Realize (36)

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WARNING: Barely edited chapter due to stress and tiredness. In my defense, I wrote this when I was fourteen. That's why I've been editing this before posting here. I'm sure you can see the difference if you've read the earlier chapters or if you've read my other works/stories. You can see how big of an improvement I've made. Hence, this chapter is hardly revised. So this is technically done by the 14-year-old me, who is not quite good at constructing sentences for a novel yet.


It was like nothing happened the night before. Things immediately turned back to normal. The only difference now was that Todd and Maxine were a tiny bit nicer to each other. They were still bickering about little things, though.

See, Todd liked having Maxine being outsmarted by him. Her annoyed face was always worth it for him. But he was now more than careful with his words around her. He didn't want to upset her like last night. He could admit that that was way below the belt.

None of the gang mentioned the event of last night. They all just stopped thinking about it — except for the part when Todd said what he truly felt for Maxine.

If truth be told, Todd was pleased that none of the guys told the girls about it. Although, Kim and Jen already knew even before Todd admitted it to himself.

The day passed adventurously. The gang went to sail on Peter’s yacht. The guys went skiing and the girls went sun bathing. By the afternoon, they all went scuba-diving. And at night, they stayed in the living room to exchange stories.

Maxine hardly shared any stories. Her life was uneventful until she transferred to Sky. It was Karl and Peter who kept talking and entertaining the gang with their past pranks that were always remarkable and well done.

In the middle of the talk, Jen unexpectedly asked why Peter was a ladies’ man. The gang then turned to him. They have never asked Peter this question once — or even wondered. So they looked eagerly at him, waiting for his answer.

Peter turned quiet. Feeling his best friend's uneasiness, Karl instantly changed the topic. Peter, cottoning on, talked more enthusiastically about something different.

The others figured that the reason might better be well forgotten, so they didn't urge him for information. Peter would tell them when he was ready.

New Year’s Eve came, and it made Karl anxious. It was the day that he'd finally tell Jen how he felt for her.

“You can do it,” said Brian.

“Yeah,” agreed Peter. “Just close your eyes, take a deep breath, and say what you have to say.”

Todd looked at Karl and said, “It will turn out fine.”

The gang decided that their little celebration for New Year will start at Eleven o’clock that evening in the beach house. So Karl asked Jen to have a stroll around the beach that sunset. And by the time they decided to go back, it was already twilight.

Karl and Jen were walking down the beach with no one around. It seemed that the people went to their cabin or cottages for their own party.

Karl smirked as Jen pouted.

“So — Obviously, I won the bet,” he said gleefully. “You clearly saw that man fell off his surf board.”

“I’m sorry, what was the bet again?” she asked, forgetting what the consequence of the loser was.

“You would embrace me if I win,” he simply answered. He skipped a step and stopped in front of her, blocking her way. He stretched his arms wide, like a welcoming hug. “Here you go. You can embrace me now,” he added, grinning.

“No thanks,” she said hesitantly. “I’d rather not in public.”

“No one’s around,” he told her, as he looked around. When his eyes returned to hers, he groaned. “C’mon, my arms are wearing out. You have to do that bet, you know. It’s better to do it now than in front of the gang.”

She considered that. He was absolutely right. Better now, than later with an audience. Slowly, she walked closer to him. She took her time raising her arms, while Karl closed his eyes.

The moment she hugs me, I’ll hug her and tell he on the spot, he thought. I’ve got nothing to lose. . . .

Except your friendship, said a small voice in his mind.

I’m willing to risk it than regret not telling her later, he thought back.

Why would you risk something as precious as that? said the small voice.

Just shut it. I’m already nervous without you saying that, he thought.

Jen’s heart beat was accelerating. She finally managed to hug him. All of a sudden, his arms went around her to return the embrace. She was stunned, but she closed her eyes and felt his warm body against hers.

To her great surprise, he touched his lips on her ears.

“Jen,” he murmured, “you’re the one.”

She felt him pull away. She opened her eyes and saw him looking into her eyes, seeing something beyond it.

Without any explanation at all, Karl fell backward on the ground – maybe his knees buckled. He sat up and looked at Jen. She was still standing where she was, looking at Karl with a blank face.

“I don’t wanna mess up our friendship,” he began, looking at Jen’s feet on the sand. “It’s very important for me. I truly want to ask you out, but I just —“

“So ask me,” she cut off in her dreamy voice.

Karl blinked. Did he hear right . . . ?

“Could you repeat that?” he asked, looking up at Jen.

“I said . . .” she began, kneeling down so that she was in level with Karl, “. . . ask me.”

He was flabbergasted. His mouth fell open, but he rapidly closed it again. He stared at her more intently. He took deep breaths until he was sure he found his voice.

“Jen, will you . . .” He nervously leaned closer to her, so that the words came as a whisper as though not to disturb the night. “Will you go out with me?”

They were the tensest few seconds of Karl’s life. He didn't know what to do and he didn't know what to expect. Would he get rejected? Or would Jen agree and have dates with him? If he got rejected, he sincerely hoped their friendship wouldn't be extinguished.

Eventually, she warmly smiled. She leaned her face close to Karl's, making their noses only an inch away from each other.

“I’d love to.”

Those were the most beautiful words that Karl had ever heard. It was like melody to his ears. He suddenly felt like he was the happiest guy in the world as he grinned broadly as if nothing could possibly make him gloomy throughout the ear.

Karl and Jen told the gang that night that they were officially dating when they got back. The gang cheered loudly and congratulated them both.

“That’s nice, dude!” exclaimed Peter, patting Karl on the back.

“And if you don’t make a move on someone,” Brian whispered to Peter, “you’ll end up being alone.”

“Dude, I always make a move,” snorted Peter.

“What I mean is, make a commitment to a girl,” explained Brian.

“Why would I do that?” demanded Peter, looking at Brian as if he lost his mind. “Do I look stupid? It would just lessen the fun.”

“Don’t you think that it’s time to mature about things?”

“We’re in high school, man,” Peter pointed out. “We’ve still got a long way to go. Hell, we still have senior year to worry about.”

Brian shrugged and let it go. Getting Peter to commit was difficult, especially when he got a different mindset.

The gang waited by the back porch for the New Year, with wine in their hands and the cold breeze embracing them . . . Sharing the laughter and friendship that lasts for a very long time . . . Knowing that they will have each other and cherish one another . . . Treasuring the moment . . . Forgetting the dilemma now, and worry about them tomorrow. . . .


“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” shouted Brian.

“Happy New Year!” said Kim.

“A blissful New Year to all of us!” beamed Jen.

“To another fun year!” exclaimed Peter, holding up his glass for a toast. Brian, Kim, and Jen held up their glasses, too.

“And another eventful one,” added Karl, holding up his glass.

“Cheers!” said Maxine, raising hers.

“Yeah, cheers,” grinned Todd, joining the toast.

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