Realize (34)

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Dedicated to my new found friend! :D x


Peter exhaustedly told Karl, Brian, and Todd what had happened that night. After hearing the story, the boys couldn't help but laugh their heads off.

Peter scowled at them. It was the first time for his plan to backfire, making him really pissed him off.

Although, he remembered that Maxine was entirely convinced that he was Madam Merlinessa. Kim was slightly suspicious, though. She only started believing him when he mentioned something about Kim’s past that he knew.

Jen was the only one that knew Madam Merlinessa was Peter. She was so strange. But he was quite thankful that that night, when they returned from the cottage, Jen acted as though nothing unusual happened.

The boys continuously laughed at him as he removed the last bit of makeup on his face. When he went out of the bathroom, the boys were still snickering.

“Don’t ever mention what I did to anybody,” growled Peter threateningly.

“Yeah, we’ll take it to the grave,” chuckled Brian skeptically.

“Of course,” grinned Karl.

“Whatever,” muttered Todd, still chortling.

“Todd!” cried Peter desperately. “This is serious.”

“Okay, okay,” said Todd through his chuckles.

“So what’s your plan now, Karl?” asked Peter suddenly. He did the trick. They stopped laughing and looked at Karl.

Since they failed to know how Jen felt for Karl, what was his next move?

“I’ll just continue with what I was planning from the start,” decided Karl, looking on the floor. “Even though it has the possibility of ruining our friendship . . . I’d rather risk it than wonder for a long time what would’ve happened if I did ask her out.”

“That’s absolutely true,” agreed Peter, grinning broadly.

“Go for it,” encouraged Brian. “When will you tell her?”

Karl didn't answer Brian's question for a long while. He looked like he was arguing with himself whether he should tell Jen sooner rather than later.

“New Year’s Eve, I think,” murmured Karl thoughtfully.

Todd smiled to himself, remembering what happened last Christmas Eve. He had yet to tell Brian what happened, planning to open up to his best friend after the Holidays.

He suddenly stood up and walked toward the door with the other boys staring at him at his abrupt movement. He stopped when he reached the doorway and looked over his shoulder.

“I have a feeling that it’ll turn out well, Karl,” said Todd, before continuing with walking away. “I’ll just take a bath,” he called after them.

Todd went straight to his room; he took off his shirt and opened the bathroom door. After taking one step inside, he froze.

Someone was inside the bathroom.

This was probable because every two rooms share the same bathroom in the house they were staying at. And he just remembered that he shared this bathroom with Maxine.

He froze because the bathroom was filled with steam. Obviously, someone opened the hot water causing it to be foggy. Then, he saw a figure. It wasn't very clear. He tried to make out the figure, but before he could, Maxine turned her head and saw Todd looking at her.

Maxine's eyes turned very round, clearly horrified.

Todd could feel the heat creep up to his face.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

It all happened so fast after that.

Maxine grabbed her towel and covered herself with one hand, while the free hand picked up the first thing it touched and threw it hard at Todd.

He, on the other hand, turned around to leave but he wasn't fast enough to save himself from getting hit by the thing. It hit him hard on the back of his head. But he didn't mind. Not really. All he knew was that he had to leave that room as quickly as possible.

He immediately went down to go to the living room. All of a sudden, he met the gang by the stairs. They all wore panicked expressions, but he chose to ignore them. He had to go as far away from Maxine.

“What happened?”

“Who screamed?”

“Why are you so red?”

“Is anything wrong?”

“Did something happened between you and Maxine?”

Todd felt his face, if it was possible, grew hotter. He ignored their questions and silently sat on the couch in the living room. He wasn't aware of his surroundings. He was still in shock of what he saw.

I just saw . . . No way . . . Whoa. I just saw her . . . Am I dreaming? Did I really see her like that? thought Todd.

His mind was on overdrive. He was hardly aware that Brian was shaking him; that Kim went to get Maxine; that Jen, Karl, and Peter were staring at him looking very concerned; and that someone just came in the room crying.

“Todd. Todd. TODD!”

Todd's head snapped up. He then realized that he was in the living room. He looked around and saw the gang staring at him — except for Maxine who was looking outside the window. She was completely dressed, tears were dwelling from her eyes; her lips were trembling with anger.

Todd looked at Brian who called his name.

“What?” asked Todd hoarsely.

“You’re a pervert, that’s what!” spat Maxine angrily, glaring at him.

Todd coldly looked at her. “I didn’t ask to see you naked!” he snapped. He didn't like being called a pervert when he obviously wasn't.

Maxine blushed furiously. Kim and Jen gasped. Brian’s jaw dropped. Karl’s mouth fell completely open. Peter sniggered.

“That’s it?” queried Peter in disbelief, sniggering. “That’s what this fuss is all about?” He laughed out loud.

“There is nothing amusing about it!” shouted Maxine heatedly.

Peter stopped laughing when others shot him glares.

“You!” snarled Maxine at Todd. “How dare you come in the bathroom when you perfectly know that I was in there?!”

“I had no idea you were there!” defended Todd truthfully. “You saw the shock on my face when I saw you!”


“Then stop accusing me when it’s you that didn’t lock the damn door!” said Todd loudly as he got to his feet.

“YOU SHOULD’VE KNOCKED!” yelled Maxine, her fist clenching.

“And why should I?” demanded Todd. “It’s my room’s bathroom!”

“Well — IT’S MINE, TOO!” cried Maxine.

“It’s like I said,” said Todd, his brows furrowed, “you should’ve locked the door!”

“HOW —“

“Can you guys stop fighting already?” piped in Kim exasperatedly. She turned to Todd and said, “Todd, apologize to Maxine — Now!

Todd looked at Kim as though she was out of her mind.

“Why the hell should I apologize?” he said incredulously. “It’s not my fault if she’s stupid enough not to lock the door.”

“There’s no need to treat me like an idiot!” hissed Maxine, glaring at Todd.

“As if you’re not one,” retorted Todd coldly.

“You know what?” said Maxine, looking completely pissed off at Todd and taking a step forward. “The truth is, you were happy to see me naked!”

“Why on earth should I be happy about it?” demanded Todd. The words then slipped out before he could stop himself. “It’s nothing but an eyesore!”

Maxine blinked. She opened her mouth to say something, but decided to close it instead. Her eyes were streaming with tears again.

She wanted to cry and cry and cry . . .

But she didn't want to cry in front of Todd. She didn't want to show him that she was weak, that his words hurt her so bad . . .

She hated him so much for saying that. But she hated herself more for liking him, or even falling for him. She wanted to slap him in the face but she couldn't bring herself to do so.

“Maxine,” breathed Todd, looking regretful. “I didn’t —“

“No, you’re right,” interrupted Maxine quietly, her voice shaking. “I — I just — I’m just going outside for a bit of fresh air,” she added to the others, trying to smile. She quickly left the room and the gang heard the door slam.

“I’m gonna go after her,” declared Kim as she walked out of the room, followed quickly by Jen.

Todd sat on the couch and buried his face in his hands.

He was so stupid to say it. What was he thinking, saying those harsh words? He didn't mean it. He just said it without clearly thinking. His temper got better of him. He hated himself for saying those words to Maxine. He wanted to punch himself so hard many times over and over again.

She didn't deserve it.

He felt someone sat beside him. But he didn’t bother to see who it was.

“You shouldn’t have said that,” murmured Brian seriously.

“I know,” sighed Todd in a muffled voice, for he was still burying his face in his hands. “It just slipped. I didn’t mean to — I was just — Ugh.”

“That was pretty cruel,” mumbled Karl anxiously.

“I know,” repeated Todd behind his hands.

“That wasn’t cool, man,” said Peter grimly.

“I know,” Todd exasperatedly said again, finally removing his hands from his face and looking at the three boys. “Do you think I wanted to say that? Do you think I didn’t regret saying it? Do you actually think that I have the nerve to hurt her now that I’m infatuated with her?”

Brian, Karl, and Peter stared at him – their jaws dropped.

Todd finally admitted it. He finally said it. He finally accepted the fact that he was infatuated with Maxine.

“You — You finally said it, dude,” laughed Brian. “I’m proud of you!”

“What did I say?” asked Todd, looking bemused.

“How you feel for Maxine,” answered Peter lightly. “You just said that you’re infatuated with her.”

“Yeah,” beamed Karl. “You even said that you don’t have the nerve to hurt her.”

“I said that?” said Todd in an are-you-kidding-me voice, trying to recall what exactly he had said. And as if a light bulb that flickered, he remembered.

He did say it. It was strange how he couldn't remember intending to say it. So was it possible that it was in the back of his mind all along, just waiting to come out? If so, how long had it been staying there? It was scary to think how long because the longer it was, the more idiotic and dense he had been for a while. And he didn't quite like the idea of himself being stupid.

But the more he thought about it, the more the idea of having feelings for Maxine felt possible . . . and real – especially when he thought about all those times he took care of her, wanting to see her smile and enjoying her funny irritated face. Not to mention, those times when he felt absolutely jealous beyond belief of other guys that were pursuing her. He wanted her all to himself.

So the reason to all of that . . . was because he had feelings for her.

“Oh,” he mumbled, more to himself.

“Yeah,” nodded Brian, Peter, and Karl at the same time.

“We even noticed you wearing your fake wedding ring around your neck,” commented Brian, waggling his eyebrows.

Todd looked at him with a raised eyebrow, but Brian only grinned.

“Man,” breathed Todd, laying his back on the couch and staring at the ceiling. “What should I do?”

“You know,” said Brian, “it’s really weird hearing you say those words.”

“Yeah,” agreed Peter, chuckling. “It’s like hearing Coward Chris say ‘I’m fearless!’ or something.”

“Mm-hm,” hummed Karl, grinning broadly. “Generally, you know what to do. But now when it comes to Maxine, you don’t know what to do.”

“I was asking you,” began Todd, a bit coolly, “about what I should do. I didn’t say comment on my behavior or the way I’m thinking when it comes to her.”

“Okay.” Brian looked serious again. “I say, you go after her.”

“But —”


The back door slammed opened. Kim came in the room, looking furious. Jen was behind her, but she was calm unlike Kim. Karl and Peter exchanged worried looks, while Brian looked wary. Todd suddenly appeared indifferent.

“TODD!” thundered Kim, unusually enraged.

“What?” asked Todd calmly.

“Don’t you act as if nothing’s wrong!” scolded Kim, scowling at him. “Why did you have to say that to Maxine?!”

“Kim —” began Todd.

“Do you have the faintest idea how it affected her?” Kim rounded on Todd. “That was really insensitive of you!”

“She’s down in the dumps,” informed Jen vaguely.

“She’s absolutely miserable,” added Kim. She went by the window, turned her back to Todd, and closed her eyes. “I couldn't have imagined that you could say that to her,” she continued a little calmer, through gritted teeth.

“Kim,” said Brian.

“That was quite not like you,” Kim went on. “You would go below the belt like that only if you really hate that person. You can’t possibly hate Maxine because —”

“Kim!” called Brian loudly.

Kim blinked, turning to look at Brian as though she had just seen him.

“Todd’s not here anymore,” said Brian, nodding towards the opened back door.


This is poorly edited - and a bit dramatic. Sorry. Anyhow, TODD FINALLY REACHED THE TITLE!! If you get what I mean. LOL!

Random: Don't you just hate it when you reply to a text message, but they're the ones who doesn't reply to your reply? -_- 

Upload: I upload on weekends. ^_^ (Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love you, tomorrow~)

 PLEASE FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER!! We can talk there, since I'm always online there due to my phone having the Twitter App. ;) >> @LouisseCarreon

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