14: Confirmation

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Mark's POV

I raced towards the village, but had a bad feeling about leaving Matt behind. I know he told me it was okay, but it wasn't. I needed to get to Pat as soon as possible. I ran into the village to find Pat talking with some of the ewoks. I ran up to him, but some of the ewoks speared me in the stomach again. I growled at them, which they returned. I looked to Pat. "Pat, I need your help. Matt and I found something on the planet, and Matt is out there with it."

He looked at me, concerned. "What is it?"

"I don't know, exactly, but it's a sith. Matt told me there's an old legend about it. We need your help, both you and Jen." I said.

"Jen?" Pat asked. "I haven't seen Jen since last night. She was up before me this morning, but none of the ewoks have seen her at all."

I frowned. "Jen isn't here?" Pat shook his head. I began fearing the worst, but dared not say it aloud until confirmed. "We need your help, Pat. Matt is out there, and maybe even Jen too."

Pat nodded. "Should I assemble a team?"

I shook my head back at him. "No. As much as they annoy me, we shouldn't put any of the ewoks in danger."

Pat turned to an ewok, talking to it in Ewokese. I assumed he was telling it what was going on. I waited anxiously for him to finish his conversation with the ewok, who seemed a bit unhappy about the situation. When Pat finally finished, I turned. "This way." I stated, taking off. He caught up to me quickly and we ran beside one another, both troubled. I knew Pat was extremely worried about Jen due to his body language. He seemed tense and determined. I'm not sure if he was afraid, but if he was, he was good at hiding it.

When we arrived back where Matt and I were before, we saw Matt lying on the ground. He seemed to be unconscious, and a piece of paper was lying on his chest. Pat and I kneeled next to Matt, and I took the piece of paper, while Pat checked Matt's condition.

"He's alive and doesn't seem to be physically injured." Pat told me after a moment. "What does the paper say?"

I shook my head. My fears had been confirmed.

I knew I shouldn't have left Matt alone.

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