Seeing her

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Shiva asked the doctor if he could see her. You can see her.
Gaumbi you should take everyone home I will come in sometime.
Mama and mami you guys should also go.
Prafulla did not want to go but jagat and Anita convinced her.
Shiva then went to Raavis and saw her on the bed. Seeing her in TJIS condition made him breakdown.
I know I always used to get annoyed when you talk. But now I can't stand your silence. Please wake up raavi. I am sorry for everything. I have been a horrible husband to you. Infact I have always been terrible to you. I have hated you since childhood just for being related to mami. I have always treated you unfairly. I have insulted you. I am sorry Raavi. These are words I never say to someone, I am saying this to you because I have really screwed up. I am sorry Raavi. Please please wake up. I want a chance to make this up to you.  Shiva was weeping and holding Raavi's hand. 

Raavi could hear everything Shiva was saying. She wanted to hold is hand and feel his presence but she could not move. 

~2 months later~

Every day the Pandya family would pray that Raavi would wake up. Each morning they woke up with a new hope. They would each visit her in turns. They would all talk to her. 

The house had lost its charm. Time was moving but the Pandya's life had frozen. Krish had stopped making one liners. Everyone was completely serious. The conversations at the dinner table stopped. 

Meanwhile at the Narayan house Prafulla health was deteriorating due to Raavi's condition. Anita and Prafulla had stopped their plots and taunts. They prayed and prayed that their Raavi would be alright. They realized that they had done wrong. They made a promise to god  that they would be good people, if they woke Raavi up from her coma. 

Shiva had lost so much weight. He was barely living. Each morning as soon as visitor hours would start, he would be spending time with Raavi. He would talk to her about everything around her. He would beg her to wake up. He would apologize everyday. Then, he would spend the rest of the day working late. Then right before visiting hours would close, he would sit again with Raavi. Shiva had lost his charm. He stopped getting angry. He just worked and visited Raavi. 

Raavi loved hearing Shiva talk and wished she could hold his hand. She felt so safe when he was around her. She wanted to wake up but her body did not support her. 

Shiva asked the doctors if they could move Raavi home. The doctors agreed has her condition was stable. They kept a 24/7 nurse with them. 

Raavi was moved home. Shiva whispered to her: look I brought you back home. Please wake up Raavi. 


Hey guys! 

Here is another chapter! 

I hope you liked it!


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