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2 weeks later

Since Raavi was home the family was doing a little better. Shiva was a little bit more healthier. He spent more time at home sitting beside Raavi. He wanted her to wake up. 

Raavi please 10 weeks have gone by. Please wake up Raavi, I cant live without you. Raavi I am sorry. He was breaking down. He was trying to have hope but as each day was passing he was losing hope. He started holding her hand. 

All of a sudden, he felt a movement. Raavi had squeezed his hand. Shiva immediately started freaking out. Nurse did you see that? She squeezed my hand? Shiva gained so much hope from this little movement. 

The nurse smiled and said yes this is a very good sign. Shiva called the entire family and they were all delighted.  The all felt hope after such a long time. The nurse then did a check up of raavi. 

This could have been her beginning stages of waking up or it could just be a one time movment. It is hard to say what her current stage is. If she does not make progress then there are very slim chances of her waking up again, she said sadly. 

The pandya's were very disappointed. They felt that pang of hope decline. No nurse do not say this Raavi has to wake up. She will wake up. She is a fighter. She has to wake up. everyone tried to console Shiva but it was hard when they themselves were losing hope. 

1 week later

Shiva took time off from working and spent all day with Raavi. He would talk to her with hope that she would wake up. 

A few moments later he felt Raavi holding his hand. He immediately freaked out and called everyone. The nurse came in and said that it is once again a very good sign. She sounded more hopeful that Raavi would wake up soon. The pandyas were beaming with joy. They had hope that their Raavi would be awake soon. 


Hey guys!

Thank you for the love for this story! 

This is kind of a short chapter but the next one will be exciting as Raavi will wake up.


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