calm down.

Will stepped closer, making Steve look up. He watched as Will lowered himself to become face to face with him, the crimson eyes flickering between his eyes as if he was searching for something, trying to see if he was lying. Steve didn't even blink as he stared at him back, refusing to look away from the unnerving gaze that seemed to look straight through him.

Slowly, he raised his hands, resting one perfectly curled claw on Steve's temple to slowly drag it down his chin. What an easy kill it would be.

He studied him, analyzing his face structure before a deadly realization dawned. Steve was the same person from his memories, hence the deep hatred.

But he had changed, could be mistaken for another man almost. It was the scent that had delivered the final blow and convinced him. Even though it was hidden under sandalwood and gun oil, the fresh smell of cinnamon and apples was still there. If it wasn't for the nose of a wolf, he wouldn't of had recognised it. But he knew it was that Steve. He remembered inhaling that scent when they had been sleeping on the same bed as kids when their parents didn't have enough money for two. He had smelled it when Steve had used one of his shirts to get warmth back into his bones during winter.

Steve smelled like the brother he used to know a long, long time ago.

He dropped his hands, eyes wide as he stared back at the baby blues.

Neither of them moved, just taking in each other.

But then the door creaked open, scarying William so bad that he jumped back with a threatening growl and suddenly, the enemy wasn't Bucky or Steve but the person invading his space.

“Wanda no!” was the last thing he heard before the walls of the room shattered, the ground underneath his feet disappeared and he was back in a memory that had been buried deep, deep down.


Not as long as the last two chapters, but it's something. Here's how I imagine Will, I blended these pictures together to make it easier to see what I'm talking about:

No, he isn't your average Twilight werewolf that we all like to imagine. But to me, this feels more realistic than big fluffy timber wolves when it comes to HYDRA.

Anyways, I realized I haven't much talked about William's wolfy side so I just wanted to clear that up.

How do we feel about Steve and Will's interaction?

Anyhow, here's the mentions of my lovely readers from last chapter:

sAlLyfAcE-, christy0800, macsfuckingworthless, Iustatia, _rubyack3rman_,
moreyrodriquez, TheFvckedFinger, Braxton_isdead, Holy_Water_123, Lovegoods_, -GossipGirls-, Confetti438, true____alpha, 1192LittleBean27, blueoatmeal, planetmoody, Withouthope7, _Anonymous_Rosetta, 1-800-EAT-BREAD

And all of my 👻 too 💚

Hope you enjoyed it, stay safe everyone! (Also, Realization has officially passed Oblivion on reads, votes and comments. )

- K

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