Realize (35)

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Maxine was at the place where she found the blue rock.

She cried her eyes out with Kim and Jen. She was quite glad she had them for friends, but she needed to be alone. She wanted to think peacefully and to cry freely. She was mostly grateful when Jen knew that and managed to convince Kim to let Maxine be alone, though Kim was a bit hesitant.

Now, Maxine was sitting curled up in the sand – crying in her hands.

She couldn't get rid of Todd’s face in her mind. She wanted to forget him. She wanted to forget that she even met him. She couldn't put up with the way he treated her, with the way he talked to her, and with the way he acted around her.

He’s right, thought Maxine. I’m an idiot. I’m foolish to fall for him. I want to hit myself hard to wake myself from this stupid, unbearable feeling I have for him. He’d gone too far. . . . Too fudging far . . . What was I thinking, hoping to be liked by someone as cold-blooded as he is? Although, he’s not like that these last few days . . . It doesn't matter. I feel mortified! I'm better without this intolerable feeling.

“Argh,” grunted Maxine in a muffled voice. “Curse this feeling.”

She was tired of feeling this way. Why did she had to realize her feelings for him? Why did it have to be him? Why couldn't it just be someone like Josh?

A shaky sigh escaped her lips. Why did it have to be so hard?

. . .

After what felt like ages of crying, Maxine finally calmed down. Her face was undeniably wet from crying, while her eyes were swollen. She put her hand in her pocket, hoping to find a handkerchief. But to her disappointment, she didn't find any.

She looked up in frustration, only to see a handkerchief laid out for her. She took it without checking to see who it came from and mumbled a quiet “Thank you” to the kind person, as she wiped her tears.

“You’re welcome,” said the unmistakably voice of Todd Samuels.

She froze for a moment. When she regained her composure, she quickly turned to her side and saw Todd sitting beside her. He was looking at her with a concerned expression on his face. She wanted to shove the handkerchief back to him but it was already wet, for she used it already.

“Are you okay?” he asked quietly, noticing her puffy red eyes. He wanted to add the she still looked pretty despite her runny rose, but decided otherwise.

She didn't answer him right away. She took her time looking at the moon before saying quietly, “It’s none of your business.”

“You know,” he said, trying to be calm by pressing his lips together, “I really hate it when you say that.”


“You’re making me feel like I don’t care.”

“Do you?” she snorted, determined not to look at him.

“Why not?”

“Why should you care?”

Todd sighed. “That’s not the point,” he told her patiently. “I came here to apologize. Please stop distracting me.” He waited for a moment. When Maxine didn't reply, he continued, “I was stupid to say that” (Maxine snorted) “and I deeply regret what I've done. I didn’t mean it. It just —“

“Someone told me,” she interrupted, “that you always mean what you say.”

“I’m only human,” he shrugged, looking up at the night sky. “I make mistakes, too. And that was one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made.”

She then turned to look at him. And as though sensing that she was looking at him, Todd's eyes met Maxine's – brown meeting blue. It was the first time she'd ever seen him look that sincere and sorry. He even looked slightly . . . vulnerable, if that was possible.

“Look,” sighed Todd, “the bathroom was foggy and blurred. The best I saw were shapes and figure. Don’t worry, I didn’t see you clearly.” He paused, not breaking eye contact. “I’m sorry for going below the belt. Really, I didn’t mean to. I'm so sorry, Maxine.”

Maxine remained quiet. Those were the most sincere words she had ever heard from Todd. It was funny how, from just hearing him say that, it lifted her pain away. It was as if all the hurt that she felt just a while ago were a mere blurry dream.

“If you want, I'm allowing you to hit me if that’s the only way to release the anger and rage you’re feeling for me right now,” he added truthfully.

He was willing to hurt himself than to see Maxine hurt. He would gladly take the pain away from her. He didn't think it was possible to get to the stage that seeing her cry was probably the most painful sight for him.

He was definitely whipped.

Tears stopped falling from Maxine's eyes after hearing Todd say that she could hit him. She couldn't help but smile at that. Though, she was certain that she was the one that was going to end up hurting because there was no doubt that he had hard shoulders.

How silly, she thought fondly. Just moments ago, I was cursing my feelings for him. But now, I was beginning to be glad that he's the one that I fell for.

She was pleased to have a friend like him, even if that was the least they could be. She couldn't ask for more. It was really more than enough.

She couldn't find her voice to tell Todd that it was okay, so she just nodded. She didn't want to let him know that he was forgiven, though — even if he already was.

When Todd saw Maxine nod, he understood and smiled. He doubted whether she saw the grin because she already looked away.

He wondered what made her believe him — not that he was lying, of course. It was just that . . . he expected to be there all night convincing her.

But he was wrong.

Maxine surprised him again.

As she always did.

“Don't think I won't punch you, though,” she told him seriously. “I'm just not in the mood at the moment.”

Todd burst out laughing, after seeing her serious expression. She slowly faced him, raising an eyebrow.

“I'm serious,” she said indignantly.

He nodded, still laughing. “I know. That's what makes it more hilarious.”

Maxine's lips twitched, daring to stretch into a smile. She rolled her eyes, and returned her eyes towards the sea.

“Whatever, Samuels.”

And in that moment, they both knew that everything was back to normal.



Nah, I'm just kidding. Hahaha! I only checked if I could pull off the same joke twice. XD

For those asking if the end is near... Not to worry my dears, the end is NOT near! *evil laugh* Todd and Maxine still got a long way to go. Maybe this story has around 50 chapters. ;)

Upload: I upload on weekends. ^_^ (usually)

PLEASE FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER!! We can talk there, since I'm always online there due to my phone having the Twitter App. ;) >> @LouisseCarreon

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