17: Caught

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Amy's POV

I woke up one night to the sounds of crashing. Springing up from my makeshift bed, I looked out the window of my small hut, only to see a ship crash near the ewok village. I was about to go back to bed before I saw another ship crash, this time a smaller one, just east of the first crash. I hoped they were okay, whoever they were. I decided to wait until the next day to set out. That way, I would reach the ships after the ewoks were finished finding survivors. I went back to bed, thinking about what I could salvage from those ships, especially the bigger one.

I could finish my makeshift speeder!


The next morning, I was excited to get up, ready to salvage. I knew I had to be patient, so I made myself some breakfast. Walking out to my private garden, I picked some greens for a small salad. There wasn't much else to eat here on Endor, but it sure was fertile soil. I took my time, also eating slowly, trying to calm myself. I knew what happened when I got excited, and didn't like it. It was scary when things around me started floating.

I pushed the thought aside and walked to my closet, opening the door. I changed into trekking gear, and decided now would be a good time to set out, considering I'd be walking. I grabbed a huge bag to put parts in, should I salvage them, and slung it over my shoulder. Grabbing a few more essential things before setting out on my trek, I noticed the bowl I'd eaten out of just an hour ago had begun to float. I took a few deep breaths and calmed myself down, in which the bowl set itself back on the table. I didn't know what kind of witchcraft it was, but it frightened me.

After hours of walking, I finally reached the first ship. The smaller ship had landed closer to my hut, so I figured I should visit it first. Looking inside, I found nobody, so I assumed that the ewoks had already taken any survivors hostage. I examined the ship, which seemed to be an escape pod. Suddenly, I saw something that made me stop in my tracks.

An Imperial logo.

I took a deep breath to calm myself. Imperials scared me, considering they were the ones who wiped out the jedi in the first place. I decided to venture inside nevertheless, quickly scanning the small pod for anything I could salvage and use again.

Nothing. The pod was too beat up. I sighed in disappointment and quickly left the pod, setting out for the direction of the large ship. After a short while of walking, I reached the large ship. It looked like one belonging to a bounty hunter or smuggler of sorts. It didn't seem as beat up as the pod, but it had some damage nevertheless. Some of the dents and scratches looked older, which made sense if it was a bounty hunter's ship. Walking inside, I found it to have pretty good hardware from the start. With a smile, I began pulling wires and different parts I needed, and stuffed them into my bag.

I finally reached the control center of the ship. The windshield was intact, as were most of the controls. I had almost a full bag and a smile on my face, but just as I reached out to begin salvaging the dash, I heard voices coming from the ship. The voices belonged to two men, so naturally I hid, situating my bag next to me, falling silent as the men entered the room. They were talking, but suddenly stopped. One was taller than the other, but only by a few inches. He was about six feet tall, while the shorter man was about 5 feet 10 inches. The taller man had brown hair with bluish eyes. The shorter, who was just a bit taller than myself, had black hair with chestnut eyes. The taller man looked around suspiciously, while the shorter man just looked confused.

Then, the taller man spoke out. "Show yourself."

I stayed completely still, holding my breath. There was no way he knew where I was, and I knew it. The shorter of the men asked what was going on. The taller man answered him. "I can sense someone here." The shorter man looked around, then walked calmly to where I was hiding. I began to panic, not sure what would happen to me. I made a split-second decision when he opened the panel, deciding to bolt. Unfortunately, the shorter man was too fast and grabbed the collar of my shirt, pulling me back before I could get far.

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