18: Plans

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Matt's POV

I woke up with a massive headache. Putting a hand to my head, I scrunched my eyes closed. I heard a voice beside me. "Matt, are you okay?" I opened my eyes to find both Pat and Mark beside me, along with a few ewok nurses. I sat up, groaning slightly. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"What happened?" Mark asked me.

I tried to remember. "He got me." I stated after a moment with a sigh.

"He has Jen too." Pat said. I whipped my head to him.

"What?!" I said frantically, hoping I didn't just hear that.

"Matt, when we found you passed out, there was a note on your chest. It had a detailed drawing of Jen on it, with words on the back. They said, 'She's mine now, Patrick.'" Mark said sadly. I sighed and dwelled on the thought. I needed help. Someone else who can harness the force. After a moment of thinking, I turned to Mark. "How intact was your ship when you crashed?"

Mark shrugged. "It didn't look too bad on the outside."

I nodded. "Then we're setting out on a trek." I got up from the bed I was in and walked outside, hoping Mark would follow. Sure enough, Mark followed me, a confused look on his face. I noticed he does that a lot. I don't think he's dumb, just confused by me. In fact, he's proven to be quite smart. I do think sometimes I retain too much information, which is no surprise, as I've been an undercover officer for years now. I made a mental note to explain my ideas better when around others.

"We're going to your ship to see if there are working communicators. I'll need help if we're to get rid of Dark." Mark nodded in understanding and we set off immediately. We left Pat behind in case Jen returned, telling him to be wary of his surroundings.

Once we were some ways into the forest, I began explaining. "Dark is a very powerful being. Using all my energy and force power on something that will not prevail would be useless. I remember an old jedi method for weakening spirits like this, but I cannot do it alone." We helped one another over a few fallen trees.

"So, you need someone else's help. Someone who can use the force?" Mark inquired. I nodded as we jumped across a small stream of water. He almost fell backwards into it, but I caught his wrist just in time.

"Yes, and I'm sure I can find one if I contact Leia." I said as we continued.

"Leia... The princess from Alderaan?" He asked.

"Yes, she's a war general now. If there's a working communicator in your ship, I'll call her for help." I told Mark. He nodded, then we walked in silence until we arrived at his ship. He seemed saddened by the sight of his crashed ship, but we pushed on. The inside of his ship was clean, for a smuggler. Mark looked around, then quickly walked over to wires that seemed to be pulled out of their sockets. He examined it, seemingly in anger and disgust.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Someone pulled the wires out. This wasn't from the crash." He told me. "There's missing pieces everywhere." He stated, looking around.

"Let's keep going. Maybe we'll find the thief." I said, pushing forward through the ship. He sighed, but followed me nevertheless. I kept my senses sharp, looking out for intruders. Walking into the bridge, Mark began telling me about where the communicators were and how "finnicky" his ship was. I rolled my eyes, then looked around. It was a smuggler's ship alright. Some of the hidden compartments were out in the open because of the crash. I closed my eyes and used my senses, looking for life forms. I felt Mark, feeling his every move through the force. I also felt someone else. It was hard to tell, but I was sure they were there. They were completely still, most likely hiding from us. If it wasn't for the subtle movement of their breathing, I wouldn't have detected them. I opened my eyes to find Mark standing in front of me. "Are you okay, Matt?" I nodded, then looked around. "What is it?" he asked.

I spoke out, to anyone who may have been listening. "Show yourself."

"What's going on?" Mark asked, obviously concerned.

"I can sense someone here." I told him. Mark looked around, then went to check a panel, one that was covered. Smart, as most or all of them were uncovered from the crash. I watched calmly, knowing there was a high probability there was someone in there, perhaps the thief.

Mark opened the panel, in which a person sprang out. It seemed to be a girl, around twenty-eight years old. She had tried to run, but Mark grabbed the collar of her shirt before she could get away, pulling her back and restraining her arms behind her. There was something special about her, I could sense it.

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